*EXPLOIT* Sup builds doing 150 solo

So hardcore has now 2 Zdps builds doing a 150 solo necro and barb.
Similar to season 19 where people were bringing stacks back into GR.
So are blizzard going to do a direct ban to stop this exploit or is this season of cheating solo150 working as intended?
I’m sure others have posted about this and I just wanted to point out why almost everyone got bored of this season :rofl:

Edit: there are also 2 zbarbs in softcore seasonal who have done 150solo aswell

Not an exploit. The snowball does enough damage to generate a few stacks.


But how can they kill enough, even with season theme?

The snow ball effect. Start with a small stack and build your way up. Pray to RNGesus for mob types and pylons. Get a missile dampening elite in there and you’re golden with beam, snow ball etc. It’s all seasonal dmg, watch the video and you’ll see.


If someone is able to do this…kudos. not everyone can pull this off :blush:

Why are some players so obsessed with what others are doing? It’s as if they are stalkers.


Maybe people are wondering how zDPS builds solo GR150s perhaps? Something that should be impossible.

“Working as intended”, while it is the official statement, is still utter BS explanation why it was made possible.

Im ok with it…
It’s a build … it only works because of the season mechanic, which is sorta the goal of seasons to use the new mechanics.

I never would have tried it so i appreciate the creativity.
There is no cheating occurring so I think it’s fine.
Anti Cannon Build

Seriously id rather see that than a one button wonder clearing 150, that clear took skill

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Keep in mind that other mechanics that were supposedly working as intended were eventually branded as exploits by blizzard.

Remember when the demonic urns in A3 actually dropped decent gear?
Remember the wife beater runs on story mode?
Remember when people would run leoric just to smash pots before those were nerfed?
Remember when whimsy actually dropped gear and gold commensurate with the struggle to make the staff?
There were a few static resplendent chests in A5 that were removed due to “chest runs” becoming popular.

Just because something is working the way they designed it to work, doesn’t mean it’s not an exploit. They have 8 years of precedent on this matter.

But watch the clear…
It is valid … if it was a dps build and it ran in decimated the mobs and melted the boss that is ok .

This is the opposite, the build is 100% defense the clear bar is 30% done and he is still grouping mobs.

At one point he is tanking most of the level … how is that not valid?
Thats the build … some build for DPS that is build for survival …

Some slay a mob before it can hit them …
Some take all the damage the level can dish out…

I kinda like that someone created an off meta character for once in this game


I could give a crap if some dude cleared a GR150 stark raving naked. It really doesn’t affect me. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t underestimate all the skill points Blizz put into the Nerfbat. (plus it’s synergies, the Banhammer and Buzzkiller!)

Scroll up and watch it.
He is a really skilled tank, im not happy with Blizzard atm because of how narrow the scope of their character build are. This guy made made laugh and didn’t cheat. The season theme did the work true, but it’s supposed to do damage. I understand why some are upset, but do it yourself then, i doubt many can.

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You know, the first time when I witnessed the Season 21 effect, I thought that Snowball is the weakest elemental attack as it is slow and has a small hit range, and other like Lightning and Meteor are super cool.

Turned out how wrong was I am now where the powerful demons got crushed so badly by the mere snowball. :rofl:

Yeah, but this isn’t even how they designed it to work, as what we have on live now is the 4th version of it. (PTR, PTR patched, live, live patched)