But on a forum with no moderation, how else do you take out the garbage?
Allowing the trolls to moderate each other and everyone else does not seem to be the solution to a lack of moderation.
There does seem to be some mods here though. At least people get banned from time to time.
There are no moderators on these forums. There are glorified flag chasers with the title of moderator, but they have no understanding of how to moderate.
At the very least, greyed out posts let people know what to ignore.
Who got greyed out on the old forums? Trolls and people posting bad information, mostly from what I seen.
If a topic was worth being discussed, the up votes cancelled out the idiots who were trying to abuse the down vote system.
Ah, but how many of your likes were from your own seven accounts?
I find myself agreeing with over 100% of what Meteorblade has to say.
And I love how the guy who hides his profile reports on like statistics, isn’t that swell?
Lol@likes per post comment… Irrelevant. Anyone with a brain stem can farm likes.
Bigger issue is that he made up the statistic. He does that alot.
I was drinking tea…(wipes screen)…
Well… I suppose he could have posted half a page of tables…
I must not have a brain stem and after your comment, I am sort of glad…
As I mentioned he could have made it up and put it in half a page of tables… At least it was brief.
Call the paramedics?
You do realize that works exactly the same way with the like button
Person gets lots of likes because he brings in his other accounts and likes his own posts and yes they can do the exact same thing with dislike
And how many of his friends and others that like him on the forums aren’ t just giving him a like because of who it is and you claim only people that use dislike does this
Liking something because of who wrote it and not on the contents of the post is not constructive thats just making a bad situation worse
And to top it off it is only a handful of people that actually come to the forums compared to how many play the game and that minute minority of players are deciding the direction the game goes and bugger all those that don’t have a problem with the game and no need to come here
There is no perfect solution, but this version does at least prevent ganging up with groups of dislike button clicks due to simply not liking someone and when flagging, giving a reason.
Handful,? Possibly… But here we all are… us lots of handfuls
In which case, I’m 1000% sure you don’t understand statistics.
I agree 110%! (7 characters)
I strongly disagree with your position.
First, there is no need to refer to other posters as idiots. It lacks civility. Name calling and personal attacks highlight a contributing factor to why the dislike button was removed in that forum members are not always engaging in respectful discussions.
I know that often factually correct information and predictions that ultimately prove to be true are often subject to widespread ridicule. Some of this is easy to see as several classes have claimed to be the weakest class historically where by definition only a single class can be weakest. Likewise, there have been many failed predictions about builds relative strength and what new items would be incorporated in GR push builds.
I think that it is a disservice to respectful discourse to silence others. For example, you know that I prefer game balance where both buffs and nerfs are used. Others prefer “Only buff, never nerf.” Although I disagree with this, other posters are entitled to express that opinion that I disagree with as long as they follow the forum rules. I do not feel the need to have dissenting opinions like these grayed out.
For posts that violate the forum rules, forum members can flag them for Blizzard forum moderator review.
100% agree. Moreover, you can imagine that those who have been forum banned for violating the rules may be more likely to misuse a dislike or the flag feature. I know that some posters even in the new forum have called for others to flag all posts of a specific user, irrespective of the post’s content.
I agree with Kilometer.
I imagine that their likes would be MUCH higher if it didn’t show who liked each post. Their socks would be actively liking EACH post to feed their ego.
If posters mis-use the flagging function, they’ll get suspended rather than the poster they’re false-flagging. It’s specified in the Forum Code of Conduct under the Spamming or Trolling section…
- Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
I know this. However, if a poster has been forum banned, I suspect that there is a decreased likelihood that they will follow the rules in the future. That is why I wrote : “more likely to misuse”
Also, we know that some posters will encourage other posters to flag a post or posts of specific forum members. Personally, I use the flag post feature infrequently and only for outrageous things that violate the CoC. I get the sense that many posters use the flag post feature simply because they dislike a post, even though it does not violate the CoC.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It costs money to post here because you need a valid D3 game key. Eventually most people get tired of getting banned over and over and having to spend money to keep trolling.
Most, not all though.
The mods also don’t normally outright ban forum accounts for average violations. They suspend people - duration gets longer with more infractions.
On the subject of a downvote/disagree button. It was literally called “dislike” on the old forums. I liked being able to just click that instead of posting something that bumps the thread. On the other hand, some people enjoy farming dislikes so that also feeds trolls.
The best thing to do is let bad ideas, and trolls, sink to the depths of obscurity by ignoring their threads.
I am not sure the ratio of sometimes yes/sometimes no, but I think many (I would even venture the guess to be the majority) of the serial offenders just wait for their forum suspension to end and start posting again without purchasing another game license.
Perhaps they can learn from Steam, instead of having dislike button, they have “I found this post funny” button