Update on the 2.7.8 PTR - September 17, 2024

It would be entirely pointless to download this one year from now.

Given how we have been waiting for this nearly 2 days now with barely any word as to why it’s not working or when it will be, is very frustrating.

The announcement about this PTR was over a week ago and it couldn’t have been tested during that whole time to see that it wouldn’t be functional by the announced release time?

I’ve had the Battle․net App set to Diablo III / Public Test Realm since yesterday morning.

Starting this afternoon, whenever I run the Battle․net App, an Update for the PTR begins automatically, without my having to click the Update button.

However, when the “update” is complete it still lists Version

It is currently 9:50 PM EDT and it still happens every time I run the Battle․net App.

Edit: I’m running on a Windows 10 PC.

Still no information from Blue’s ?

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They said…

The PTR / Blizzard are in Pacific Time where it’s currently 03:54.
I doubt there’ll be anything heard from them for at least another 8+ hours.


for a second I was like, why would blue care? lol

[Blue’s News - All the carnage that’s fit to post! (bluesnews com)]

No Apache… he meant Blue’s Clues. :grin:


Gives me danielfromsl vibes.

Now they have had 26 hours and they’re not sleeping , so what’
s the excuse now ???

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Who knows? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Blizzard Business Hours: 9:00 AM PDT to 6:00 PM PDT Monday through Friday.

Blizzard Dev troubleshooting a fix:


Again with the unhelpful posts and senseless platitudes.

We know they are working on it, quit repeating and providing unhelpful posts, it’s a waste of your and my time.

What we are simply asking for is a ballpark ETA of when the PTR might be ready. Very simple, takes an intern 20 sec. to post. I.E. “Hey heroes of Sanctuary, we have delayed the Season 33 PTR launch to next Tuesday, Sept. 24th @ 3:00PM (PT).

That is a simple courtesy to us so we don’t waste time coming here asking questions and keep guessing; will it be ready in a few minutes? A few hours? A few Days? A few weeks?


Must be a new PTR I see the young padawans are impatient.

Yeah, that’s what i mean too, its really disgusting how Blue’s or Blizzard dont really care about simple things or rest players who are literally playing his game, :slight_smile: .

Was looking forward to testing on my mbp, but will be on holiday starting tomorrow morning for a few days. :man_shrugging:

1129 am 09/19/24 and still nuffin.

Hey Blizz,
Now that we are on the 3rd calendar day with no PTR, can we please get an update that includes an ETA?
Better communication would be greatly appreciated.


I take it you missed the gif.

It was a joke. The guy in the gif was suppose to represent a Blizzard Dev sleeping at his computer. Thus, the delayed start for the PTR.

Or perhaps you just don’t have a sense of humor.


Sorry missed that, my apologies. I blame Blizz for my lack humor recently…


Well, communication from Blizz has ranged from dreadful to non-existent for over a decade now.

As long as people are throwing money at them and/or lining up to test their software for free, their behavior is not going to change.


I edited that post. Hopefully it will be more clear.