We need a 3rd week of seasonal PTR

GRs are timed.
You have fifteen minutes to beat them.
It’s irrelevant if you could solo one in three to four hours.

You literaly didn’t understand the sentence you’ve just quoted…

Like I said I could drag that log (log which is the 150 GR unless you didn’t get it) in 12-14 minutes…

You should read the whole post, not just what is interesting for you…

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The worst fact is that after the 1st week of testing we haven’t seen any change (nerfs nor buffs) to clearly unbalanced builds. In this way they make our testing work and feedback useless and will deliver crap and bugged stuff like latest patch.

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They don’t always do changes during the PTR, they usually wait until after PTR and change things before the patch/season goes live. It’s also common to have issue/bugs that go undetected or from oversight into the live patch.

There’s a reason why tons of games now have alphas and betas with tons of hot fixes and ongoing bugs that needs changed. Game developers are always in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation with players. If they please one crowed, they will upset another.

I have no problem saying that I appreciate what they still do for this old game when they don’t have to do anything. Tons of games are just made and left alone until it fades away and those players just have to wait for the next game (if there is one) or play a different game. I mean heck, they still have servers for D2 going…

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You’re not suppose to be able to do a gr150, no one is…

Power creep has gotten so far out of hand, that they need to dial the game way back

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On a side note, it shouldn’t just be about those gaming 10-15 hours (or more) each day. Perhaps it is time for Blizzard to introduce sets based leaderboards. Separate leaderboard to each 6pc class sets. Add to this, the LoD leaderboards each character class. Another is to add paragon based leaderboards (under 1500 and under 2500). Would generate interest for causals and new players. Activision Blizzard’ tracks MAU (monthly active users) now at 428 million across the company.

Pick whichever analogy you prefer…

Time limited…

  1. In fifteen minutes, see how far you can drag the log solo
  2. In fifteen minutes, see how far you and three buddies can drag the log

Distance limited…

  1. Drag a log 100 meters, and time how long it takes you to do that solo
  2. Drag a log 100 meters, and time how long it takes you and three buddies to do that

What will happen…

  1. For the same time taken, you can drag the log further with four of you than solo.
  2. For the same distance covered, you will take less time if you do it with four of you than solo.

Although I agree that the game should have been balanced better to make it so the gap between solo GR clears and group clears was minimal, I do not understand the fixation with solo players should be able to clear GR 150. If this is the goal, then it should be done through changing monster hp in solo and not more power creep. Otherwise, top 4 player group clear GR 150 in under 5 minutes.

Recall that no seasonal player in group or solo in the entire world cleared GR 150 prior to season 14.

Season Top Seasonal Worldwide Solo Clear Top 4 player seasonal GR Clear
1 57 62
2 56 63
3 67 77
4 84 94
5 98 112
6 111 127
7 103 116
8 104 119
9 111 121
10 113 130
11 120 135
12 125 147
13 125 148
14 127 150 (@13m35s, 4 GR 150 teams)
15 128 150 (@11m43s, 14 GR 150 teams)
16 137 150 (6m56s, >200 GR 150 teams, Rank 200 in 10m54s)
17 145 150 (5m6s, >200 GR 150 teams, Rank 200 in 7m40sec)
18 145 150 (4m26s, >200 GR 150 teams, Rank 200 in 6m51sec)
19 150 (5m22s, >200 GR 150 solo, Rank 200 in 10m30s) 150 (5m22s, >200 GR 150 teams, Rank 200 in 3m47sec)
20 150 (10m12s, 114 GR 150 solo) 150 (2m41s, >200 GR 150 teams, Rank 200 in 4m49sec)
21 150 (7m50s, 151 GR 150 solo) 150 (3m11s, >200 GR 150 teams, Rank 200 in 4m53sec)

I swear everyone all concerned about a list that really doesnt mean anything. I mean it doesnt even mean you are a good player or have a good build. To be honest I normally equal the list to lack of skill as it is all the same builds played the same way.

If people worried about playing more and complaining less they would be having more fun.

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If there’s no skill involved, how come we don’t all clear the same GR levels with the same build? I’ve literally beaten someone else’s GR clearance with over 3000 paragon less than the person whose clearance I beat.

There is skill involved in the game; however, just because you beat someone with more paragon, it does not equate to having more skill. They could have simply not pushed.

I would say that if a self-proclaimed top player in a specific class should easily beat another player of similar paragon with lesser gear even if that “top” player does not push. If not, this to me raises serious doubts about their proclamations.

Then we would have a worse game than it is, if people did not have a PASSION for making a game better for everyone.
I don’t see anything wrong with getting a balance between all classes.
This is a slashNhack game, where every class should be equal in killing monsters.
This game has gotten a lot better from this community alone.

I believe it’s an obsession of sorts, bordering a sickness. Their minds are incapable of understanding just how arbitrary the number 150 is. They cling on to this number and believe they have a birthright to clear it. I mean some comedian even talked about the horror of not being able to clear it before dying. Maybe if they stopped thinking like a hamster and started thinking like a human they would realize just how meaningless the number 150 is, in and of itself. Not even in the context of feeling powerful is it actually relevant.

Precisely this. I suspect a large portion of the playerbase hasn’t really pushed a lot, even amongst those with high paragon. That is why Blizzards balancing process presented a while back was a complete farce. They literally upscaled nonpush clears and took them into their calculations.

Its all about effort. I can take the top tier build and clear the time just as fast as anyone else here. This game is not a game of skill. If you dont then you are just not trying. Its that simple.

Dont take offense it is just the truth. Its a hack-N-slash

You clearly have not been around long. The game stopped being a passion for anyone a long time ago.

Ok Thanos. You want your balance. News flash balance is a myth. There is no such thing. There will always be people/classes/things/ that will always be better then anything else. At no point in life will you find that the equal amount of effort will get equal results for everyone.

There is a difference between having the top class to bottom class having a difference of 10 GRs versus 4 GRs in top solo power. Perfect balance is impossible, but better balance is definitely doable. Just because we can not achieve absolute perfection does not mean that we should not strive for better.

Huh? No it did not, otherwise, you would not have these many posts, regarding the Barbarian before buffing the ww/rend. Or people typing in still, to get builds fixed or buffed.
So no, the passion is still there.

Man, we should get together and slay demons sometimes. I’m feeling some major nephalem chemistry here.

Go watch a GR145+ WW/Rend clearance and compare it to a GR90 speed-clearance. If you still think there’s no difference in skill level required, then we’re done.

This many posts for a game that is a decade old? Also in a forum which is a dying form of communication? Heck even the major teams dont use these forums. You clearly are new to this but its ok. You will figure it out.

To be honest I find it funny coming in here and reading everyone complaining about the game. It reminds me of an elementary school where everyone is complaining that someone else got something they didn’t. Then they go one to try and tell people how to do their jobs. Even though most only work normal everyday jobs and only touch a pc to play games. No development of any kind (I find those people some of the funniest) This is why I stop by every morning to see how things are as its only 545 am here.