Stop Asking For Personal Loot

You are choosing to ignore what I said by dismissing it so easily. It changes the game

If there is no less leeching then why can’t classic players have the remaster they have wanted the way the classic game was?

Diablo 2 resurrected was primarily made for the fans who played the original and have helped carry the diablo franchise to what it is today. A remastered game is usually for fans who loved the first. Clips of the original were shown and turned into a remastered version. The trailer was literally to impress and show the fans who played the first game what was coming out. If they were targeting a new audience they wouldn’t have done that.

There are a lot of good changes but changing the whole loot system still affects the way players interact and trade. A lot of people are excited for this remaster because of the updated graphics and renewed community.

telling somebody to go play the original just because they want the remaster to be like the original is a stupid argument to make. I guess you didn’t have anything better to say

and no I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with giving players an option. But a lot of other people aren’t suggesting both ways.

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yes it changes the game, thats exactly what i and many more wants. what is not changing the game with this remaster? everything does.

you are ignoring my question, would it be so bad to have an option when creating a new game, to have either personal or shared loot in YOUR game you just created?

mate, just stop thinking it was made for you, its not. its made for everyone and i have played this game for 20 years, you dont have the right to say anything more than i do. or anyone else that might have played for 10 years for that matter.


i dont think there is many people at all who wants a personal loot system that would be against the idea of having both. its more the other way around and you know it too. they gave the option to either have old graphics or new ones. either pick up gold or auto pick up. this is a more heavy change but it could just as easily be an option when hosting a game.


you are taking what I said out of context

They literally made the trailer for fans who played the original. I am not saying it was only made for me. I just know a lot of people would prefer the classic remastered

And yes I know everything has been changed, what I mean is the experience is different, team work will be different, trading will be different, depending on how they implement personal loot if they did would also have a lot of specific changes like timed pick ups or if its more like D3 or PoE personal loot systems

and those are just examples

This video sums explains well the problems with instanced loot :

A game must tell a story and be played like a story. Like a movie. Fairness has nothing to do with telling a story.
A movie tells how characters react to difficult situations, it’s the point of doing a movie.
The diablo is meant to be without filter, to let the players find out by themselves what is good ,was is bad, what is fair and not fair. Who to make friends with. It’s meant to be a mirror of life, in its good and bad moments.

The diablo franchise is a fable, there is no world of interaction if freedom does not take its part in it. There is no sense of achievement if you are not exposed to danger.
In diablo2, keeping a character alive despite other higher level players threats, feels REALLY rewarding. Because it summons in each person survival instinct that makes diablo, a diablo game.

When you remove something from a game for the sake of balance and fairness, it removes a layer of realism and of immersion.
d3 philosophy removed everything punishing from the game, thinking that “feeling good” should never come with any sacrifice. It’s infantile and does not teach you anything about life.
D3 feels like a simple video game with no connection with our instincts.

In d3 every player plays within his bubble and can’t interact. Greed, selfishness, threat, generosity can not be evaluated in order to make friends. Personality is removed. What’s the point of playing online? Friendship in d3 is virtual .

Diablo is not just a horror dark game. It’s about showing reality. Rawness in its simplicity, in its brutality, in its authenticity, Reality of world building without filter.

And if the developers don’t understand that, they will not create a Diablo game.
Freedom plays a role in Diablo, without which a world of interactions can not exist.

What I fear is a lazy answer to please both d2 and d3 communities, breaking the world into parts, and the game will turn into cases and options to activate in a menu. This is NOT a world.

D3 removed the decision aspect thing of the game for the sake of the supposed “quality of life”
But quality of life is myth. There is no quality of life when a game is a “dictatorship” that control every move of everyone.

What makes a player satisfied is his/her capacity to judge any situation, and to take a decision. It’s the feeling that decision making improves the situation of his character, and not lines of code.


i played diablo 2 just a day before blizzcon watching the announcement trailer and i was stoked, texted some friends who was stoked aswell for it. but right away i was hoping for some changes that has always bothered me, my friends and a lot of others.

i still dont get how it would be a bad thing to have options for PL or SL, if people really argue that you would get less loot playing with PL, then it would not affect you wery much in a negative way for not touching it.

im not saying they should remove SL from the game (i would not be mad if they did) but to have options.


Well said

Diablo 3 was a game that gave players everything they wanted to make them happy.

You wanted to make your character look totally different without changing your items?

