[Suggestion] Recycle all Legendaries button

it is about time to have a recycle all legendaries button. cuz it is pretty tiring to recycle all crappy lengendaries one by one.


Yes 10-15 seconds to dump a completely full bag of legendaries is so much work, i just dont know how people manage to do it. /s

Besides that they day they implemented such a feature every other thread in this forum would be people whining that they salvaged something they needed or a primal they didnt see.


I can dump pretty fast. but it is quite tiring and of course most important you can missclick an item. I did it a lot of missclick

So, if you admit that you can mis-click when individually salvaging legendaries, wouldn’t that mean you could mis-click the salvage all legendary buttons, resulting in you destroying an inventory full of them, rather than just one?


You misclicking is a reason NOT to do it, since you could destroy several items you wanted to preserve with just 1 click.


No. Its been asked before and given why its a bad idea.
The amount of posts asking for item restores would be numerous. Not to mention, some of us keep legendaries in our inventory for swapping (nemesis for 1 example.

Its really quick to salvage them. Did you realize you can use the enter button.


Only change Salvage wise I’d like is an extra button to do all white/blue/yellow at once.

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I’m not sure how you misread my post as being in favour of introducing this when I was warning that it could result in the accidental salvaging of an entire inventory of legendaries rather than just one of them.

@OP [Suggestion] stop recycling bad old ideas. And if the act of salvaging a tab of legendaries tires you out I feel sorry for your significant other.

Not gonna happen. It’s been talked about many times before and we’ve been given reasons why it will not be implemented.

And some of those reasons have been shared by players in this thread:

Besides, as others stated, it’s not that time-consuming or hard to salvage an Inventory full of Legendary items.

  1. Stash any items you want to keep.
  2. Visit the Blacksmith and access his Salvage tab.
  3. Click the Salvage button and ready the Enter key.
  4. Rapidly click each Legendary item followed by the Enter key.

Easy-peasy. And it shouldn’t take more than a couple of seconds if you do it correctly.

Same as above.

  1. Click yellow button press the Enter key.
  2. Click blue button press the Enter key.
  3. Click white button press the Enter key.

However, I must admit, I think this is the better idea. :wink:


So you admit there’s some legendaries you don’t want to salvage in your character inventory. But you want a button that will salvage all of them…

post wasn’t directed at ya, I just hit the wrong “reply” button since your’s was on bottom.

Well I didn’t know that this was discussed before. I don’t enter that much on the forums só I don’t know pratically about nothing

Stop picking up trash ones helps also. Most of the time you can already see it is nothing to pick up.
But no the salvage all leggies does not sound like something I would use.

As I said before. I didn’t know that this was discussed before

Bingo! Would give you 100 upvotes if I could.

This request pops up almost every season but the right decision is always no.
It provides too little benefit to outweigh the risk/disadvantage of accidentally salvaging something good. An all legie salvage would also cause people to rush the process more and make that mistake more often.
When your at the blacksmith, hit the enter key with one hand while you click what you want to salvage with your other. Salvaging is plenty fast enough that way since pressing enter quickly confirms the “are you sure?” prompt.

That is why the legendary button is the way it is because when it first started it was a

but the forums lit up with the

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Removing the pesty “are you sure” dialog would help greatly however.
At the same time they should disable salvage of equipped items which can only cause pain.

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Well, hard to savage something equipped by accident. But they could add a feature where you couldn’t salvage something that is saved as a build in the armory. That can be a pain.

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