This forum is becoming like WOW so many trolls lately

Am I the only one that notice the amount of zero posters lately posting negative things about D4?

Am I “conspiracy theorist” to think this is inorganic and an organize or consent effort to undermine the success the game?


Hilariously enough, we’ll see it get worse as we approach the game’s launch in June.

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No. Just ignore the CHUD’s. Or at least don’t take any of their ramblings to heart. Some of their sophomoric posts are mildly entertaining, but certainly nothing to base your decisions, or enjoyment of the game, on. I call them Nostradumbazzes - thinking they know what is going to happen. They don’t.

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It is weird that there are many posts being negative about D4.

but mainly Trolls are using multiple accounts working a tiny system to belittle D4.


They best do it right… Blizzard that is! The trolls are.

Could be alt accounts for the known trolls on here / d2 forum.
Hopefully they will use reddit as d4 forum and have mods that clear out these users… It’s tiresome to see the same ones not being banned for insulting others and bashing on the game / company.


Diablo games, traditionally, have some of the worst gaming trolls ever.

Some of the stuff that went on during the OG D2 days were something else.

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I ignore them and occasionally flag posts as trolling (the worst ones).
I have a rule I try never to comment in their posts as it just keep the thread up on the forum longer.


I haven’t noticed much increase in negative zero postings, just that their focus has moved a little more towards D4 from DI and D3.

Would you rather people keep talking about banning bots and complaining about the gibbering gemstone a hundred times over still?


How about option C) Neither.


Dietrich, for me it’s like this - mature folks can point out errors omissions and make constructive feedback with a certain amount of decorum. Immature folks tend to use outrageous negative lines and single slang words to attract attention and formulate negativity and discord.

Diverse opinion are great, but I’m in the mature folks camp.


Fair enough. I just think people are ready for D4 so that’s what they want to talk about. There really isn’t much to talk about with this game anymore.

But also, a majority of posts are going to be negative. People usually take the extra time to complain when their unhappy compared to people who are happy.

The D3 forum was beyond toxic upon release to the point of writing personal things about developers and other employees themselves. Of course I think that kind of behavior is unacceptable, especially for a video game. I was just saying people always tend to be negative on these types of platforms. Especially with pseudo anonymity on the internet.

Yes, some of the zero post history accounts are obviously making troll threads. I personally don’t think they’re that bad though and some of them are kinda funny.


And it’s not over, the open beta is not yet deployed…

I’ll be playing the closed one for sure and i’ll probably just linger like a fart in the open.

I’m less concerned about the 0 post trolls than I am about the ones that have been here for quite a while, break the rules repeatedly but still remain.

On the same token, I’m not completely surprised. Blizzard forums have not had good moderation since WotLK.

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Yes, I do agree with your sentiment.

It is weird though. This phenomenon always repeats, when ever somethig new happening with Diablo. Same stuff occuerd when D2R came closer and closer to launch, same with Immortal, and now with D4.

I think OP and others can be happy now that it appears several of the bait threads were removed

“People should only get to say things i agree with!”

maybe it’s not weird. maybe you just have low expectations and care less.