I would have to agree that having this happen might save some time BUT it might actually also make it less efficient because before you press the all mighty salvage all legendary button first you have to check all your legendary drop if you want to keep them or not and of course there’s that
opps I accidentally salvaged a primal!
although it is very unlikely blizzard might implement this being this long in the game surely it may have came up on their mind. If it were to ever happen they need to have a locking system where primals or ancients will be automatically locked and cannot ever be salvaged.
mass salvage leggos only if they add a toggle option where you can exclude certain ones say for example your hordaric hamburger is level 50 but your monk is at 35 etc you dont wanna waste a decent weapon because you forgot and hit the mass shred button
You just need a lock button in the inventory and a lock icon on the item to see if it is lock or not.
By default, primal and ancient can be locked and you can unlock with the button in your inventory.
This feels so stupid!
Why not give us at least an option to enable/disable in the game settings option to have everything selvage at once?
This is the same thing as discussed on other threads, regarding the pets to be trained to collect stuff other than gold. Why not have an option to collect DB or other mats.
Having an option to enable/disable the auto-collect, is that hard to think off?
It is enough that overall the game is so unrewarding especially if you want to build a decent character and it requires countless hours to be put into the game.
Having those options for those who want to not spend half of their life playing Diablo, and the option to enable/disable those things would greatly improve the overall experience for all players.
I hope that once Microsoft will conclude the buying process, things like that will be taken care of.
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Because frankly it still doesn’t solve the big issue which is accidentally salvaging something important.
And seriously, how much time do you really save with mass salvage rather than salvaging individually? 5 seconds?
This terrible idea was not worth necroing.
I wouldn’t mind a button to salvage all legendary items that are not ancient or primal. if you did accidently salvage something you wanted to keep. it is not ancient or primal, so it is not important.
A better solution would be to add an option to turn off the prompt.
I’d LOVE that option.
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An even better suggestion would be a button to block all forum necros.
How about a button that salvages everything at once?
(white/blue/rare/legendaries and from vendor.)
I am sure it could be done but I bet the first few attempts would be bugged and using it would cause you to salvage your worn equipment as well as items in inventory. The next attempt would correct one of those. The next would generate the wrong number of materials. And finally, after the 4th or 5th effort, it might work… but sometimes still screw up.
So, please, don’t ask to make things worse.
This ^^ is more likely than something that works perfectly right off.
But it won’t be because it would cause a never-ending influx of support tickets with “I clicked on Salvage All and my [Random Item of Much Importance] was in my Inventory and now it’s gone” only for Support to have to waste time responding that there’s no way for them to restore individual items and the user has the option (three times in the lifetime of their account) to do a rollback.
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When D2R first was released one after one for weeks worth of posts about deleting their hard won lvl 90 sorc or druid or whatever character.
Even though there is a window that pops up after you click on delete character, that says, “Are you sure you want to delete this character?”
Over and over the posts showed up forum chat.
I know this isn’t exactly the same thing but it really about the same basic issue of the delete/salvage it buttons.
Nubs will be Nubs and so on till the day I die!
It was a bad idea back in August of 2019, it is still a bad idea in year of 2022 and if anyone Necros this Topic again before or beyond 2024, it will still be a bad idea!

I think that you should be able to salvage from your stash tabs. It’s pointlessly time consuming to have to fill up your inventory and run back and forth fifteen times to clear out my stash during farming sessions.
Just think of the time that was consumed in creating or finding that perfect weapon or piece of armor that you may accidentally trash and never see the likes of it again in the mad rush to make mats!
I accidentally crushed a almost perfect Primal BK sword a couple of years ago and I still kick my butt when I think about it.

So, why is that relevant to stash tab salvaging?
Why did you put stuff in your stash? Just go ahead and salvage it then, instead.

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Do you actually salvage after every greater rift?
You can easily do 2 or 3 GR before your inventory is full. If you need to keep some items, go to your stash. Salvage others useless items.
You’re ready to do 2 or 3 another GR.