This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

they are releasing D2:R with 1.14d, so that’s what I go off of

and either way, you can still MF in groups, you just do it with people who agreed to share, or with friends.

personal loot in diablo 2 creates issues. leaving it as is (ffa) does not


What issues does it create? How does an optional ploot without increased drop rates affect you?

I’d probably still play FFA most of the time, but I’m not interested in gatekeeping to where people don’t play the game. I’d rather other people be able to enjoy the game as long as it’s not interfering with my gameplay.

  • how is it implemented?

if you’re saying split ladder, that will split the player base. effectively making games ghost towns after the game has been out for awhile and the hype dies down

  • what does it do to the in game economy?

it will affect trading, will affect the # of items in the economy, will affect prices, etc

This is a remaster, not a remake. FFA is fundamental to the game, can’t see how it could ever be changed

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The community will already be split hypothetically speaking because people are literally refunding the game straight up due to the current FFA loot system. That means less players either way.

I’m saying they create an option when creating games to toggle personal loot. And they provide a filter in the lobby so that you will see the personal loot or FFA loot games, whichever you like.

Again, it shouldn’t change the total amount of loot that is dropped or the drop rate of items, so it shouldn’t result in much of a change to the overall economy.

So how is it going to change the # of items and prices of items in the economy? Nobody is asking for D3’s smart loot system with crazy drop rates.


people would also refund the game if there was personal loot

if people are refunding the game for personal loot, they weren’t meant for this game anyway

imagine what happens when they find out you can get hostiled and killed at anytime in any game already xD

loot filters would reduce the quality of games too, it would just split the games you can join.

for example, lets say someone strictly wants personal loot, they find 90% of the games are FFA, they will likely rage quit anyway lol.

just keep it FFA and people can still have personal loot MFing solo or with trusted groups


Or we can offer both options and people can play whichever method they prefer. I don’t get why you guys are so bent on gatekeeping. Let people enjoy the game. It seems some of you are scared people may enjoy the personal loot option more and FFA loot games will be the minority or something.

PoE is a great example of a game with good loot allocation methods that doesn’t change the economy or drop rates.


because this is a remaster, not a remake. “let people enjoy the game” could apply to the people wanting to add personal loot as well. let the veterans enjoy this game.

there already are options for pseudo personal loot anyway


You can still enjoy the game. How is optional personal loot going to make it unenjoyable for you? Knowing other people are playing with shared loot? Lmao.

The devs have said they’re open to changes based on feedback and as we can see by the recently announced changes, they really are.

And no, there are no options for personal loot in public multiplayer games currently.


optional personal loot just doesn’t make sense to implement though that’s my point.

it will effectively make it the only way to play


But you just told me that 90% of the games would probably remain FFA loot… Which is it?


that’s was a hypothetical, framed in the lens of someone who wanted personal loot

the same statement could be reversed.

what if someone who wants FFA loot can’t find any games that allow for it??

they don’t have the option to play solo like the ploot people do. they are just screwed

I doubt that would happen because you can see the community is pretty split on the topic. If you go by the personal loot poll topic, it seems about 40% of people want ploot and 60% want it to remain FFA.

And why wouldn’t they have the option to play solo?

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Holy moly, I am so sick of all the people who don’t understand what a remaster is.

Step 1. go look up the definition of remaster vs remake.
Step 2. goto the titles storefront and read the first sentence describing what the product is.
Step 3 (optional and redundant after step 2) read the bullet points that say remastered gfx, CLASSIC gameplay

It’s literally that easy.

There have been 21 yrs since this game came out. I get it. I do. You like some newer things that have evolved in the gaming space since then. There have also been many, many thousands of titles developed since then you can go and enjoy. This one is what it is. It has proven successful and has had such unnaturally long legs BECAUSE of what it is. Changing the core of the gameplay is folly, at best.


Holy moly, they’re already changing things though. Shared stash, controller gameplay, cow king death penalty removal, and ladder items/runewords on NL. I don’t think they’re being nitpicky about the definition of a remaster.


thank god those people are refunding. the less i see of them ingame the better.

please all leave


And literally no one is asking for it. The ploot system being requested is more akin to a timed loot system. The same drops, drop. That is, the same items will drop on the ground regardless of if it’s a ploot game, or a FFA standard game. The only difference is that each item is assigned to a random player for pick up on a ten second timer, or so. If they don’t pick it up, it becomes FFA.

That system has nothing to do with a D3 instanced loot system. You’re simply making a strawman.

Also, the system would be optional; an additional mode for custom game creation. If one doesn’t want to enable it, they don’t have it and it has no affect on them what-so-ever.


because FFA loot fundamentally means you are playing with others lol

You will always be able to create FFA loot games though. Whether someone joins or not, that doesn’t change the loot system.


holy cow that sounds absolutely TERRIBLE

timed drops in diablo 2??? you cannot be serious. no, like, you have to be trolling lmao


this is a REMASTER


So then don’t play with that drop allocation system FFS. Nobody would be forcing you. Lolz. You’re talking as if they want to erase the FFA system. Nobody is saying that.