We need a 3rd week of seasonal PTR

If you find it funny that people post on these antiquated forums, why are you posting?


It is clear that some players still care about the game.

We are done as I have watched them, I saw no skill really, its hack and slash.
The only way I would say it needs skill is if it was someone really old like 45+ playing the game where their reflexes have slowed down, their mind is not as sharp as it once was, but even then the skill level is soo minimal that I am reluctant to call it skill.

But the end result is still the same.

I am new? How? Does it really matter how old a game is? Age of Empires dates back to the 1990s and people still play it and participate in it.
Does not matter how old a game is, as long as people enjoy it and want it to be improved. Just shows that the game catches peoples interest.
A forum is not a dying thing either. Online usage is at it’s highest peak and the forum is there to help others and discuss things.
Wanna go to Reddit and say it is a dying thing? Yeah didn’t think so.

And just cause people want to see changes and/or balance, does not mean they should just leave it alone cause it’s from 2012.

I find it more funny, that people like you cannot handle others enjoy a game and a debate about it.

I am done with you. You cannot even debate without trash talking others.

lmao wow continue reading there kiddo. cant call game/set/match when you are not even half way done. Kids these days. Just doesnt have the follow threw.

Its cleat? You mean clear? Sure some people think god is real and the world is flat as well. You are not helping yourself.

Yes on line usage is high but not forum use. Forum use has dropped year over year (I mod for a forum with 4 million+ members) As people use other means with better communication tools. The majority of major teams that still do play it all use Discord for talking. Notice how none of the major players are here?

Actually the owners of Reddit have talks about how the majority of their users are bots these days as it is seen as a toxic area. Did you miss the AMA?

You can want it improved all you want. But that doesnt mean you should beat a dead horse.

Because Blizz said so, and you must listen to everything they say, right?! :roll_eyes:

You just can’t have a mind of your own, just listen to everything Blizz told you blindly right? :roll_eyes:

I doubt there’s any players in POE like in here crying for nerfs or repeating like a broken record the same old “powahcreep” non sense…

There’s currently over 40000 daily players online in POE compared to 15000-20000 and some people say POE is garbage… :roll_eyes:

Maybe for other games like Starcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Warcraft III or all the Call of Duty games, but D3 RoS has about 15000-22000 players daily, Hearthstone 190000-250000, WoW 190000-250000, Overwatch 600000-900000 players.

1 Like

Can you provide evidence of these bots?
Can you link to this socalled ama?
Did you know that millions each day visit reddit and use it?
Forums in general are not dying at all. Nobody wants to find a discord to ask for help.

In a discussion, I find it best to debate the merits of the arguments and not resort to personal attacks. Referring to others as “kiddo” makes no sense on a forum where you do not know the other person’s age. I played the original Diablo when it was released. That type of behavior often shows that the other person can not adequately defend their opinion. Secondly, I try not to play grammar police. There are typos in people’s post. Who cares? If you want to play grammar police, you can explain the two errors in this sentence:

Yes millions a day do. Out of 7 billion people that is less than 1%
The bots are made by Reddit. I swear its like you are 15 or something with how little you seem to know about how things work
Could I? Not sure as it was years ago and invite only. Saved for site owners and their reps

You want some info read up. Engadget did a great article about it back in Feb. This site makes linking things too much of a pain for me to bother. Mainly this early in the morning.

So you got no proof of your statements.
You then proceed to trash talk even more.
You think 7 billion people should use Reddit otherwise it’s dying?
So my phone is dying cause the World population does not use it?
My gym is dying cause the World population is not in there sweating? …Weak arguments. I am done here. You keep trash talking and my report was right.

A kid/kiddo is a person with a certain age. What you want to use is “childish”. And can’t really call nobody here a kid if you don’t know what their age is. Just a sidenote to the lack of proof you also need.

Age means nothing with terms like that. I will call a 90 year old a kiddo.

Ok so you played a game when it first came out. Want a cookie?

Im sure if you think about it long enough that you will figure it out.

Ah see thats what you are missing. I dont have to defend an opinion. As it is not something that needs to be defended. Other wise we wouldnt have the right to it now would we.

For linking websites:

  1. Copy website address
  2. Highlight website address
  3. Click on the </> button

For example:

If you are trust level 3, you can

I gave you all you need to know. I am not your mother to take care of you. As you clearly seem to want here.
No but more then 1% means alot. I swear the more you speak the more it is clear you are not old enough to understand what you are talking about.

Actually a kid is a baby goat you fool. But thats ok you will learn about that later

Like I said too much of a pain. Trust level? HaHaHa that sounds like the social currency of China. Which would work if done right.

dictionary cambridge. org/dictionary/english/kid (there is a punctuation between dictionary and cambridge, but you should be able to figure that one out)

There you go. Proof.
You were the one stating that forums are dying in general. That Reddit got majority bots as users. Link the proof then. You are the one claiming it, then you are the one in need of providing evidence for what you are stating.
But you can’t. Therefore you trash talk. Shame I only got 1 report left, cause I needed it for another one. But the moderators can see your plenty of posts trash talking others.

For future tips : find your evidence. Shouting up about things does not make you right. Adios.

You dont get how that works do you.




a. A young goat.

b. One of the young of certain similar animals.


a. The flesh of a young goat.

b. Leather made from the skin of a young goat; kidskin.

c. An article made from this leather.

Save the slang for the streets.

Ok let me explain how this works for you as someone clearly didnt. If someone makes a statement and you butt your nose in when they were not talking to you saying they are wrong then the burden of proof falls to you. Otherwise well you open yourself up to law suites.

The bots are well known all over reddit. They control most things and tell you they are bots. First post every time. Then add in how many guest accounts you see from people deleting and then remaking accounts. Not as many people as you would think are there.

I gave you the first place to find the information. After that is your own doing.

Trash talking? Really?

But as you said. We are done here. Enjoy complaining about a decade old game. Ill go back to just enjoying it and being happy the servers are even still active.

You wrote : kid, not kÄ­d
You also wrote kiddo.
You meant to call him/others a kid, like a young person.
Or does kiddo means 2 baby goats? Not really gonna get far with that explanation. Lying does not really get you far.

You can also look up the word kiddo and see.
With that personality, you can’t stay away… You got such a problem with people complaining that you even are what you proclaim others to be.
Btw. Kiddo is a slang word.

LMAO that is funny they would use an informal use of the word but then again they added LOL to it as well.

No I didnt. You assume much. If gave you my definiton of what I meant you would be trigger beyond all get out. So I used that.

Wow you still missed it huh. Ok here Ill help you.

“To be honest I find it funny coming in here and reading everyone complaining about the game. It reminds me of an elementary school where everyone is complaining that someone else got something they didn’t. Then they go one to try and tell people how to do their jobs. Even though most only work normal everyday jobs and only touch a pc to play games. No development of any kind (I find those people some of the funniest) This is why I stop by every morning to see how things are as its only 545 am here.”

But now I really do have to get to more important things. Ill check back in again in a few weeks when I need a good laugh or to prove why people on forums are a toxic bunch. Oh you didnt see what was happening?

Funny how a posted opinion leads to this isnt it. Now you know why forums are dying off. (look it up) dont worry, ill wait.

Good luck there boyo lol is that better.