[Suggestion] Recycle all Legendaries button

I get what you’re saying, but I find myself trying to run as much as possible as quickly as I can. I’ll stash dump for an hour or two of GR’s and then end up with two or three stash tabs full of junk. I just feel that there are enough people who play the same way that it would make sense to salvage in the stash.

Truthfully, after a week into the league, I pretty much just start salvaging everything that isn’t a primal, but the point remains.

Not every one, no. 2 or 3. At later stages I tend not to pick up stuff on ground I recognize and don’t need - Furnace, Thunderfury, Corrupted Soulbringer, etc. Mainly pick up rings and amulets and set pieces.

Just as fast to salvage then vs. putting in stash to salvage later. Quicker, actually.

I feel you. I go through waves of collecting nothing and then collecting everything, just for the mats. I tend to overuse the cube and rerolling. :rofl: I’ll spend days at a time farming hundreds upon hundreds of bounty mats.

When I’m leveling gems I run 4 gr’s before clearing legs in backpack.

1st I hit stash and throw gems after 2nd gr done.
2nd I hit blacksmith after 3rd gr done to clear white/blue and yellow quickly and start the fourth.

After the 4th gr the stash is almost full so it’s Blacksmith time and a ton of legs show in clan chat.

Just give us the savage all button and keep the savage each one

If they ever added such a feature, make sure it has to be enabled in the options but, once enabled, the “Salvage All” button does not have a confirmation dialog box, it just instantly carries out the salvage.

That way I can add an extra line item to the stickied Things That Are NOT Bugs thread for every single time someone reports that they accidentally salvaged an important piece of gear and we can have just as much of chuckle as every time someone posts about moving / attacking slowly and we mention that maybe they should read what Stone Gauntlets do.

Sorry for my ignorance,

Not very wise to advertise things which violate the ToS.


You do know that the End User Licensing Agreement has a section which prohibits automation. You’re not only openly admitting to something that could get your own account suspended / terminated, but also advertising it on the company’s own website, which also breaches the forum Code of Conduct.

It almost seems the cheaters are getting more brazen every Season and don’t really give a damn if they get caught or not. The biggest problem is they are getting away with it and not facing any consequences for their actions.

i want something that only salvages non-ancient or non-primal legendaries, as in normal legendary and set items. once you get firmly into endgame you never keep anything that is a normal legendary item anyway. which is at least statistically speaking about 90% of all items dropped.

Sorry for my ignorance, i’ve edited my post.

Probably a bit late for that now

i dont know why we have to protect players so much

but sure, no problem as long we have it as an option

Yep, also I do believe the complete edit history of each individual post is available to moderators/admins. Meaning that they can still see violation, even if other users can not.

Anyone know how punishment in these situations actually work. Not the advertising of it so much but admitting that you do something that is against the ToS. Like are they going to read ha this guy says he uses a macro for X/THUD/Shares their account so they just admitted it and boom ban or take it as someone who just says it and leave it there.

I would think the ideal is treating it like normal crimes where they take a look into the situation when someone admits to it but it isn’t an immediate automatic guilty finding.

The video literally showed him using an automated script to salvage items, i.e. something that’s expressly prohibited in the EULA and, not only that, he also mentioned that the video had a download link so that other people could get the script and automate their gameplay too.

It’s really tough to argue innocence when you’re not only on camera committing the offence but you’re advertising so that people watch you commit it, and are supplying the tools to aid and abet other people to commit the same offence.

Um, they are on video admitting to doing it and advertising to others hiw to do it. There is no assumption of innocence. This also isn’t a crime where due process is required. We all agree to a contract when we sign/agree to the ToS and EULA. If you break that, end of contract, period, especially if you admit to it.

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The post was edited before I saw it, so all I could gather was that they said they made an auto salvage script and nothing about a video. So I was talking about when someone says they did something and not showing it as well.

I am not really talking about this specific case either, I have seen people say on the forums that they have used THUD in the past, shared accounts or botted. There was a whole thread a while back that turned into account sharing discussion for a while and multiple people saying they shared with family members or partners or friends trying out before purchasing their own. So was wondering for interest sake if those people are just ignored or if something is done purely because they said it.