You want better versions of the same items?

you want wings?

you want pets to pick up stuff for you?

you want level that gives you almost unlimited gold?

you want countless gems?

you want huge amounts of supposed “rare” items to drop?

Diablo 3 gave players so much they didn’t have to work hard for

 I watched the video

Shared loot adds personality to the game

It adds different types of players

Personal loot isn’t risky, it isn’t as rewarding

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Please let me know how FFA prevent leechers from getting loot that they did not work for? In FFA, a player does all the work to kiill a group of monsters, the leecher can click on any item of gear that drops. If that leecher is super fast, he can click on the majority or even all of the gear that drops. Personal loot prevent this from happening.

Spot on.

This is an invalid argument. You can just play D2 if you want FFA loot. That too is in invalid argument.

Both systems can coexist and be selectable on a per game basis.

So have others when it comes to FFA loot. Make both options.

Absolutely nothing. You are given an option to play it the old way. You also give an option to play it an improved/updated way. in D2, the old way was click to pickup gold. In D2R, you can CHOOSE to click to pickup gold (the old way) or to auto-pickup gold (updated way). Both exist.

If you want everything in D2R to be like classic, you can always play D2. Again your assertion is invalid as is mine here. Adding an option is not the same as replacing.

Does selecting auto-gold pickup change the game? Yes. You have the option in D2R to choose the old way or the new way. The same can be done for the loot system.

The original D2 playerbase (2000-2005) complained all the time about FFA and shared stash and early on no respecs. These views (likely the majority viewpoint of D2 players) are likely the reason that D2 has respecs, shared stash, and personal loot. The viewpoint is different for players who still pay original D2 fervently in 2021, but this is a small subset of the original D2 fans from the early years.

The experience will be different in D2R, the economy will be different in D2R. Simply put, elimination of duping and reducing body will change the item market and trade.


lol wth are you talking about. The longer these discussions go on for the more of these type of statements you see. Shared loot adds personality to the game? lmfao it adds toxicity to the game… it adds hackers with third party scripts to the game. It adds different types of players to the game? :smiley: wtf are you on lol

You splurge out a load of crap related to diablo3 and how it failed then try to shoe horn it into a discussion about personal loot on diablo2.

made me laugh tho

or did i take what you said out of context lol


Continuing the discussion from Stop Asking For Personal Loot

watch from 3:22-9:10

some of what they guy in the video says gets a bit off track but for the most part about how the players interact is a really good point I have been trying to make

I get the feeling you really know about toxicity in games, I can’t imagine how you act if it’s anything similar to these forums

Your reason are ALL ridiculous. There will be players who get loot and exp without working for it whether personal loot is in the game or not. Stop trying to cloud the issue with this nonsense. Really you and few other people here just spam spam spam same routine like personal loot is the source of all evil some core mechanic of the game. Your full of it.

You guys just want a piece of the pie without working for it, the entitled.

This one takes the cake :smiley: and its a recurring theme the suggestion that anyone who wants personal loot is somehow lazy or inept in some way. Here is a taste of your own medicine.

ANYONE WHO DOSNT WANT PERSONAL LOOT IS A THEIF AND USES GRABBIT how you like that lol this was a joke don’t try and misquote me
There no proof of that statement but it might be true just like what you and others have repeatedly said

  • There is nothing to stop you trading or gifting items to other people if personal loot is in the game just as before.

  • There is no reason it cant be an option for personal loot or group loot on game creation

  • There is no proof that personal loot would adversely effect the game in anyway

  • There is no connection between personal loot on D2R and the laundry list of failures in D3

and lastly where do you get off telling people not to play the game they pre ordered lol

I could spend all day picking you people apart if I wanted you know that? If you hadn’t gone about your “argument” in the manner you have I would have never posted on this forum at all but you and several others seem to have an inflated opinion of yourselves and it forced me to post :smiley:


Shared Loot is competition, it is the first person to take the item that owns them. No one owns the item until the person picking it up.

Personal Loot will ruin the core game of D2:R
If you are not the first one who could pick up the item, please do not cry or throw your PC out of the window because you got really pissed off. You get more chances.

This is the part of playing Diablo II.


personal loot will ruin the third part grabbit style programs more like. But don’t cry you wont need grabbit anymore if you have personal loot. So get your pc back off the window sill Nortroll your going to need it.


I was 100% for personnel loot when the game was first announced, but after reading this forum for a few days I have changed my mind.

In theory its a great idea, means I can play with friends/randoms and have no worries about who gets what drop, but in reality it would just make people leech items of better players, which would stop a lot of people that make public games for boosting or whatever think twice about it.

