You’re acting as if leeching is a unique experience only to individual loot systems. Leeching happens with shared drops all the time where they contribute nothing. You can kick people from games or choose to play in a shared loot game and let the leeches steal from you there or kick them from those games too. It would be cool to have a UI indication of damage contribution by player though to help with kicking of such leech-rat-degenerates.
Actually, it does work. The math says so.
8 player FFA game (where there is 8% chance that an item drops) when monster is killed. 1000 monster death results in 80 total drops.
8 player Personal loot game. To have the same number of total drops, there is 1% chance when a monster dies that it will drop loot for player A. There is 1% chance when a monster dies that it will drop loot for player B. There is 1% chance when a monster dies that it will drop loot for player C . So on and so forth. On average, each player will receive 10 drops. Overall, the total drops are 80. The exact same total number of drops and also the same number of total drops normalized to player number.
Yes like I said that math works out, your numbers in this one linear, no other factors way is correct… if only it were as simple as one equation, weird it takes games years to balance things.
You can add extra variables to the equation (different drop percents for trash monsters versus elites) but at the end of the day it is only math. Diablo is a glorified slot machine. You may use skills to kill monsters, but it is just pulling a slot machine handle to drop loot according to a mathematical formula.
I do agree that things would be balanced differently PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY PLAY WITH EACH OTHER. What a novel idea for a game! But it would mean they would kill things a lot faster too, potentially. Which could lead to more items in the economy in a sense, because more monsters are being killed more efficiently. But isn’t that the spirit of the game? Let’s kill stuff together and not feel like we’re being robbed all the time. That would be an amazing D2 experience, not currently possible due to human greed.
God, are you ever disingenuous. As you’ve been corrected countless times already, this underhanded snake-math assumes a binary scale of value across a VAST array of possible items- “good” and “bad”. This is a false dichotomy and isn’t how diablo works AT ALL . generally speaking, value is determined by the need somebody has for that item. Most loot that drops throughout the course of a game is left unpicked. Some players are either very selective with the gear they pick up, or run out of inventory space, and others simply do not find the same value in certain items (or even understand the value) depending on the stage of the game they are at. This organic fluctuation between varying players’ objectives will always provide players the opportunity to earn regular drops if they are persistent.
There is plenty of value in commonly collected items, such as base items, gems, gold, pots, low runes etc that drop regularly and help players progress through the game. In a full game, with what you are advocating, players would have 87% LESS access to this type of equipment, placing them at a huuge disadvantage over those who have access to these types of items regularly, for what? The occasional guaranteed rare/unique that is probably useless anyway and drops every 10th to 20th game?
Again, you are focused on such a minute portion of the game’s experience to force your point, which is boss drops- and accounts for what? less than 5% of the total gear you obtain? Most of what you will acquire is through regular play/ killing mobs- Unless you are exclusively farming bosses by yourself, which of course would render your entire point moot anyway.
You implied anyone making an argument against personal loot must either be a thief or cheater, when there has been plenty of reasonable points brought forward. I’ve made a few in this discussion alone. You’ve either chosen to ignore them, or have failed to demonstrate any counter-arguments that would support your premise.
Of course, I am not going into all the nuances of item tiers, different quality of monsters dropping items at different rates, etc… It is not being disingenuous but as you have noticed some are confused with the idea that personal loot means 8x more total drops. This is not true.
Access is very different term that actually acquiring. In FFA, you can acquire 0-100% of the gear in an 8 player game. In personal loot, on average people acquire 12.5% of gear. Depending on the attitude of the other players, they can drop unwanted items on the ground so you can access a higher percent.
Right, access is different than acquiring in both systems. Just because you are guaranteed access to 12.5% of the total gear that drops, doesn’t mean you are actually going to pick up (aquire) 100% of that gear, so in actuality what is happening with instanced loot is that far more waste is being generated, since none of the other players whom may have wanted to pick up that item up- even know that that the item has dropped. (now THOSE would be some statistics worthy of analysis!)
Riiiiight. According to some sour grapes here, everyone in D2 is a cut-throat leech, looking to exploit everyone else for loot they never earned, but conveniently, with personal loot enabled, now they are suddenly going to start unsuspectingly picking up every item they don’t need, in order to award it to players whom they don’t even know need the item in the first place. Flawless logic.
boogymen? Its the reality of the current game and personal loot means there will never be a grabbit version 2.0. Unintended or intended doesn’t make any difference the reality is personal loot = not grabbit and that’s an exchange people are more than ready to accept what do you loose? The fun of running around clicking your mouse like crazy? yoinking a drop before anyone else lol that’s your cogent arguments is it. The casual way you dismiss the facts because they don’t support your argument is laughable especially while accusing anyone with a different opinion of doing the same.
have you NEVER played another game than diablo 2 in your life?
Pretty much every other game has personal loot or a system where you get to roll for the gear.
do you know why no ones continue with the system d2 has? because its utterly trash and no one besides some handfull of d2 purists who cant admit something with their lovly diablo game is bad “likes” it. there is room for a lot of changes for the better and i hope we get them.
You said it all perfectly
I don’t see how people in favor of personal loot are somehow seen as not greedy when they literally would be getting free loot by standing in close proximity to a harder working player.
Why always the assumption that personal loot means the guy wont put any work in. Don’t judge others by your own low standards.
FFA is even worse, you could do jacksh*t and just scope up the loot.
just dont play with people who is slacking, simple right.
For someone who always thinks the lowest of others you sure have a lot of faith in the personal loot system… so much faith in it it’s almost like you’re suggesting that every single player who plays the game would try their hardest and never allow a higher level player do the work for them… even though thats literally what happened in both D2 and D3 across the board
nothing changes with personal loot, get real man. you cant litterly come up with a good reason to keep shared loot all you do is type some mumble crap and insist that is a good reason.
Faith is not your best defence, it is your only defence. Besides when I’m farming in 8player games my toon can kill 8player mobs solo so I don’t care if they leech as much as I care about thieves.
or you could just play solo games and have all the loot you want untouched.
or you could establish rules going into the game that you discuss with your party
FFA is more realistic, it inspires team work or cooperation, it is the original way the game was played and a lot of people liked it. There is nothing wrong with remastering a classic game to work like the classic game
or you could just not have a trash loot system and has one that actually encouraging group play?
there is not one single bad thing about personal loot, no one can gives a better answer than " get good" or suck it up since its always been like that. get good at what? click spam the screen to try snatch something up before the others? cool.
I have given many reasons on why personal loot is a bad idea, you and many others ignore it. No matter what you choose to believe and how much you choose to ignore there will be players who get loot without working for it. It will also make trade less important, it would most likely drastically change drop rates, it changes the game in a lot of ways. You guys just want a piece of the pie without working for it, the entitled. If you so badly want a personal loot system I am sure they will implement it in D4.
What is wrong with a remaster of a classic game working like the classic game.
If you hate it being like the classic then you don’t have to play it
you dont really give any good reasons, you just pick some words and trying to make it sound like facts. there will be no less leeching players with personal then with shared loot. i would argue that the leeching is worse with shared loot since they can do nothing and just pick the loot. make it so you wont get loot if you are too far away aswell. it would NOT change the drop rates with having personal loot, i could counter your last thing with if you so badly want your shared loot, there is always og d2 for another 20 years.
would you cry at nights with having an option before creating a new game? either PL or SL?
if you hate QoL and changes for the better then you dont have to play it, you already have your game. where do you draw the line? ive seen people say that the graphics is too much, should blizzard listen to them aswell and tune it down? no.