Update on the 2.7.8 PTR - September 17, 2024

I’m downloading a 1.26 GBytes update… hopefully, that’s it…


No guarantees, but this is what I’m now seeing:


PTR now playable, I just got the patch affixed.

Yeah… got my first shadow.

It’s kinda odd… my new seasonal hero is lvl 1 but paragon 977 :slight_smile:
and the altar is already filled up.

Hoping there’s more feedback on Mac executables than “Please buff xxxx, pleeeeeeaaase!”.

I know, I’m dreaming.


One thing I noticed, the shadow clone “STILL” doesn’t travel with you to the next level of either a rift or a greater rift. So, it sucks to have a shrine or a pylon next to the entrance of the next level. That’s a waste of a shadow clone. I am sure that is the same issue with Mac users as well.

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I encountered the same thing. I made a post in the general forum about it ==> Something is wrong with PTR

That’s how it was during its original outing in season 22, the clone doesn’t follow you to the next rift level.


Are we getting another PTR file set update? I find it difficult to objectively test the PTR game when it is obviously in an incorrect state. I’m looking forward to this upcoming repeat of one of my favorite PTR themes, and would like to test and reacquaint myself. I hope the Mac folks are getting some time on the PTR.

It’s not the theme that needs testing.


But it does need bugfixing. 2/3 of the crusader clones were utterly broken the last time.