The only way it could work would be if it was like the PoE system where the game creator could choose between FFA/Timed/Personnel loot. But I’m not 100% convinced that would be good for diablo.

I think the best thing would be to leave the loot as it is and see how things go on live without the bots messing too much with the economy as they do now.


Thank You!

Other people just won’t accept why personal loot wouldn’t be a good idea


Never! :slight_smile:
You know its a shame things like personal loot only exist because of human nature. Shouldn’t be necessary.
But it is.


This is utter nonsense. In diablo games, you can choose to fight or skip fighting a monster. You choose to move from one location to another. You choose what gear to equip. You choose when to use a skill. You choose when to use a poiton. Decisions are constantly being made whether it is D1, D2, or D3.

It is the lines of code that establishes the parameter/graphics/audio of video games and that determines player’s fun.

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those points does not really matter, we are looking for a good game design not feelings. you should not have to debate with strangers for taking your long time awaited item just because they might need it in half a year or trade it with someone else for a piece of item. period.


I haven’t dismissed any facts like your camp has. I’ve addressed every single one of your points directly, and can easily reinforce all of mine NO problem, like I’m about to do for the 100th time, while you guys have all pivoted away from anything that exposes the flaws with personal loot.

Introducing counter-mechanics that change the core behavior of a game for elements that were never intended to exist in the first place is just poor development. You are effectively attempting to stifle any competition in the game, by using cheaters as a scapegoat. Of course cheaters have an advantage over you, they are CHEATING. It is impossible to accurately balance a game based upon those actively attempting to break it.

I want you to answer this: There are plenty of aimbotters/wallhackers in competitive FPS games. Do you then think it’s appropriate to introduce auto-aim or other game-breaking mechanics that would allow regular players to compete with them? They are simply a non-variable because they ruin the integrity of the game, and should not exist. Cheaters need to be dealt with directly. Diablo 2 is a 20 year old game with outdated technology and as a result is vulnerable to these exploits. There is no reason to believe cheating will be anywhere near as prevalent with updated network infrastructure, as the devs have already indicated. Without the abundance of cheaters in every game, your argument falls apart.

That is of course your personal opinion, where as this “handful” you are referring to managed to keep the interest alive for a 20 year old game in spite of hundreds of more “modern” game systems that have been rejected by the community, so much so that it has earned the commendation to be remastered, among the voice of millions. It’s clear you have no appreciation for D2, which makes it pretty pathetic that you are here attempting to dictate it’s revival. One of the biggest criticisms against D3 is it’s entire loot system, where players (myself included) feel that it abridged the experience to be very unrewarding, disengaging, and frankly boring. I know I’m not alone in this because to this day the divide among the D2/D3 community remains strong. Will people be playing D3 20 years from now? Doubt it.

Except with instanced loot I don’t even have to see a monster die, nor a player fight it, to the earn the best loot of the game. I could literally sit in the corner of the map picking my nose waiting for experienced players to clear the entire map for me, where as with FFA if I want the item, I’m still going to have to place myself in harms way to obtain it over others. This comparison does nothing for you.

This doesn’t even make sense. If your character is capable of clearing the mobs with ease, then you will be the one in closest proximity to obtain the loot you ‘earned’. With instanced loot the ‘thief’ never even has to [place himself in harms way in order to] ‘steal’ it from you because it was simply given to him.

You’ve already been utterly BTFO’d on this point several times before, but instead of addressing it, you pivot around it just to reiterate it somewhere else. See the previous point…again.

Personal loot is as entitled- a largely personal experience. Players have virtually no connection to one another what so ever because they are isolated to their own perspective experience, and have no idea what the other player is seeing. with FFA loot, if you didn’t get the item you need, you are encouraged to barter and trade with that individual to obtain it. This really isn’t a difficult concept to grasp.

lmao, holy molly the irony is astounding. This is literally the entire premise of personal loot. The total amount of loot dropped in the game is divided by x amount of players, regardless of the work they put in. You can literally sit afk while the game is cleared for you, like has been typically exploited in D3.

Leechers in FFA loot game can get way more loot than in a personal loot game. This is an undeniable fact.

In a multiplayer FFA loot game, each player can get 0%-100% of all total drops where the overall total does not exceed 100%. In personal loot game, each player receives 100% of total drops divided by the total number of players.

By definition, FFA does not mean equal distribution. In general for FFA, some players get more than you expect by random chance alone and some get less.

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