The Burning Need For An Agree/Disagree Button(s)

While I certainly miss the dislike function (especially with some of the threads that occasionally pops up here), I didn’t miss how it acted as a deterrent for posters who posted their ideas or even asked a question in earnest, especially when the posters in question were newer players. In the old forums I saw occasionally folks asking a question only to be downvoted into near-obscurity and worse yet some of them never received an answer and/or feedback to their topic.

So yeah; I’m not too keen on a dislike/disagree button coming back.

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It would be nice if it also included a little slap your forehead animated emoji too.

They do. :woman_facepalming:

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Can’t say I’ve been anywhere with any sort of dislike, downvote, rate down, or whatever system where it ever actually wound up working as intended. Most of the time it wound up a way of passively trolling or inspiring bad actors to believe they’re in the right, that everyone else is just thoughtless sheep, and so on down the rabbit hole of misplaced ego.

From the developer perspective, all you really need to see are likes if an idea has some merit. A thread with only a couple doesn’t really mean much, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of people viewing a thread. However, when a specific post garners hundreds of likes, there’s a higher probability that there’s something to it. Slapping dislikes on top, and as the old system did, simply subtracted from the positive number, doesn’t change that. And as I noted initially, some merely abuse the feature because of who is saying it, it actually winds up being a popular concept, and/or it deliberately targets some facet of play/community they personally exploit and don’t want to see ruined. The old phrase about not being able to please 100% of people applies, ultimately.

Of course, the drum I’ve consistently banged here over time is that we need honest to goodness proper and active moderation. I believe the current report system is actually worse than the old one because we can’t specify what is actually a problem and just have to hope that maybe someone in CS recognizes what we’re trying to point out within the broad flags. For example, one of our unfortunate regulars has been dropping culturally insensitive and racist “jokes” in defense of his frequent bad takes. For anyone that doesn’t actually know or understand that culture inferred, it’s going to fly under their radar, be they a mod or normal poster. The need for dedicated mods also helps to identify those who make the same problem threads over and over, just with a different name to cleverly elude the concept of spam. It also doesn’t help we have some people here “bored enough” to play along and perpetuate the issues.

So, yeah, mods good. Letting the inmates run the asylum bad.

knowing you, you spent hours trying to find an instance but came up empty handed. Can’t say i’m not happy you wasted the time tbqh, it was kind of petty for you to accuse me of.

and you too, lol.

you can find examples of this in half of the topics i post, and by the same 3-4 people.

I have brought this up before to people who actually have management influence in the forum software decisions.

They would hear a lot less from me if we could explain our reports again. The mods handle ALL the Blizzard forums so are not dedicated and can easily miss patterns of behavior that are disruptive or “grey”.

That is what is should be used for. Things that actually break the forum Code of Conduct.

Abusing the report feature has earned quite a few folks vacations. The Mods do pay attention to it, esp when there is a pattern of it.

Just keep in mind, some people who get reported are unable to admit they keep breaking rules so think there is some conspiracy. Mods just lift the flags if the post does not have anything wrong with it - and they may suspend the false reporter.

You have no idea who reports you. That information is not available via the forum interface nor in suspension reports.

Insulting people who don’t agree with you WILL get you reported for trolling - not because you are a victim, but because the forum code of conduct was violated.


If this were true, you and several others who consistently troll and toss insults in my topics would be. You’ve only recently joined them, but 1-2 times is still over the line.

Don’t believe it, try going through my topics and look for the first off topic posts and insults. I dare you. I make D3 topics and have the same small group of bullies flooding the thread with off topic trash. Do it, if you have any integrity at all.

I am well aware of your threads, and the threads of your alts. I am well aware of your pattern of behavior and why people are tired of it. If you find a post that is in violation of the rules, report it using the flag system. Mods will remove it if it actually violates the rules.

If you present an idea in public you need to be able to handle comments that don’t agree with you (about the idea), without insulting others or pretending you are somehow better than them.

That advice goes a long way.

For everyone else, IGNORE is a lovely tool. Let the bad ideas sink into the depths of the forums without comment. Don’t take the bait.


It’s a huge red flag how you are okay with someone like myself making a thread about D3 content and getting berated with off topic hate that has nothing to do with the topic posted, simply because someone doesnt like me personally for something they disagreed with in the past.

You sound very much like another poster who creates these types of threads. R2F comes to mind. Same pattern, and never realizes they are at fault. YOU insult people who don’t like your idea, even when they disagree politely. YOU derail it into insults most of the time.

