The Burning Need For An Agree/Disagree Button(s)

The new forums are designed as behavior modifiers, it’s community engineering. They have no interest in our conversations other than we have them, stay within the CoC and smash the heart button as much as possible. Disagree or thumbs down buttons create psychological experiences they don’t want occurring on the forums. They want constant positive result oriented interaction that they can compile as data. X number of posts created, x number comments, and x number of hearts. They even create a summary for us so we can strive toward bringing up our own numbers.


The problem with the dislike button was it could unfairly target unpopular posters/posts where there was nothing inherently wrong with the post in question. Popular does not equate to right nor does unpopular equate to wrong. Sometimes the unpopular view is right and virtuous.


This is nit a friend group or high school. Unpopular posters are unpopular due to bad posts, nit the other way around.

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I am by far and away the most unpopular Diablo 2 poster in the history of all three Blizzard Diablo 2 forums. The reason I’m the most unpopular, the most hated person in the forum’s history, the most down voted person in the forum’s history, is because I’m unrelenting and I unapologeticly speak out against botting, hacking and item selling websites including d2jsp. D2jsp has almost 1 million users. I’m 100% right.


Personally, I think it’s great you are so passionate about D2. I love all versions and for different reasons. There are worse posters than you man.
Speak against botting and pay-to-win? GREAT! That benefits everyone not a negative.

Unrelenting and you’re always right? Did I read that properly?.. If you mean you refuse to consider that something else might be good for someone else and you will refuse to see someone else’s point of view, well yes, that might pose a problem.
being passionate is great man. Just allow everyone else to be the same. :slight_smile:

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I’m always right that bots, hacks and item sellers destroy the online experience and they also affect players financially via higher game prices because developers have to combat the criminals exploiting their games, which we pay for, and these criminals eventually cause greater restrictions in game development because developers often don’t do what will make a game great, but what will prevent a game from being exploited.

Keep in mind, I’m only speaking about Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction and the associated Blizzard forums. I’m not talking about D3 and this forum or the previous two. Though the original D3 forum before the game was released people were not happy with my ideas, especially when I came up with the AH idea and made a post about it.

I know no such thing.

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Didn’t the like and dislike buttons already fill essentially the same roll?

The downside to this is it encourages feeding the trolls.

Let crazy shout into silence, and it goes away.

I remember one guy on the old forum who said that he was going to down vote every post, just because he thought it was funny. We have a few on this forum that would do the same.

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I bet trolls would be fed by dislikes too.
Probably best not to respond to them at all.

Anyway, imo it is a bit like bots in Diablo. Don’t design the game around what bots/cheaters do. If it makes the experience worse for everyone else.
Trolls should likely not be handled through the existence of a dislike button.

This. Disagree will only encourage a bunch of posters who hate you to group up and dislike/disagree with every single of your posts and threads.

The like/dislike system is fine in a perfect world, but in our world, it is not as people tend to be biased and prejudice.

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The Modus Operandi is everything. A troll will still be one with or without the button.

BOOM. The M.O is everything. Sad though with this type.

The thing is they would not be - See Avalon’s post.

That pretty much nails it. :1st_place_medal::trophy:

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Not only that but there’s a strong “magnet” for trolls to downvote already downvoted stuff even if it’s reasonable

That’s why I hate reddit btw, it’s the “yes man” mentality all over the place, if you disagree with a thing and try to make a well-documented post telling what isn’t right and why, unless it’s something of a type “data study”, people will downvote like hell

In short, that’s what the internet is overall

Yes, there is the chance that the most important stuff gets upvoted, but don’t underestimate the power of haters and trolls, especially when they can see the result of feeding one another into doing an effective change by doing virtually nothing than downvoting everything that doesn’t have the content they expect to have tbh


No, this promotes toxicity and opens up the opportunity to abuse.

Let’s keep things positive, the Like button is wonderful.

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Haha Bravata. You are exactly the person who would get down voted do to constant self important troll posts that make wrong claims.

And we are not a general forum where we need to encourage participation. We are a very specific forum for ideas involving D3. Downvoting or disagreeing with bad ideas helps that process.


You’ve only exposed yourself as having a personal vendetta and prove as to why a disagree button would be abused.

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And just sayin, my Likes per post ratio is better then yours
1.29 - me
1.12 - you

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By all means, cite to any source for this. We will wait here.

You start threads that regularly have zero likes. This one alone has 37.

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We can all agree that it’s a good thing that flagging still exists.