This forum is becoming like WOW so many trolls lately

I didn’t mean you specifically want a reddit style echo chamber, I was just commenting on how :poop: many (most?) reddit subs become. I apologize that it came across that way.

We didn’t need a dozen or so gibbering gemstone threads. None of them got the “troll” designation from people here though. Players still have the right to make them.

And that stuff is beyond unacceptable. But what many consider “trolls” right now aren’t doing anything even close to that.

Understandably, customers get frustrated but in no way is it acceptable for anyone to act that way. Those people should have been banned. The game and community would have been better without them anyway. Negativity like that adds no value or amicability to any discussion.

Do you know why? Yeah, there were some who went a little overboard (Tseric) but several who’s posts were very welcomed.

I am not sure if anyone at Blizzard even cares about this forum anymore, but they will be watching the D4 forum.

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These days it doesn’t take much of any organization or effort to unite against the likes of ATVI. It is very much an automatic fellowship that happens independent of anything, an “anti-conspiracy” if you will. If you ask me, “they” had it coming for a while now (though not the D4 devs specifically), for letting these contemptuous status-obsessed WoW dongus’s proliferate unmitigated. …And if you ask me, for thinking WoW is some golden standard for all games beyond “theme park” MMOs or straight EQ clones.

what if one of them responded to a post about the sexual misconduct, or gave their personal opinion on it. got to lock that down and sweep it under.

Its easy to label valid complaints as “trolls” when you lack awareness of how bad things really are.

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Who has time to make 9000 posts? Get a life D4 fanboy

Right, I suppose anybody who also points out that Diablo Immortal is pay to win with ugly dailies that is literally a second job that you have to pay for that you do NOT want to play is also a “troll” right

The entire of Diablo sub reddit must be trolls to ent?

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every single person in this thread trying to gatekeep the forums to their personal oppression, literally called people trolls for criticizing Dilbo Immoral.

they’re all right there in this thread doing the same thing!

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I am sure you will be on the D4 forum telling us how many times you are going to quit.
The question is will the other parasites follow you? Or will you just use your alt accounts.

you’re calling me a parasite while you have 9098 posts?

:point_up_2: :point_right: :beers:

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Unlike you and some of your hater cronies I can multitask. If you do not know what the means, ask an adult.
You will forever be the forum :clown_face: no one can take that title away from you. You have earned it :trophy:

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Wrong again Buckweat, the only thing I like about Blizzard is Diablo.

When did I ever say that provide the link. D2R is an old grannie with new lip-gloss.

Wrong again, provide a link for proof, you and “I Quit” must be related you have the same low IQ.

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Well, if you do it on a forum for another game altogether, pretty much as it’s entirely off topic.

They are pretty much identical, neither gives you any choice if you want to play a specific build efficiently. D3:s way of handling loot though is superior in every regard.

It’s probably just like their game support, where they don’t even read it until the 3rd or 4th reply. Just a copy and paste farm. Then at that point, you’ll be lucky to get someone that has the reading comprehension skills of a wombat.

For sure , since you have 2500++ replies on this forum.

Maybe some of your posts/replies have been removed from this forum?

Keep crying it’s perfect

yikes, the hatred is spilling over.


you really shouldnt let my posts effect you this much. it’s not healthy tbqh. also makes me feel unsafe.

Most of those hate comments are just bitter D2 fanboys and people who felt ripped with D3, one way or another. Undermining the success of game? Unlikely.

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Especially if trying to do it by using the D3 forums, it’s not like there’s a huge audience.


No different than zero to one digit posters necroing year(s) old topics