A troll is back
Yep…Far far worse to come, this is cute in comparison. I guess everyone forgot what launch year was like on the forums, gonna be in for a rude welcome back wake up call!
Friday the forum will be flooded with all of the “I cannot long in, Blizzard sucks” threads.
Even crazy “I Quit” has some groupies now or is “I Quit” just liking his own post with alts.
They’ll have their own forums!
Interesting twist of words seeing that’s nowhere near what the OP said.
Theirs was a question about a number of posts by specific people, followed by a question about if there could be a collective motive.
That won’t stop it though. Not at all. There are some very dedicated people who enjoy being non-constructive and others who enjoy concern trolling. They know exactly what they are doing.
People also take the bait. We have a couple of people who use multiple accounts to do it. They are even worse on the WoW forums where you can have hundreds of characters per license and each is treated as a separate forum account. Working to get that changed so it at least limits it to one posting identity per Battletag. It won’t stop it, but it helps.
That is what he does. Along with personal slights, misinformation, etc. It is an attempt to get people to engage because people tend to defend themselves, and also to correct things that are wrong.
Moderation is poor and inconstant. However we do have ignore lists and there is a way to prevent the concern troll threads from showing if you use a browser addon.
Not sure if this still works, but worth a try. It should even remove their threads from your view.
if you think of Reddit, I’m afraid they can’t find it
For sure.
But like the initial influx of DI posts, many of the regulars will redirect the D4 posts to the right place. However, with time, they will die down, just like the DI posts did.
Those posters will buy D4 to post there. They are inevitable.
I am somewhat confused will the D4 forum be open to everyone? Or just to people who per order?
Starting on March 17, wanderers across all platforms can casually talk about Diablo IV, report bugs, and provide feedback in our new Diablo IV forums. Once the forums go live, visit our homepage click on the forums tab in the upper left corner to become a part of our incredible Diablo IV community. We’ll see you there!
With D2R you had to own the game to post on the forum. I remember people were crying about in on this forum.
I got the impression from the blog that they will be Bnet forums. Hopefully that’s the case.
I don’t know. Normally it is only open to people with the game license, but for Open Beta that might not be the case.
I did not get that impression, but I have not asked either. I guess I could do that…
I missed this information!
Good news!
Bad news
It was the “our new Diablo IV forums” that made me think Bnet. But obviously it’s not specified, so no one quote me!
Yeah no. They say that about every forum launch. The D2R forums were the “new D2R forums” as well.
D:I has Bnet forums and the only options are Tech Support and Bug Report. The D4 Blog also said feedback, which means a Discussion forum. I am currently leaning towards them making normal forums like these with at least the basic discussion pages.
Again though, I have not asked yet.
So, could everyone have access to the open beta forums, even people who hate D4 and will never touch it or so they say. But in June the forum will be only for people who actually have a license?
I’m going to leave the forum for a few days I think. Or have a lot of
Oh, I just mean D4 forums hosted here by Bliz (aka on Battlenet). Not that they will be specifically placed in the Battlenet subforum section.
That’s typically how paid license games are handled at launch. Must own a license to post on its respective forum.
For sure. At least they will (eventually) no longer be here!
At least we will know how many of the haters were liars if we see them posting on the forum. I wonder how many times “I Quit” will quit on the D4 forum. The show is about to start I have my ready it looks to be a double feature.
I’ve caught 3 people on here who use multiple accounts and several on the WoW forums. It’s a little trickier on here but you just have to look for the signs… exact same syntax, same grammatical errors, always coming to the same person’s rescue, etc. Some are not 100% guaranteed but they do clue you in to give you something to look closer at someone with.
On the WoW forums, I’ve caught several by looking at their mount/pet collections. It’s funny seeing certain people such as people who’re “well known” or claim to be famous on the forums and even a MVP have other person(s) come along to defend them only to find out the person(s) defending them have the exact same 1:1 pet/mount collection as they do and even PVP rank.
There used to be better ways to catch people like this on the older forums.
Take caution, I got infracted once for saying the exact same thing.