WD Helltooth and some Zombie bears suggestions. Very important stuff

This is how you do a good feedback / suggestions - thread. Not much to improve there.

Every suggestion is backed up by data, and he is open for new suggestions.
Everything is well structured and written.
For every problem he offers multiple possible solotions and includes suggestions from other players.

If you really did put a lot of effort in the suggestion above, just share it , so the reader can see where those suggested numbers are coming from.

" [Very important stuff]"
Just choose a normal title man xD
Everybody has things that are important to him, and may not be important for others.

If the change is important for you, do a good write-up, chose a less clickbaity title, and hope that blizz implements it.

I cant give feedback on the suggested number-changes as i never mained a WD.

Also a very good example on how to write a feedback-thread was given by Iria here: