So with that being solved, i guess we try to stay under 1.66 aps and just go with arcane barb or etrayu if we need the cold %? Also if we stay between 1.5 and 1.66, is rocket storm rune the optimal choice ?
The list of weapon combinations is long. This is great for casual players trying to get into the build. I really like this turn of events.
This means if you pick up a nice primal (or ancient) for an non-meta config, you can still run it until finding a better piece with your preferred build.
I like this idea.
Replacing Ess of Johan with Leonine could be a good fit for solo push. Instead of debuffing outside of Cold CoE, we use Leonine to pull instead. Then we are allowed Flavor of Time worn, getting CHC and CDR affixes both.
It looks like Bitter Pill’s proc rate of .15 would fill up discipline rather nicely with the GoD 4pc. Could be a good replacement for Preparation there to fuel Gloom.
Thank you & cited players for the testing, btw!
i am confused… why would you want Leonine? isnt Odyssey or Etrayu better?
Pulls, either via Ess of Johan or another mechanic, such as Leonine Bow will be key to manipulating the rift for better Area Damage procs. I believe tighter groupings of enemies also help Hungering Arrow pierces, Devour damage, but I haven’t tested that myself.
The thought is: outside of CoE cold, you’d spend a few seconds pulling with Bolas, and then switch back into dps with Devour some amount of seconds before cold cycle to ensure HA pierces are well underway.
The trade-off with this setup of course is the same as Odyssey: less time dealing damage with HA outside of Cold CoE.
The item (and any item swaps) have to at least make up for this trade-off to favorably compare with a single primary/generator build.
Because options are important.
This is really what I am loving about the GoD set…options…you aren’t automatically shoehorned into to something you can’t manage (like weaving perhaps) or don’t have the right gear for, but you can still push to your personal limits with a variety of gear, passives, skills.
PMG, that is exactly why it will be destroyed with the quickness.
ShaoQuan, Leonine is used to guarantee grouping in order to better utilize piercing and area damage, as Cratic said.
I remember when we were promised “no cookie-cutter builds”. Every patch since then has railroaded us in that direction, and now that there’s a new set which defies that mandate…there is no way it will not be eliminated.
if you listen to the group players, they’ll tell you otherwise…of course, they are lying. Most of them are semi-incompetent and reliant on heavy paragon earned from group play to even compete on the solo LBs.
edit: without their massive paragon advantages, skilled solo players such as myself would be teaching them a lesson.
Wondering if any of you guys have visit china d3 forum. They had came out with the build and explanation of the build, while you guys are debating about the Valla, lol. Then only came out the same conclusion as theirs after so many day. They even good on every build explanation with chart, picture and video which is very easy to understand and look more interesting. Example of attack speed tier chart, which let you know exactly how many of atk speed require to reach recommend speed tier.
if anyone know reading chinese, they probably know d.163
This is the problem, not just for this issue, but really any scientific effort! The English speaking world often ignores non-English content and often vice versa as well.
While I acknowledge that the Chinese players may have discovered this first, no clear attempt was made showing the effect in a controlled environment. No one linked us any video either until recently, after we did all our tests and made our conclusions.
Next time, if you or anyone knows the answer to a subtle interaction or mechanics puzzle via a non-English source, please share it with us here on the US forums (with translations of course)! It doesn’t help us now (after the fact) to just say “so and so already did this way before on another forum”! We were unaware of the other research endeavors by Chinese players since most of us here can’t read Chinese!
I’m myself is very inactive in the forum, to be exactly just a very casual player.
What I had notices at their forum is other players will also curious about their top rank player’s build and they will usually take one or two days(very efficient) to discover the secret of the build(if their top rank player didn’t explain the build in the forum at first).
Lately they came out with another build of GoD, with Strafe-Demolition rune and cube hellcat waistguard belt, change Bastions of will to Endless Walk playing standing ground type, similar like UE Multi. I tried it and go through 115 with 2k paragon but feel quite comfortable also because need not to spin and spam primary every 4 seconds, I can just stand there and shoot.
