Not trying to stir the pot here, but how come everyone gets all annoyed with that person, but then argues with them anyways? They do make some good points sometimes, even if it’s put in a sarcastic or silly way.
implies you’re looking forward to it and will be entertained.
I would bet several battle passes worth of money there will be far more negativity and hate from the toxic D2 crowd than “I quit” has ever done.
Who gets to decide what’s trolling what’s rage posting and what’s legitimate criticism?
I don’t want to derail into a moderation discussion, but saying exactly that isn’t grounds for moderation. If you were actioned, it was due to the inappropriateness of the context it was said in.
People can be critical of Bliz, they just can’t break the behavioral rules when doing so.
During the early access and open beta I’ll be playing, so forum issues won’t be a thing for me. Besides I have thick skin (mostly). I might drop in the new forum to say hello though.
“I Quit” said that the only true Diablo players are D2 players. That is why it will be interesting to see if “I Quit” shows up on the D4 forum. What “I Quit” says on this forum might not be what “I Quit” says on the D2R forum, just a heads up.
Saying Blizzard, it would be nice if the Barbarian could do this when you do that, might be feedback. Saying Blizzard you suck, and I will never play your games unless you do what I say, is something altogether different. Saying D3 players are stupid shills and do not know what they are doing only D2 players know how things should be, is not feedback. Saying I am the best Diablo player ever so people should listen to me, is not feedback.
That was all I said and believe me, I know it’s not grounds for moderation, which is why I appealed it. The robot that replied wasn’t so helpful, however.
The problem with the code of conduct is that it’s very vague and ambiguous. With the ability to cherry pick, it becomes a problem. Using ambiguous wording, one mod could say “that’s a violation” while another comes along and says “oh, that’s ok”. That’s a well known problem around here.
When I helped several reddits re-write their rules, one common rule people make is “Don’t be a…” you know. Some mods will tell you that disagreeing more than once means you’re being one and some will say that’s not true. It becomes impossible for regular people to be compliant if those in charge don’t really even know what compliant means.
Just saying moderation is poor or inconsistent is not grounds for moderation alone. I say it all the time and have for years. It is context used, and I am sure you know that.
They don’t have any AI handling forum suspensions or forum appeals. It would be a lot more consistent if they did. They are real people and handle all the Blizzard forums as a whole, not one game. It is not a big group of people doing it.
The rules are vague for a good reasons, otherwise people try to play rules lawyer and skirt them. Not that people don’t try anyway, but still.
You have a specific beef with the mods if I remember, and with one person in particular.
I was just tossing that out to you. You never know. I’ve seen people who make 100% pure insult posts who never get banned, which could project the illusion that what they’re doing must be ok since no action was taken.
I could post some screenshots which would make any reasonable person conclude that it was AI replying to these appeals but I don’t want this discussion to go that far down the rabbit hole.
Vague rules are what rules lawyers thrive off of vs explicit. I can tell you this from 30 years of moderation experience. No good forum rules will EVER use the word “nonconstructive”. When rules are vague, you’ll get 100x more arguments. When they’re explicit, it’s cut/dry.
No, not really. There were a couple who made some big mistakes and were corrected. There are some blues I’m not big fans of but I have no real personal issues with anyone. I appreciate the work that may of the CMs do on a daily basis. I’m just critical when it comes to moderating the public. It’s not just this forum but I see if sometimes on other forums. There are people who have no business moderating because they have no composure or common sense. They want to dive directly into banning people when that should ALWAYS be the last resort.
But you can’t say “do it this way” with everything. For example, my biggest complaint with D4 is the battle pass. I think they’re manipulative and bad for players in the long run. There is no replacement that can be offered. I just wish they wouldn’t do it. Doesn’t matter because they’ll do what they want anyways, but that alone is why I’m not buying the game until it’s at least been out a while and we truly see how everything is.
I should be allowed to say battle passes suck and will ruin the game if I want, and not have to offer an alternative way for the C suite people to increase their bonuses
Now if it goes as far as giving anyone the Jay Wilson treatment, then yes those posts should be removed.
The definition of “useless thread” is different from person to person.
Want to make an echo chamber where different opinions and criticisms are not tolerated? Go to Reddit. Which interestingly enough is exactly what blizzard was thinking about and people here cheer on. r/Diablo sucks, offers less useful information than what’s found here and is boring to read.
While I do not disagree with Strix, you are right… it’s subjective. I’ve seen my fair share of “this thread is useless because I don’t understand it or agree with it” replies. Even the word “troll” in this thread has been misused (not every instance).
I remember when they made the immortal announcement people jumped on the forum and made personal attacks wanting bodily harm to the CM Brandy when she had nothing to do with it. Some people even said they wanted her dead. I was sad and yet happy when see moved on. It was difficult for her dealing with some of the people on the forum. At least the D4 haters have not gone that far.
No. But post some subjects, one time, two times, three times (or more!) is just useless.
Several topics have already been covered several times. No need to create a topic on it.
And I hate one thing:
“I’m the best blablabla”, but when you ask for a proof…
Blizzard is not perfect, D3 is not perfect (for me), but it’s just a game.
I saw that too. These people are the worst. They hate Blizzard for not doing things they wanted but they also have no qualms about harming others, physically and mentally. It makes me wonder, who was the monsters at that time.
I am not going to discuss individual accounts. I suspect I would get my hands smacked for that.
She had zero say about what games are made, how they are marketed, how they are announced, etc. It was a terrible PR and Marketing decision to announce D:I at that Blizzcon, esp in that slot at opening ceremonies. Not her fault though. Regardless, some people spent YEARS going after her for it all, on the forums.
Eventually Blizzard no longer let the CMs post anything but pre-made announcements, for the most part. Any comments on that Blizzcon were cleared by upper mgt and legal.
I was very very upset about it all too, but blaming Brandy was beyond wrong for anyone to do. I most certainly told people that when they tried it on the forums. Not ok. Don’t do that.
I was also VERY critical of Blizzard, but of the people actually at fault, not the CM, or even the Devs making a game they were told to make.
I reached out to her a few times to encourage her, but she was always between a rock (Blizzard) and a hard place (some dimwits on the forum). Is it any wonder why we do not see the current CMs on the forum. Most of the people who were venting about Immortal vanished relatively fast. Some are now playing it on PC. I hope to see some of you on the D4 forum, others not so much.