This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

yea except as i said and just proved, it could potentially split the player base, doing the same thing you are arguing it would do to personal loot players if they never institute personal loot lol.

Great news for you then
You can continue to make games where you compete with scripts to get boss drops to your heart’s desire. Adding the option for others to make ploot games literally won’t affect you at all!


I honestly think the FFA or nothing people are scared that Ploot games would become popular or something.

I don’t get it. I would most likely still play FFA games too, but I don’t see why people shouldn’t have the option.


you know nothing about diablo 2.


you aren’t killing bosses fast enough to get good drops

this isn’t diablo 3 where legendaries rain from the sky

this is diablo 2 where hell baal can drop 1 blue and some gold lol

and scripting??? you don’t think the devs have security features implemented??? this is modern battle net.

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This makes no sense. It’s like saying that we shouldn’t be allowed to make “Baal Run” games because a lot of people don’t like running Baal all day and it would split the community. Nonsense. You’re just concerned that no one will play inferior FFA script looting games with you anymore. That’s all.


Of course good items can drop quite often in multiplayer games. Chaos runs are just one example. More people killing means quicker runs and P8 drops.

Also, just because it’s on modern Bnet doesn’t mean it’s going to be ultra secure. There are bots on D3 and Classic WoW servers etc.


no they don’t smh

when was the last time you even seriously played diablo 2?

you hardly ever see good items drop in multiplayer chaos / baal runs.

at most, you may say a shako drop. and who really cares about missing a shako when you can solo MF mephy and find one easy

This game is not being made for D2 purists only.

It’s being made for everyone.

Therefore, Blizzard is making the game appeal to everyone, including D2 vets, casuals and D3 fans.

Learn to accept that or don’t play. Simple as that.


That’s not true at all for Chaos. I’ve gotten ber runes and everything from public chaos runs. The last time I seriously played Vanilla D2 LoD was probably 2-3 ladders ago.

Been playing PD2 etc. as they have some great changes. Some weren’t so great though.

Anyways, optional ploot isn’t going to hurt anyone.


If this happens what does that suggest to you? That the majority of people want personal loot. You would still have the option to magic find solo in private games.

It absolutely makes sense to have it as an option on game creation that way everyone is happy. Unless you want to dictate to other people how they should enjoy the game that is.

The only reason for them not to implement a change to the looting system in d2 is the time constraint to release the game. The have so much work to do as it is getting the game out and making it work they just don’t have the time for this. At the moment that is.


Just keep playing the original D2 if you don’t want things to change.


Why would any sane person want Bank of America? I understand wanting constrictor snakes - those are awesome.

I’m not a “fan” of either game. I play what interests me, in a way I find fun which is very often badwrong to the majority of actual hardcore (not mode, thought pattern) players, which is hilarious.

Games change. They “evolve.” That doesn’t mean they get better. Some times, if you feel you can push for something that does improve (as far as you care), then you should. Where it gets into a game of its own is when the counterpoints are made - especially the very awfully defined ones.

What’s the use of talking? So it is clear that the community is divided. Blizzard will try to please someone. Note that there are already changes in the game. That is, it no longer corresponds to the fact. So that…

But still, I agree with the topic of the post. The topic of drops does not interest me. I will play with any form of loot. BUT maybe. Obviously.

Shared stash is smoothing over an issue the players already had a workaround for. Or are we going to pretend muling was never a thing? Players always had access to more storage space then one char could hold. And I’m not gonna listen to the strawman about dropping items in public. You can give them to a friend, guildies, pw protect the game n wait 5 mins. Use a 2nd acct…if you lost stuff in pugs, I’m sorry but that’s the risk you take.

Input methods are meh tier. Or are you projecting that my argument must be that only the original hardcoded input methods should be allowed? I’m pretty certain I could bind my old serial CH flightstick to control original d2 if I really wanted to. You know what else wasn’t common in 2000? USB…maybe we should strip that out and make everyone fish out their ps/2 mice n keyboards… Sorry, its not changing the core gameplay loop either.

Cow king “penalty” is a decent enough change. Not a core gameplay change you can always have another person pop the portal you aren’t truly locked out, not sure your point… We’ve all been griefed by someone who decided to do it to you cause someone did it to them.

Ladder runewords weren’t deleted from your char once you fell off ladder. You just couldn’t make new ones. Ergo, not a core change. You could always mule an extra spirit if you wanted to have one to trade or whatever on your NL chars.

Yes they do. I’ve seen some decent drops in both places saw a zod drop from baal minions before and lots of hr’s in cs too even snagged a sur from a robot paladin once it literally teleported on top of me as I picked it up by the way.

Maybe the reason you never see drops is the prevalence of grabbit and robots on D2 at the moment… you never see anything that is on their loot list because its gone before it even hits the ground. All you see is the junk they don’t want lol


They don’t and I don’t think you realize how popular D2 mod servers are vs bnet. I’m 95% certain there won’t be any meaningful changes added outside of graphics and UI stuff so you guys can enjoy the classic experience of the past probably 10 years of having 1000 total players. Likely a fraction of that if they decide to combat bots.

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dejar a los fanaticos en paz y vuelve a diablo 3 o d4 tuvieron su gloria y dejanos disfrutar lo nuestro

What he said is correct, it is not an exact copy of the original game with new graphics. Right from the word go they have been changing the game.

You say that giving people more inventory space is nbd but your wrong. Constraints on inventory space are a way of setting difficulty. See the debates about adding a charm inventory for a more in depth view on that.

Simply put if you had unlimited space on your chest in town there is nothing to stop you just farming constantly. Giving people less space causes them to play inventory Tetris and make decisions about what to keep and what to throw out. You can negate the gold loss of death by storing gold in your shared stash currently too by the way.

I could continue but this is turning into a wall of text.

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You have the same option. Don’t wanna play fast fingers with people in pugs? Play in a solo game, play with friends, play with guildies, figure out how to grab some loot yourself, or play another game entirely.

You guys have so many options and you pretend that pug games and slow fingers are the be all-end all of looting in this game…it’s hard to take you guys seriously when you wont acknowledge the problems you are having are easily solved with existing options.

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