The reason why higher drop rates will follow after personal loot

To be completely honest. Pickit doesn’t really effect the economy, only you. The loot is still in the economy whether pickit exists or not. Not saying its great for players that don’t use it.

Disclaimer: I have never used pickit. Still got items in botted pub games.


Farming is a big part of the game, does not need to increase the drop rate such as Diablo 3. It’s no fun If you get good drops everytime you kill a boss.

Competition, don’t like it? Find another game to play.

I hope Blizzard is doing a great job banning cheaters, no need Personal Loot If that happen bois.


If you got the items, it means they weren’t set to be picked up by the bot. Pickit picks up items before they’re able to be picked up by humans. It isn’t possible. I frequent hack sites, and this is not how it works. You do not beat pickit legitly.


I agree with this. If there are no cheats, I could care less about personal loot, and hope the drop rates stay the same.


Disclaimer: I have never used pickit. Still got items in botted pub games.

You mean these public advertisement bots? They deliberately switched the pick ups off.

Ok dude what the hell. I will believe you as i didnt play on battle net a lot of years. But i would like to say that playing full games with 8 players is not a way to get loot. Doesnt matter if you use ploot or ffa loot. Private games are for that because all loot is yours.

No, Baal runs ran by bots.

This comment shows you don’t understand economics.

There is a difference in the health of an economy if 10 players amassed 90% of all items to sell on RMT sites, and a more flatly distributed economic model.

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I did not claim to beat pickit, I am stating that I have seen GG items drop and got my hands on them before in public games. Not every single person that picks up the item quickly has pickit…

I would honestly suggest to anyone who would want to avoid cheating to play hardcore on battle net. That place was always more clear as bots have higher chance to actualy die.

So here’s the thing…it’s not a question how prevalent bots are…I’m not going to link here, but it has every type of bot available, mulebots, etc…and the forum is massively popular and has been for many years. It has daily heavy use.

Yes I know, because if it’s pickit being used, you won’t even see the items while pressing alt. That’s how pickit works.

Its sad when diablo community is destroying it self.

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You will see it with alt. I know how it work well :slight_smile:

Then why are we talking about pickit. The thread is about personal loot and why higher drop chances will most likely be implemented because of it. This has nothing to do with pickit. I played the game… I was able to pick up good items in public games. Pickit is not part of the discussion.

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Yeah, Shop spam bots are not excluded from baal runs and they don’t loot. /e They host it for adv€rti$ement purposes.

Does “god mod” still exist?

Also what happens if you hostile the bot in public game?

You should go watch some youtube videos on it. The modern pickit goes straight to the inventory of the user, without another user in town being able to see it pressing alt. There may have been more primitive ones in 2004, but nowadays? nope, you can’t see it hitting the ground.


Pickit and personal loot are inseparable. You can’t have one conversation without the other.

When pickit comes to D2R, one of the best ways to combat it is a personal loot option.