The S24 vault EXPLOIT has gone far enough

No! Don’t reward him.

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Trust me, it isn’t a reward. That I can guarantee you. :wink:


And you should be banned permanently with all your troll posts but yet you are still here


dont confuse your poor assumptions with my implications. i posted facts.

only a fool with very limited understanding of this game would accuse this of being a troll thread. This has become a sad little attempt at a witch hunt filled with the same toxic posters as usual.

He’ll just come back whint an alt account.

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Quick, someone get this guy a mirror!

Exhibit 1


LMAO every time you mention the OnlyJesseths I lose it hahaaha

No, you said

That’s your opinion, not a fact. Queen Elizabeth was impressed enough to knight Hillary and New Zealand put him on their money, plus numerous other honors.

Several things you are wrong about.

  1. As miss cheetah already said, these methods were indeed very much intended and clearly communicated. So, yes, definitely intended.

  2. Someone getting an “achievement” in this game has no effect or whatsoever on any other player. In fact, whatever any player does, does not affect any other player at all (perhaps a very small effect on groupmembers in group play).
    (Not counting truly illegal things like botting).
    So, no, you are NOT robbed of anything.

  3. No achievement in this game is hard. Any and all achievements just take time and some might require some focus. No achievement in D3 requires skill, if I remember correctly.
    Same for leaderboards where you just need numbers.

But I think I understand what you are getting at. You want to feel special.
You think you can do that by spending a massive amount of time in a game, doing something the hard way (which translates in D3 to time consuming).

Are you also sticking to gr75 runs to gain paragon? Do you consider speedrunning gr120s cheating/exploit? How do you feel about powerleveling?


Also think about that at this point, mayority of players already made the achevement, so this whining is pointless, and just attention seeking.


Have you been reading all of your comments?


I bet you want to claim to have done this. You definitely did it without oxygen. Heck, I bet you even did it with your eyes closed, holding your breath, dressed only in roller skates and a tutu and tobogganed your way back down to base camp whilst yelling “Hey, sherpas, git gud!” all while you cured cancer, caused world peace and reversed global warming, whilst sipping hot chocolate and posing for selfies which you posted to Instagram via the 5G masts you planted on the way up.


Definition of a game exploit:

In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the [game’s designers]

Running Vaults with a level 6 toon is not an exploit.


all you do is complain. everything you post. cry more.

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You don’t understand, this is different :grin:

Level 5 vaults is a good use for all the regular puzzle rings I would otherwise salvage or drop on ground. Helps new clan members get the achievement.

To each, their own … You can do it your way, we can do what ever way we choose. No need to remove alternate methods from all. The CPSC did that to Zen Magnets rather than trust the public and now no one can buy them any more. You are attacking our freedom to choose within the intended game mechanics.

Back when Set Dungeons were introduced, the feat to complete all was uber difficult before the current nerfs. Sounds like you would want the nerfs removed as well to add more sweat.

I’m a poor human and I don’t the have the Bravata’s knowledge , sorry :cry:

Are you referring to one of the best Diablo players ever, who does not even know the correct name of D2R?


You need to learn what is an exploit…

You mean, “those of us who are not competent enough to get them the other way”.

You do love to get some attention, don’t you?