The reason why higher drop rates will follow after personal loot

My thought. Current situation is :-

  • 1 is happy with 4 items and 7 are unhappy with nothing,

With personal loot it become :-

  • 1 is unhappy due to 4 become 0, 4 are happy due to 0 become 1 and 3 are nothing change.


  • 1 is unhappy due to 4 become 1, 3 are happy due to 0 become 1 and 4 are nothing change

So only 1/8 players will feel drop rate down. While around half of the players feel drop rate up and around half of the players feel nothing change.

BTW. Personal loot supporters are NOT asking drop rate change but drop distribution change, i.e. more randomly available to all players :slight_smile:


Why are we assuming with free for all loot 1 player gets all the items every single time?

I understand the request is for a distribution change. But I have a feeling that once people start seeing nothing happening on their screen after the boss dies they will ask for % chance increases.

I wish this is just my/our wrong assumption :slight_smile:

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This is an incorrect assumption though.

In fact the correct assumption, which is not an assumption at all, is currently every player has access to all loot that is dropped, every single time without personal loot.

Both scenarios of not getting loot are disappointing but that is what I enjoy about FFA, the shared experience. Maybe I didn’t get the good drop, but In a way, I’m excited for the person that did, and it’s neat to see everything, especially really rare drops. I guess this is where we disagree, because just seeing nothing drop is not the Diablo experience I’m looking for, and certainly not that terrible D3 feeling of people playing their own separate games.

And about your analogy of 2 players with one being in town, that sounds great. One man’s trash is another treasure. I’m sure I was that guy picking up somebodies loot many times. So D2! If they missed something, too bad :wink: Do people really go back through their runs to look for loot, anyway? I don’t remember, to be honest. I don’t recall doing this, maybe it is because there were other people.

Not true with cheating. If cheating is anywhere near as bad as in D2 the last 15 years, this becomes extremely incorrect.


This is still assuming that cheating will be as bas as it is now. Also assuming that there is a cheater in every single game ever made. This will not be true, unless we believe that at least 12.5% (1/8) of the player base that will be playing D2R is a cheater. Even if 12.5% of players are cheaters, that still doesn’t mean there will be a cheater in your game every single time.

Even if 1/1000 players are using pickit, it becomes a massive problem.


I liked the FFA in D2, not sure what game you played…

You’re allowed to like it. Others are allowed to dislike it. It’s about even, both should get what they want.


Can they also make a D2-JRPG experience. I wouldn’t mind that too.
They could make it like Chrono Trigger, but with Diablo classes.

Are we still talking about the D2 Remake? Can I get everything I want, too? D2 JRPG doesn’t sound too bad.

I know a lot of people want ploot, and maybe I’m getting old, but this attitude I see every day of “we should get what we want” is disappointing. My attitude is more like, people definitely shouldn’t get everything they want. I hope every individual person gets everything little thing they want so D2 can be a big cluster …


Not at all what I’m arguing. I think there should be a version with almost everything kept as-is, and don’t think we should change everything on the whims of every player.

However, adding a personal loot option adds a layer of protection against cheating, and it has precedence in this game, with adding game limits when pindlebot came online.


Then community has easy solution, do not join their game at all.

Real players use pickit too. This is not a solution to the problem.


Probably a lot since the people doing Baal runs are doing them for XP and not loot. Also people who played the original game are already used to getting zero loot numerous games in a row if they were just being carried for XP.

If they increase drop rates it will be to compensate for a shorter season length, not because “personal loot.”

edit: also in terms of “seeing loot,” personal loot doesn’t have to mean D3 style loot. You’d still see all the same loot using a PoE style loot allocation system. Maybe they’d even decide a temporary allocation only would make the most sense in D2.


Jeez Geez… not at all the same. 1) Pickit isn’t a part of the intended game design, unlike if personal loot were happening. 2) Even if loot is vacuumed by pickit, players know they could have had a chance if this illegal cheat wasn’t there. Players will have no chance even without pickit if utilizing personal loot. 3) No one petitions Blizzard to increase drop rates because of pickit - the problem is this illegal software, not the loot drop rate.

I think this is a very salient point about a likely psych effect of inexperienced players using personal loot with D2’s existing loot tables. It shows these two systems are not necessarily going to mix very harmoniously. And Blizzard cannot increase drop rates for personal loot players – that clearly disrupts way too much for every player.

The only way any of this could happen is if personal looters are on their own, separate server away from shared (D2-style) looters. Even then it’d be bizarre to have one server with increased drop rates - they’d be too unequal. But even still, I’d be willing to continue playing the original D2R even if ‘personal loot D2R’ had some higher drop rates. But I’m afraid I’d be in quite a minority there.

Good old slippery slope fallacy.

“But if you change X, then you’ll change Y and Z down the line!”

No. Just stop with the ridiculous straw man arguments already.

Us asking for either a personal loot toggle or a personal loot realm/server/mode does not mean they will then change anything else.

Stop trying to fight the majority and stop spamming with your threads. The people have spoken, whether you “hardcore fans” agree or not.


If you think D2R won’t have pickit, maphack and bots, you must live in paradise.

D3 has maphacks and bots. D3 has a much bigger budget and a much bigger playerbase than D2R, AND it’s actively still being supported with new seasonal content every 3 months, including new items, tons of hotfixes and balance changes, etc. So, like…

If you seriously, seriously think that D2R’s staff can fix a problem that D3’s staff hasn’t been able to, I’d love for you to share the secret of your optimism.

Some of us aren’t asking for changes just because we think it’ll be fun to screw with the D2 formula. We’re asking for changes because we know that the problems that ruined D2 - bots, cheat software, pickit, etc. - aren’t going away. And even if they did, the idea that loot should go to whoever clicked fastest is still ridiculous no matter how you try to justify it.

Nevermind the fact that FFA loot is an immediate disadvantage to players with slightly slower internet connections, or even playing from more remote countries further away from the game servers.

Stop assuming that all requested changes are there to ruin your experience and change the game for funsies. A lot of the changes being asked for are equally there as considerations for things like lag, physical disabilities (especially hand/wrist ones), ability to play online with strangers without fear of greed getting in the way, etc.

MMOs have long since figured out that you cannot trust random people on the internet to behave when clearing content together. D2 needs a dose of that realization too, and personal loot is the simplest fix.


Not a fallacy at all. You know how I know this can happen? Did you play Diablo 3 at all?! Even at its current state, it is an abomination to the series. One thing did lead to the next, except all of it changed before the game even came out and we got delivered a bag of sh-t.

Sorry pal, but whether YOU agree or not, changing the game to have personal loot will not be preserving the game that they are aiming to do.

We need one of two things to happen. We keep it the way it should be, or, snowflakes can play on their own server and we still get to play the way everyone played, in its original form. Mark my words, mark your calendar that I told you, if they add personal loot, there will be more changes. Changes that are more or less the same of what you call the “minority” do not want to touch with a Diablo 3 long pole!

Jay Wilson - Hey do you remember that thing you guys loved to do and based your gear on depending on the activity you were doing? (Magic finding) Yea! We completely removed all of it! HAHAHAHA.

Shall I even start to continue listing the things players loved that they completely removed from the game? Which by the way, they are adding back to Diablo 4 because D3 was a joke.

They literally made an entire level filled with bright colours, rainbows and unicorns deliberately making fun of its fanbase for thinking the game was too bright and looked too much like WoW. If that isn’t the biggest slap in the face to fans I have seen… Jesus. Have you seen videos of Diablo 4? Weird, it doesn’t look ridiculously cartoonish like WoW, does it?