This build might not the top build since it’s not hot topic over there but definitely a diversion of the build to try and I don’t see any NA has discover and discuss about it.
There are some China players played NA also, probably they don’t join forum here to share might due to language issue.
For my reason doesn’t share here because I’m a casual player and don’t bother about it. Why I don’t bother about it because if I share, of course I need to translate everything what they’ve write, and it’s hell long like few essays, include many “professional words” that I’m not even understand. So definitely I can’t just say this build does work but without any evidence, data, test to proof it.
I always just simply try their build with what they mentioned about the core build, example >36% CDR with Dawn, >47% AS to achieve 5F, 2.5 Attack per Second, etc. If I tried and feel comfortable, helpful for speed/push GR, I will use it, otherwise just forget about it.
This is one of chart I had translate, actually they have chart for impale, rapid fire separately.
https// (add : after https)
For top players community in NA, might need seek for friends who know Chinese which help in translation. Of course, all these are optional.
Getting more attack speed should never give you less shots per second. Big bug.
I’m at 9k paragon and I just copied the builds that were at the top of the leaderboards. I had no idea that there was any special interaction with Valla’s. I do the same thing that will give me the best chance of success in any GR. Good map, good mob, beneficial pylons and I build mob density. I did see that missle dampening affix lets me kill very fast so if i get an elite with that affix I gather up as many elites as I can and kite them to it. They all die in a couple rotations of CoE. It’s as good as a condi pylon. I solo’d 140 so far and I know I can go higher. If you are able to do these things you will be more successful with any class/build.
Getting more attack speed should never give you less shots per second. Big bug.
its not really a bug. its a feature.
many skills or abilities in the game has ICD’s. its just like proc rates. they are undocumented part of the game.
another example is stricken. there is ICD and pro rates to consider. some skills may appear to attack slower but they hit the right ICD and/or the right proc rates and thus accumulate stacks much faster than others.
No it is not a feature it is a bug. If there is a limit getting more attack speed should give you same amount of shots not LESS.
And this bug is known that is not going to be fixed due to how the game works with channeling skills. If you have and odd number for IAS at one time you’re not going to be in sync with the frames causing it to not fire or to compensate at another frame with an extra shot. So much so that every single breakpoint for strafe that was tested on vanilla still applies to this day, probably rapid fire as well and many other channeling skills for other classes. The biggest problem here is the rate that strafe is firing primaries. That could be addressed with some changes but it doesn’t prevent that you’re still going to have those times where the frames are not in sync with your attack speed by being like an odd number etc… So yeah it will have to have some sort of compensation or less firing at some point no matter what you do to the code. Unless all values for Attack speed would end up on an even number that would be par with the frames. For that case then yeah you wouldn’t be able to get out of sync with frames.
If the ICD scaled down based on current attack speed, or if attack speed was added in as a multiplier to the damage formula, that would most certainly allow for insane amounts of damage in the right circumstances.
As most ICDs are used as an intentional limiting mechanism, this is probably not a bug.
While I can see the point that attack speed is useless and even harmful in some scenarios, I’m not sure that changing it to benefit from AS is for the betterment of the set at this point.
Itemization would revert to just one, maybe two build variations, rather than the ~6 that we have on the table right now.
Leaving as-is, at least for current season seems to be the better option.
Never asked for it.
If you don’t get anything from AS it is ok.
But It should never be working as a debuff.
Your original statement inferred it. As long as an fixed ICD exists, there will always be a desirable breakpoint or breakpoints. While the ideas I touched on don’t solve the problem entirely, they’d make gearing more AS beneficial in some way, in the least.
How would you go about fixing the supposed ‘bug’?
what? No it did not.
That is my original post.
Already told you. Lets try like this: getting bigger “attacks per second” stat in game should never give you less attacks per second.
How to do it exactly? Give me source code and I tell you.