While trying to launch the PTR, we encountered some unexpected issues that will cause a delay to its start. The team is currently troubleshooting a fix for these issues and we’ll update you as soon as the PTR is stable enough to release. We apologize for any inconvenience and can’t wait for your to test the new technical features coming for Mac.
I think what a lot of us who would like to participate in the PTR are requesting and expecting is a simple ETA as a courtesy to plan their time around, i.e. “We’re hoping to release the PTR later this evening” or, " We cannot provide an accurate ETA at this moment, it could take several days to iron out the issues we encountered but will update you when we can provide you a more accurate ETA."
Pretty simple really. Remember, this is not a handful of people working at a small studio, this is a multi-billion dollar company. Not being more direct with their communication for their consumers is either simply being lazy, incompetent, or both. And please dispense with empty platitudes, they are a waste of effort and time.
Locnar has it exactly right. Significantly better communication is desired. Sadly, D3 clearly has minimal priority for Blizz so not much can be expected.