It’s worth saying this again: Witch Doctor is in Bad Shape.
Contrary to what’s been said by both Blizzard and Maxroll, WD has no S-tier pushing builds. None. Zero.
The class actually performed pretty decently in Season 27, but this was mainly due to the “Bogadile” crucible power, which was one of the strongest abilities added to any class. Compare the adjusted clears from State of Set with Season 27:
Arachyr: 148.1 → 152.6 (+4.5)
Zunimassa: 145.3 → 152.2 (+6.9)
Mundunugu: 144.9 → 153.5 (+8.6)
Jade: 139.0 → 152.1 (+13.1)!!!
All these clears used the Bogadile power.
You can see that out of the first 3, the builds gain more tiers the more AoE focused they are, and the worse they are at dealing with single targets. So, Mundu gets a lot, Arachyr significantly less, and Zuni in-between. Jade probably got such a big boost (the largest of any build) because it’s both terrible at single target and weak overall, meaning it normally isn’t played much. The clear here is by Okappa, one of the truly great WD players.
You can also see how close all those clears are to each other (just 1.4 tiers apart, when normally the spread is about 9 tiers). That’s probably because for all of these builds, Bogadile is doing a lot of the heavy lifting, so they track more closely together than they would normally.
So, yes, WD fared well in S27, but that’s because of a single special power that was added for the season. If they had added a Crusader crucible power “All enemies within 50 yards of your character are instantly killed”, then Crusaders would have done a lot better, too!
Without “extra special help”, the best WD can do is A-tier, which is where you’ll find Arachyr, Zuni, and (after that recent small buff) Mundunugu. The best of these, Arachyr, is currently the ~13th strongest build in the game, though it may fall a few more spots as people play the newly buffed Masquerade Necro and the reworked Nats.
Don’t get me wrong: A-tier is pretty good! But if anybody tells you that Arachyr, Mundu, or Zuni are S-tier sets, I suggest extreme skepticism, because AFAIK there is no evidence whatsoever that this is the case.