Trust levels - How to check

I am new to this forum format as I do not visit Blizzards’ other game forums. Is there a way to check your own “Trust” level and potentially others? I assume that it is something simple.


You can use:

See MissCheetah’s post immediately below


How to see your Trust Level.

Go into your Activity page, remove anything after your name-number and then add “.json” to the end of your name-realm like this:

Taken from the WoW forum and adapted for our naming system. The link does not show any personal information when viewed by someone who is not logged into the account. So even if you see your personal info, it won’t display to others.


There’s a typo (maybe on purpose?) in your post MC - that slash at the end right before .json can’t be there for it to work. The .json has to come directly after the four numbers in the account name. :slight_smile:

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No, that was a typo. I did not do it on purpose. I meant to show the exact plain text of the link to teach folks formatting. I am trying to quickly update stuff so I can go back out to the deck. Will fix. I do know how to do it right, and had posted it several times already. Thank you for the catch!

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Thanks. I am surprised that Blizzard has this information accessible in its detail. Is there a way to hide client IP and the physical location of where you login?


I addressed that :slight_smile: The only one who can see your personal info and IP is the person logged in to the account (and Blizz). I can’t see that info about you, only about my own account. Try looking someone else up and you will see what I mean.


I’m sure many will be viewing this thread to attempt to understand what Trust levels are and how to view them.


Yes, and anyone confused about what they are should see the sticky thread by WyomingMyst :slight_smile: It covers how they work.


Honestly, they should just make a much simpler and quick way to do this, rather than have to do a code convert and search. I mean… Really? Why not have it under a person’s profile for example? Easy way to note how active a person is and helpful or whatever they may be.


A trust-level-based title. The highest level being Nephalem?


Problem with that (having seen it first hand) is people posting, just to get the title.

The problem with the trust level here, the higher you go, the harder to maintain it. Tias knows more about that. Your trust level when you are at the higher levels actually will decay over time if your are not active enough.

Have to post so many posts per day, threads visited per day, stuff like this or it goes back to the previous trust level.

I can’t recall off the top of my head, but I think this kicks in at T3 and higher maybe.

According to the FAQ, it has a rolling 100 day window at T3.


So, I post on the US and EU forums.

Is the Trust Level region specific? The reason I ask is that because the EU forums have a lot less threads / posts than the US forums, it might be a lot, lot harder for people to obtain/maintain Trust Levels on EU than on US.

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Yep. Everything is separated. The Regions, the games, etc. That is why I am TL 0 and white text there.


Whoo! Trust Level 3!

Trust Level 3!


why im trust lvl 0? If I am the most reliable person on the planet :disappointed_relieved: :sob:

I tried to find my trust level, but I just get error messages. I am not so good with comouters, but I suppose I will discover when I am level 1 and 2 and 3 somehow.

If we relate the forum trust levels to D3:
0: You buy the game
1: You login and play casually for an hour
2: You play regularly for two weeks
3: You play dedicatedly a whole Season without using bots

If you wonder about the “without using bots”: TL3 - must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game).

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So really lvl 2 is “you play regularly for 2 weeks OR are a dedicated botter or toxic player”

Skelos - I liked this way of explaining the levels. Thank you.

Thanks for the tip but wow, this is cryptic. It would be more comfortable if Blizz would add this line or something in our profile.