The reason why higher drop rates will follow after personal loot

At least with FFA you have a chance and with personal loot you don’t


Also, why are a bunch of the people acting as if they are the majority? While referring to purist’s as the “vocal minority”. It is funny, I only see this claim being made on the for personal loot side of the argument. This is in fact, not true. Did you see the survey done with over 4,000 people? 38% voted no personal loot and 36% voted yes.

Pretty much the entire survey is asking for ridiculous other changes to the game. The loot debate is actually one that is very close to split down the middle. Which actually supports my claim that more changes will indeed weasel their way into the game if it manages to happen.

You sir, are the minority and you need to stop pretending that you are not.


It is a fact in the scenario of 4 Baal drops with 8 players, 4 get nothing.

Factually, D2 purists are the minority. The reddit poll of >4,000 respondents who reported to be D2 players demonstrate that D2 purists are equal to or less than 6% of all respondents. Although this poll has selection and sampling bias, it is clear that D2 purists are in fact the minority. Moreover, that poll likely overrepresents D2 purists so the true numbers are likely less.

Please get your facts right. The vote for personal loot options was split between two categories. 49% wanted personal loot options (36% + 13% =49%) and 39% wanted to keep it FFA only.

That is so right. Ridiculous changes that have already been announced like auto-gold pickup and shared stash. This is completely and udderly ridiculous (who would even ask about more moo/cow level).
/sarcasm off


That honestly doesn’t make sense unless you’re saying it would go back to how it is now with a ton of people mfing in private games. In that case, what is the harm in trying private loot without increased drop rates?

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So then play games with FFA loot enabled.

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So, let’s be clear. You state that the poll is biased and make the claim that it actually over represents the purist because it support your side of the argument? Interesting observation… And saying yes to that but for a trade off is vague. The example trade of is even more atrocious than just straight up changing it to personal loot. Changes the game to much. ZERO CHANCE OF HAPPENING. Move on, next!

And yes, most of the ideas are TRASH and already have ZERO chance of being put into the game. Charm inventory? Zero chance. Increased inventory space? Zero chance. Balance changes? Zero chance. Item changes? Zero chance. The devs thought rune/ gem stacking was too much. Personal loot is the only one that sadly holds any water and ONLY being due to pickit.

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Have you seen Blizzard’s survey that Blizzard sent out last week?

Increased stash space has been confirmed already, so some of the things said in this comment seem to be incorrect already.

Sorry, I meant increased inventory space.

I think Dennis has a legit concern here. Say the change is made to personal loot, and it is done the only way it can be done while preserving the loot rarity as it exists; random distribution to the party. That means any boss or Super unique that is heavily farmed by a full group (assuming that is commonplace) will randomly show no loot. Not only will this be frustrating for new players who are still learning (not much incentive when you kill normal Diablo, and Baal, and get squat), and let’s be clear, it’ll be maddening for players returning to D2 who don’t follow forums or read blogs and just saw that it was announced, and then go jump on the realm, join a Baal run, and, you get the idea.

I originally thought Ploot was a good idea; the thought of joining an MP game, contributing to the kills, but getting anything decent sniped would be frustrating; but it would be just as frustrating to see nothing 3-4 times out of 8. Or 10.

Now, if they did decide to increase the amount of loot dropped, any factor that would make it so a person would always see 1-2 pieces of loot, of any quality/rarity, means about a 50% increase in overall loot. And if that happens…the drops will be so common as to water down the fun in finding rare stuff, and make the game way too easy.

To be fair, some of this does depend on implementation; if the devs decided to change to personal loot, they could, say, tweak bosses and super uniques to drop more when multiple players are in close proximity to the kill, but leave the rest of the drop tables alone, and could (and should!) disable this in SP. While this might cause an increase in overall loot, it will not be as bad as a blanket increase so people in 8 players game all split up and go crazy with drops.

Which is why I say, leave it alone. Returning D2 players, by which I mean the majority of returning players who don’t stalk these forums, will be ok with FFA, because it is what they remember. It might bother new players, but they can do what a lot of other people do; join private games or play solo, even on realms. I don’t know if it is the best version of D2, honestly, and I don’t think either scenario is appealing to me personally (seeing loot but not getting it vs. no loot at all half the time), but I am firmly against anything that trivializes the rarity of loot.


You’re right, seeing loot drop on the ground and not getting it every single time, is how every single person that ever played Diablo 2 in the entire history of the games life remembers it. It has never been any other way.

Theoretically there would be scenarios were 1 player gets all of the loot even on personal loot, where 7 people get nothing… and scenarios where 1 player out of the 8 gets nothing 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 runs in a row. Is it likely to happen? No. But it can and will happen to people. This WILL result into people complaining about wanting to see more drops on their screens.

“Why am I farming Baal and Diablo and seeing nothing for X games in a row Blizzard?! This needs to change!”


I can already see it now. In which they respond, well that’s cuz you opted in to a system that is essentially auto-pickit ya dummy’s…

If people want to see more drops, they can play FFA, no one is trying to take away that option.

The lobby screen can explain in detail the difference in game modes, this shouldn’t be an issue for new players.

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Man, can you not just accept that you’re going to play the game regardless of FFA or not? Considering there are ways around the click the fastest ninja looting in a FFA system. You will still play the game. There is no sense in arguing that you won’t.

You can also play the game with mods in single player, which is I am sure that’s why they are supporting them.

On the other hand, there are people that will not play the game if personal loot and any other ridiculous snowflake idea gets put into the game. I will, as well as others, will refund our copies of the game if this happens. If they screw this up, I will not be purchasing Diablo 4 and will honestly never buy another Blizzard game regardless of franchise. Just complete dog water vomit at that point that keeps getting worse and anyone been around long enough has been seeing it happen for years.

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That’s exactly what you’ve just done for this entire thread, I was going to sit here and quote it all but I’m not going to waste my time.

You made some sort of assumption about the future. Claiming that drop rates will increase etc etc you have no idea if that’s going to happen. Then sat here demanding someone argue with you about your opinions of what the future might hold.


So you really don’t think that there will be people that complain about literally not even seeing Diablo or Baal drop a health potion, potential 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9… times in a row? I mean honestly ask yourself if you can see after release that happening or not. Considering people complain about everything. The obvious answer is yes, it will happen.

You don’t know that its just your opinion, your entitled to that but I don’t agree.

That would be extremely naive to think so.

I mean, even in D3 people complain they don’t see enough primals or ancients…

Some players will complain about anything. Blizzard won’t listen to them any more just because they might implement personal loot. This premise seems faulty.

Being called overly pessimistic might be considered an insult? My goodness what is happening to the world?!

It is pretty commonly agreed upon by people with any comprehension of well… anything. That no matter what you will have a group of unhappy people. Which means yes, even with personal loot, there will be people that are unhappy not seeing loot drop from bosses anymore. Which is not an opinion whether that will happen or won’t. That is a fact. It would be naive to believe that this group of people will not exist at all. Unless of course we are just pretending to try and make a silly point :smiley:

I got a 1 day last night ban for suggesting you where a robot lol you tell me what’s happening bro :smiley: I mean you can see the future after all.