This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

The only change I would welcome is a harder mode with more mob hp and harder hitting + greater speed for the HC players who get passed 85 and get bored, for achievement only. It would be nice to have a mode that is actually challenging at end game. I wouldn’t suggest ANY increased loot benefits from it, just bragging rights. That and fix the bugs (chat, wsg, perma stun)

Let me hop on this heavy band wagon and hit the highlights!

Generic comment about :
1 my veteran status is better than yours
2 if you like anything other than the gospel that is D2 1.xx (pick your favorite I honestly don’t care) then you can just go play ____
3 Go play D3 you insightful and adaptable noobs. There’s no room for your (obvi) reasonable “improvements” in my panic room
4 Give me everything I want (as my needs are Canon)
5 Generic Blizzard hate
6 All things about change are “Woke” and I need my beauty rest
7 something about entitlement probably? and damn you comfoundit kids who like things about stuff. You are bad and you should feel

Like if you think I summed this whole thread pretty well :smile:


It is not MF runs in Multiplayer that is the problem. It is ninja looters, these are what drive players away from multiplayer. What is there something wrong with a desire to play with others that you know won’t run off with items that could’ve been an upgrade for your character. Then add insult to injury by wanting you to farm for more in game wealth just to get it back in trade. Is there something wrong with wanting to play multiplayer without worrying about getting ganked? Where the only solution is to play alone again.

This two things are what drive people away from multiplayer.


I’m a d2 veteran. I bought it in a store with my mother when i was young and played it since day one for many years. And i’m for changes (ploot without increase in total loot, stacking of runes/gems/potions in stashes, more tooltips, reworked soj sell system, much more stashes). So not every veteran is against it. I understand the fear for getting used to new mechanics or that you cannot use your “trained looting skills” anymore, but it was crap even back in the days (ping, range vs melee, scripts, bots). When this game is released the community gets many new players and it will be much more toxic than the current d2 community. It would be great if you had the chance to select the looting system (ffa, time, permanent) as long as the total drops doesnt change. Everybody could play as they wish. Maybe you could filter those games in the lobby?


FFA ain’t got anything to do with ninja looting so mayby check things before saying anything…it’s seriously better that u don’t play D2R at all if u don’t know difference on those 2 things…


I’m curious if you could elaborate on this. How would ploot not protect against ninja looting?

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Look you might want to say they don’t exist but they do exist in D2 (not D2R (not released yet)). Ploot would take care of that problem because now the loot drops for you only no one could come along and pick it up. Now if you have some other solution other than driving players away from multiplayer which is what ninja looters as well as gankers do then go right ahead and tell us how to solve it.

there’s good solution do not play D2R if u can’t handle how game works! mayby mine sweeper is more suitable…u can also google what ninja looting means =D

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Oh so you say in order to play D2R you not have to love ninja looters and PvP. You do realize that along with the other normal things of play games that are password protected or offline mode is driving away players from multiplayer.

Which is saying that D2 and D2Rs is a single player game first, with multiplayer as as a side dish.

how hard that is to understand that in FFA loot that drops ain’t urs until it’s in ur inventory…so noone can’t ninja even they would want…and here u also see reason for ppl asking ploot…just to get all to them self…

god sake what part u cannot understand that loot that drops in FFA ain’t urs until it’s in ur inventory…and NO U CANNOT NINJA LOOT! damn how hard it can be

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@Inspirone, We are talking about players that are part of a party that didn’t contribute in the killing of enemies. The only thing they do is go around picking up all of the loot. It gets worse if they have any type of program that could help them pick up the loot faster than what a human being could accomplish.

What players are wanting is to have a way to stop those kinds of players from doing those things. Where each person that is there contributes to the killing. Or at least it is agreed on by the party that certain ones will be picking up the really good loot to divide up the spoils later on.

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A loot ninja, AKA ninja looter or simply ninja, is a player who takes loot to which he or she is not entitled! and with ploot all those afk/leechers would get even more…so ffa and if ur fast enough then learn to be faster as everyone and stop asking worst possible things what u can have

we are playing in modern u know…it’s not old D2 servers


@Inspireone, you really think that in a full 8 player party that everyone had to actually do the killing of the monsters. I am sure that three maybe four decently geared and properly built characters could slaughter all of the monsters allowing the afk’ers and leechers to still get items anyway. The only thing this does is protect against the ninja looter that would prevent those that actually put in the effort from losing out on items that would be upgrades for their character.

And I wouldn’t be too sure that a person could figure out how to make a program that wouldn’t be detectable by the new battlenet that could actually let you pick up loot faster than what a human being could do clicking on an item.

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now it’s getting ridiculous game with FFA cannot have ninja looters…what part u cannot read from this?