This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

Current players, Copies Sold & Math.

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blizzard has released current player numbers?

Playerscount Diablo 3. Currently 16,411 Players Online. 30million copies sold. Enter Math Here.

so 30million people bought d3 and because only 16k of them are playing when they polled the servers when you loaded the site that’s all of the players that are playing world wide over a period of time, i mean i am not currently in d2 i was 5 minutes ago but not right now does that mean i am not a d2 player any more?


Your game is only as good as how many players play it. You think the numbers are really going to change much throughout the day? There not. 1 person goes to bed another logs on. Still when i said 1% still played… I was giving you a large buffer of over 280,000 players. Cause to be 1% you would need 300,000 active players which you don’t have. So yes 99% of D3 players quit.

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who is “ours”? speak for yourself

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Lol. At least get the facts right. D3 launched with instanced loot. Ros only made it bind to account, upped drop rates, and added smart loot based on class playing. And most of this was done in a pre launch patch.


Yes, because thats what happens when Blizzard caters to its fans that cry the loudest.

hard to say from 1 minute to the next you could have 15000 players log of and 15000 more log on, it is unlikely but, current active count is a useless overall metric for how many people are still playing a game. The point is we have no clue how many people are playing d3 still.

While there has been some changers on the whining side, I’d say the anti changers are crying just as hard.

I agree with this.

I have to cry as loud as I can so people like Blash and Bodash dont get personal loot and ruin my favorite game of 20 years.

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Thus continuing a warring cycle. Outside of ploot, which seems to be about even on both sides, the numbers themselves are more positive towards change.

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You still have not explained how adding the option to make personal loot games would change anything for you. You would still be able to play the game as it is in it’s current state. I don’t understand why people are against the idea of other people enjoying the game differently than they do.

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Yeah because you are a brick wall. There is no point.

I’m perfectly reasonable. In fact I had your position up until really just a few days ago when I was convinced to change my position. I did this because there’s no rational argument on your side of the fence. I know this because I’ve been there.

You have said that a bunch of times, and dont listen to anything anyone says when they talk to you.

You made my day with that comment.

I thought i was the brick wall.

Well, good luck rising above the fray. I think you are trying to empty a cesspool using only a sponge, but keep fighting the good fight.

C’mon, this is a reach and you know it. Acts 3-5 and the higher difficulties aren’t new features. They are built on the same programming technology as the areas in the beta and it appears that Blizz/VV believe that the current beta test will provide sufficient data to inform any changes to the rest of the game. Clans, ladders, chat lobbies, etc, are all largely outside of the game environment and can likely be tweaked on the fly without affecting gameplay.

Allocated loot in D2 would be a brand new programmed from scratch system that directly affects the game world. I maintain that there is no chance they’d implement such a fundamental change without testing it first.

This is speculation.

So is this.

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they could use the systems in game loot calculations already take into account how many people are near by and rolls on that loot to see what quality it will be all that needs to be added is for it to also roll 1-#of poeple in game to see who it gets assigned too and tag it.

they might not add it without testing it but then again they might i mean they are changing quite a few things that didn’t get tested in the alpha or betas. Formerly ladder only items and recipes, the aspect ratio in end game, storage changes on the economy.

Because nobody but trusted groups of friends or breach rotas etc have group play in PoE, outside of that everyone plays solo :smiley: So even on poe ploot has use only in very niche cases. And only reason ppl are okay with ploot in breachruns etc is because everyone has BUY-IN to join.
In d2r there is no buy-in, lvl 50 character join a cs run hosted by lvl 97 hammerdin with enigma (who does teleing and all killing) and yet the lvl 50 walks away with 1/8 of the loot, how many ppl do you think would host such games with ploot what do you think?