This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

Tired of elitism and people who don’t know how to have a constructive discussion without personal attacks, you are all children in your heads (for the OP and all those who will feel targeted of course) . You adult person ? Do like adults then

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You know what.
I do not need to defend your election system. Take your point. You win.

Now lets get back to the subject.

its not my election system. iam not from usa.

and its was the subject. i tryed to tell you you cant belive pools/surveay

If a poll say 51%:49% with a margin of error of +/- 3%. The true results will not end up 70%:30% which is essentially being invoked by many.

All reputable polls have a margin for error and some sampling bias.


You need to know how to interpret them.
Surveys are quite a powerful tool in almost every aspect of life that involves large groups of people.

First thing you learn in university about statistics is that you can show anything if you know how to modify the data. That is why any statistic should always be met with scrutiny.
But if you know the mechanism behind it (in this case it could be people who vote multiple times and people who did not participate), you can take these into account to measure the credibility of that statistic.
So clearly, we cannot use it as our only argument. But if it fits well into the rest of the arguments, which all speak for ploot (including common sense) then it does not seem too far fetched to say that the survey is supporting our arguments.

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i know that. but . the winner was sat to get max 40% of the votes. got almost 46% thats a big ± . all i say is you cant belive pools/surveays . if people can cheat, they will

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So you are saying that a significant number of people took that survey, answered all 23 questions but only manipulated the ploot topic (which was not a hot topic back then)? That was quite some planning.

Also even with the “big error margin” of +/-6% the anti-plooters lose that survey by a large marin.

So yeah, if 1000 people cheated (~10% difference to the poll), then we would have a “cheated” result.

it has northing to doo with p-loot. survey and pools in general.

If it has nothing to do with ploot, then why would the ploot part of the survey be 11% incorrect?
You need to make your mind up. Did people cheat or did they not cheat?

No question. To me that’s a fair compromise between the two sides of this argument. My reasoning:

Even if implemented, ploot has to stop somewhere. Are we going to allocate scrolls and potions and piles of gold too? To me that’s overkill and eliminates some of the atmosphere. The loot pinata effect is intended.

So, we have to draw the line somewhere and sets, uniques, and Mal-Zod seems a logical place to do so. Yes, some of the most valuable items in the game fall outside those categories but that’s okay. Ploot advocates get to have their unbiased shots at Shako or Tyrael’s Might. FFA advocates still get to experience the rush of diving for charms and yellows or that superior phase blade laying over there.

True. But none of them that you mention are quite comparable to allocated loot. Don’t fall into the trap of saying that any changes justify all changes, which is a terrible argument I’ve seen a lot on here. It’s the converse of the equally terrible “this is a remaster not a remake.”

Irrelevant. I’m sure he’s well aware of what the results would be if he posed that question again (as are the developers), but he can still believe it’s a pointless discussion for his channel at this time.

• 39% of the people are against optional personal loot
• 36% are for optional personal loot,
while 13% are also for personal loot but only if there
is a tradeoff (Yes, but only if there is a tradeoff (e.g. less
drops or -100% MF if active) (13%))
• 12% are not sure

so 39% beats 36% or iam missing somthings?

Evidence points towards the opposite, seems devs are wanting to change things, considering

Auto gold
Shared stash
Eth bug removed
Ladded loot added to non ladder
Class start costumes censored to appeal to devs tastes instead of original feel.
Tcp/lan removed

Anything could be changed so maybe you should reconsider that thankfully

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I think it should be one system to distribute all.
Since i am also a fan of the timed loot variant, all the items would be available for the rest of the party after a very short time (e.g. 1-5 seconds) anyway. So all these white are practically FFA loot.

The thing is that it is not about quality. We do not want to have a system that just allows us to get our hands on the good items. We want a system that allows people to play the game without the constant pressure of people grabbing items from them.
Imagine a new player starting the game. First they will need white items, then blue, then yellow, then maybe something else. In all these cases they are already negatively impacted by item grabbing. Especially the packrat faction will just pick up everything that is of color around that level.
Obviously it is not the most efficient way to play the game, but it is detremental to the enjoyment of some. Adding a split loot would prevent this effect and allow players to experience the game without the loot-grabbing pressure.

If they want to taste the raw diablo experience, they can still go into an ffa game and fight for it. But some people just do not want that anymore.

Here is the beauty: They already got it for all items. In FFA mode.

Alright. Maybe it is up for perspective.
I do not share that argument. Every change needs to be carefully evaluated on its own grounds.
Yeah, that is a very old tune around these parts.

I think it would be great discussion, because i would love to hear his arguments.
Maybe he already did it in the past and i just did not see it. So if anybody knows that he already did, please drop a link.

mor people want this
• 44% of the people are against an additional / easier way to respec
• 43% are for an additional / easier way to respect
• 13% are not sure

yer sounds like d2 players to me :wink:

Iv not seen the cow king news only the ladder rune words, could you share this info i think i missed it/cant find it

i think it was on reddit.

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I am fine with the tradeoff argument.
As long as you can discuss about it, its fine.

I would argue that getting 1/8 and giving up 7/8 is already a tradeoff.
And the fact that public runs are not efficient in mfing anyway.
But if it helps sway some mind to get a malus of -50 or -100 mf on it, then fine. Be my guest.

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Thanks ill have a look, i hate it when game companys post info on twitter reddit so on n dont also keep its own forums updated with same news

blizzard and comunicate whit players on ther forum is not that good

Not the primary source but he has screenshots of the reddit posts.

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