This forum is becoming like WOW so many trolls lately

That’s the experience myself and others get but I still see claims it’s real people.

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Yeah, its comically awful. Blizz hands down has the worst customer support I have ever experienced… and I have both AT&T and Comcast services, so that says a whole lot. Forums being even lower priority than the games themselves, would lead me to believe that if there are live things on the other side, they’re no better armed to help or do anything of value than a monkey would be placed in front of a computer and told that moderating was now his job.

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It used to be amazing. If you had an issue, you talked to a person live. Now, you submit a ticket about having an issue with your inventory and you get a reply back about “We understand you’re having issues with your password. Please follow the link below” and mark it “resolved”.

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Man Johny and Bruhvata realy are working hard for their money. And it’s only pre-download day. :rofl:


Yeah, I remember the days when customer service even appeared slightly important to them. Those are long gone, and probably won’t ever be seen again.

The forums are not automated yet, as far as moderation goes. Again, that is why it is so inconsistent and slow. The Forum Mods are a subset of the CS/GM team. They do use templates for account action replies in almost all cases though. I am assuming legal and PR approved them or something.

The few things that are automated are part of the Discourse software. If you get X reports it auto hides a post and notifies you. The decision to restore the post, delete, or action the account is a human.

The whole thing is just frustrating. I miss having humans who actually focused on one game and knew the posters well enough to have a handle on disingenuous shenanigans. That was most the CMs, back when they spent time on the forums actively posting. That was a long time ago though.

You asked earlier if I know why they don’t let the CMs engage much outside of announcements. I honestly don’t know for sure. I just know that across the board their tasking has changed and forum engagement does not seem to be one of those. It was well after Tseric though and not in response to any incident like that. I would guess it had more to do with the threats of death and violence. Like, was having someone interacting worth it given how hostile some of the forums were being?

I personally prefer them being active. If I can handle it, they can handle it esp with moderation. When someone goes after me, it usually gets moderated, which I am thankful for.


Oh god, so it can get worse?


I was semi joking when I said if they arent automated Id be surprised, but now you have me scared.

Oh yes, way worse. So far they don’t use any sort of AI on the forum penalties. I sort of dread the day AI takes over more of the moderation here or in game. We certainly would have MORE of it, but at what cost? Then again, the human mods don’t consider context either so… Ugh.

Again, having mods who see each post reported as individual and not part of a pattern by a person/group/multiple accounts, is not great.

Thats where the disconnect is. You’re saying they exist… and I don’t think you’re making that up, but… just a quick scroll through the last few days proves that if they do exist, they literally don’t do anything.

I want that job, even if it only pays minimum wage. If its voluntary, that entirely explains why they’re useless.

The Forum Mods are a subset of the GM/CS team. I don’t think there are many of them.

They don’t have one forum they are responsble for. They take reports from all the Blizzard forums at once. Something that gets low numbers of reports is not going to get pushed up the priority scale. It means things slide under the radar. Esp things that are pattern based, where the pattern is disruptive, but the individual posts are still ok, or grey. It walks a line that anyone who spent time on the forums sees, but the mods don’t see when viewing individual tickets.

This current software also removed the comment field on post reports so we can’t even let the mods to know what pattern is going on or where else to check.

They have thousands of reports a day they go through. They are busy, it is just not effective they way most of us want.

Blizzard does not allow volunteers to do any work that paid staff do. I think CA law prevents that. Even their interns are paid + travel and housing for the intern program. The Forum Mods are handling forum reports as well as GM tickets for the games/billing/account access during their shifts and are paid. They are in TX and I am not sure what the pay rate is.

Ahhh the good ole do more with less approach.

That always pans out well.

The power that be have ultimately made the mod team useless than. That sounds about right and par for the course.

judging a player by post count is very toxic i see it on the wow forums alot too and you all may see alot of post as trolling but realy we all want this game to bee as best as it can be and not sumthing like wc reforged or diablo immortal being centered on ptw

We judge on how many posts and what the posts is about.

Unless you believe their posts will have a measurable effect on that “success”, it seems very unlikely to an organized effort.
An organized effort would probably rather happen on social media, or by paying gaming sites or so-called influencers to be negative.

Considering how much there is to be negative about in D4, the more likely explanation probably just is that… well, they are negative about stuff in D4 they think are bad. And they show up now, because now is the time where the broader public become aware of D4.

Except the PoE guy, he was obviously trolling hard.

Oh god, it is becoming self-aware

I cant imagine there are any people here with more than a few posts, who have not been accused of being someones troll account :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

According to some people around here… yeah…

Lets be real here, if it wasn’t for all your “vacations”, you too would have 9k posts :stuck_out_tongue:


Just 1 employee per game who had direct player communication PR as part of their job would make a significant difference I bet. And a very low cost for a company as large as Blizzard. Hard to imagine they wouldn’t be worth their wage many times over in improved customer satisfaction, and not only among the few players on the forums and other platforms.

I cant imagine people who are insane enough do to that will be stopped by not having CMs. Especially not in a time where the devs, leaders etc. have twitter accounts and what not.

I can understand why the individual employee would not want to be part of it anymore, I sure as hell would never want to work in PR, but Blizzard certainly also could find CMs who would be able to handle it just fine if they wanted to.
(albeit, in my view, Tseric did handle it fine!)

Thank you for the response.

If you dont want to answer, I totally understand, but do your flags (or whatever system you may use) hold more weight?

Either way, do you guys have a way of poking the sleeping turd to say… come on guys, theres a problem that needs to be remedied?

but why? in hopes that ppl keep playing d3 or something? what a weird endeavor lol

I have to use the same flag system you do. MVPs get nothing but green text. I can’t talk to the Mods or contact them. The only time I even accidentally ran into one was at a wedding I attended remotely and they recognized my name!

Um, I can leave a message for the CMs. What is done from there, if anything, I don’t have any idea. I don’t know if they would pass it on, or what.

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That question has bedeviled mankind for millennia. Why they do it here will likely never be answered.


Thats unfortunate.

It seems theyve made a cleanup run, yet the offenders are still alive and well. Thanks for your response, and even if we butt heads, your time and efforts.