You are not here for a honest discussion, you are here to:

  • Post an idea you know won’t be well accepted.
  • Insult anyone who disagrees with you
  • Claim to the the victim when people flag you or dislike your insults.
  • Claim grandiose skills you can’t back up, then get upset when someone disproves you.
  • After you insult people and derail things, you claim it was their fault for being off topic.
  • Round and round we go.

Everyone sees what you are doing. We have seen this before. It is not new and not engaging.

As I said, I am well aware of what the issue is. Be very glad I have no mod powers.

P.S. I am not ok with others breaking the rules. However this is like the sibling who does the “I’m not touching you nah nah nah nah” and other annoying nonsense until the other sibling smacks them. BOTH are at fault. One for instigating and one for taking the bait.


why does it matter if i sound like another poster? are you holding grudges and projecting them onto me?

You are not here for a honest discussion, you are here to

that’s your opinion

Be very glad I have no mod powers.

stop making threats, it’s unfitting of a GreenText.

P.S. I am not ok with others breaking the rules. BOTH are at fault.

if you actually believe that, you wouldn’t only be attacking me and giving them likes.

You are not a victim. Telling you facts about your behavior and why it is an issue is not an attack.

I don’t work for Blizzard. I have to follow the forum rules, but that is it. If you find I have broken those rules, please feel free to report me.

I have no mod powers. It is not a threat. Again, you think you are a victim, are being threatened, etc. You are not.

For everyone else. IGNORE is a friend. For any pattern like this, no matter how bored you are.

To ignore someone who has their profile hidden to go your OWN Forum activity page and menu. Users > Ignore > Add then add the battletag and number. Format btag-number You can see the battletag and number when you click an avatar or hover over it.


i wish you would put me on ignore, along with the other few who follow me around and harass me, so that i could post in peace without getting insulted and off-topic spammed.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Sounds like R2F with an alt account. It was good to see that a mod locked one of the threads today.

Well the only time I spent was the time to type my post. I don’t need to check your likes to see who is liking your posts, most of the time I don’t see too many.

See your wrong there. I don’t know you, and I don’t “like” or “dislike” “YOU”. I dislike when you post information that you claim as fact but is either factually wrong or is just your opinion. I don’t like your superior tone that comes across in the majority of your posts. If you didn’t do that, you’d get less flak from the community. For example, the other day you posted in a thread and gave good advice to a new player and both I and PsiKill commented and liked that you gave good, on topic information. Now the majority of your other posts are the complete opposite and when someone posts erroneous information, I and several others will post responses to correct it with facts. Opinions are fine, and should be encouraged, but you seldom post your “opinion”. You post things that you claim is 100% factual and in many cases, it is not.

I have never agreed with the old system of downvotes since both upvotes and downvotes were invisible and untraceable. If they added a “dislike” button but displayed (or made it available to be displayed) who was disliking a thread, people could see if they are getting a dislike from and you’d get an an idea if they just disliked everything by someone or if they are disliking something because it merits a dislike.


If you posted less wrong information, you’d get less negative attention to your threads, just saying.


fair enough. i dont include you or psikill in the group that is bullying me. And to be clear, the bullying doesnt bother me until they start falsely reporting me and doxing my information. I feel that crosses lines.


You get a like for honesty.

I normally wouldn’t bother responding to you, but as usual, there is so much wrong with your post, I could not just let this pass.

Good! I’m am glad that we don’t think alike.

At no point did I call other posters idiots. I referred to people who abuse the down vote button as idiots.

This is typical of what you do, a complete misrepresentation of what was said.

No! Completely wrong gain.

The up/down vote button wasn’t removed. It was never a part of the new forums when they migrated.

You are amazingly bad at this.

This is complete dribble, that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but is just you still trying to justify your disgraceful behaviour towards many members of this community around the time of the changes to the WW Barb.

You were wrong then, you are still wrong now.

There are no moderators on these forums.

There are people with the title of moderator, who are simply nothing more than glorified flag chasers. They have zero moderation abilities.

You continue to provide many examples of why the down vote button should exist:

  1. You’re a known troll
  2. You’re a proven liar
  3. You’ve repeatedly been caught out changing your posts after you’ve been proven wrong
  4. You’re holier than thou attitude and continuing to play the victim card, when you were the one who caused conflict.
  5. Don’t even get me started on your alts

You’re exhibit A of everything that is wrong with these forums.

Congratulations! You just walked right into proving exactly why this thread exists, and why it’s 100% correct.

With the up/down vote button (or some variation) most of your posts would be greyed out. And for very good reason.

And again, you’ve been asked/told on multiple occasions to not reply to myself. I suggest you do yourself a favour and exercise that right.

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