Something is wrong with PTR

Something is wrong. I did the PTR copy, the game exits leaving at the login window. I exit the game completely and relaunch from the b-net launcher. Once I’m back in the game, I:

  • delete 3 chars to make room for new seasonal chars
  • I rebirth 1 char
  • I log into the rebirthed char

The cube has 4 slots, but my stash is from S-32 full of stuff, including Ethereals. I have tons of mats, and loads of paragon points to allocate. Also, I’m unable to post in the PTR feedback forum.

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Yep… same here. Made levelling to 70 real easy, especially since the Altar was already completed.

For the PTR forums (both feedback & Bug Reports), Leviathan said he would mention it to Blizzard.

Only one horadric cache. Used to level up.
Now can’t complete the Altar.

Aside the fact it says Season 31, and the gift is from season 31 and not 33…


It’s only the PTR — I wouldn’t sweat it.


Oh boy they’ve got some work to do. I was expecting the usual level up grind on PTR from level 1. If this went live, I could see a lot of very angry gamers. S-31 haedrigs in S-33 would really piss off folks, myself included.

Waiting for the next PTR update…

Logged into PTR to be sure… and as expeced.

Yeah, there is something fundamentally wrong with this PTR:
Altar and Visions are still not available non-season.

No incentive for me to even waste a minute longer.


In past PTRs from loing ago, there was no Challenge rift cache or goat vendor, so it sucked testing the actually season. Now you can do the challenge rift and buy whatever from the goat, so theres not many reasons to play non-season as the point is to test the season itself.

Most hilarious post I’ve read on here in a long time. Thank you!

You might have missed my spiteful sarcasm… to enlighten you - why would I even “test” something I already played in full on live? You see, I don’t have a Mac. I play solo only. I went through all seasons up until they started to repeat themes. That ptr has nothing to offer from my perspective. Zero, nashi, nada, zilch. It’s utterly pointless.

Anyway I opened that PTR to see if they ninja unlocked Altar/Visions for NS without mentioning it. Of course they did not, never expected them to, but yeah. As for Seasons, snowball chance in hell I do that ever again. For the time being I have not even touched D3 (let alone D4) in several months and I don’t miss it one bit. Not bringing Altar and Visions to NS pissed me off like nothing else they ever did. I won’t touch D3 for real until they bring Altar and Visions to NS. Period.


This season is gonna be weak. Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems like 4th slot is good only for necro and a little bit for wizard. These clones do zero damage in high GR’s.

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Oh no. 4th slot is good for all classes. I already have builds set aside for the Monk (PoJ to start) Barbarian (Frenzy set), and Wizard (DMO MM build). I have plenty of time to theory craft more builds before the next season starts. Honestly, the 4th slot is so much better than anything in the three slots. That season is all Necromancer and only one build too, the Blood Nova. This next season will be fun and those shadow clones will just be an extra flavor when they get working in open field maps.


PoJ Shenlong’s Spirit & Won Khim Lau in Cube? Yes, probably, 350% damage is more or less equal to Bartuc’s Cut-Throat. But Shenlong’s gameplay on PoJ can be quite difficult.

Unfortunately, in many cases it’s just Furnace in 4th slot. Not even close to x3-x6 damage from Ethereal Weapons. In the next season only few builds will be able to clear 150 solo under 2k or even 3k paragon. The only class/build I’m sure about is wizard LoD meteor ^^

Here is a quote of my recent post in the PTR update stickied thread: