Stop Asking For Personal Loot

First, you are trying to convince me of the merits of global loot drops. My suggestion does not take that away. Simply, look at the PoE model that has 3 loot drop mechanism that are party-specific.

Depends if you are trying to focus on killing things or on picking up loot? Are you a ranged or melee build? Are you close the the D2R global server or nor?

It is still a lottery ticket in global loot. The existence of global loot does not mean that any item has to drop in any game.

Arguments of hyperbole are not compelling. Whether or not there is global loot, it does not “completely eliminates any skill or nuance involved with playing among other players”. This hyperbole is not persuasive and clearly is inaccurate.

This is still the case irrespective of the mechanism of loot drops.

I never claimed that personal loot drops were perfect. They are pros and cons to almost any system. You acknowledge that there are challenges to both systems.

There are ranged builds and melee builds. It is not simply a case of poor positioning. Also, D2 was well-known for autoclicker/pickit hacks. Also, D2R will be on a global server. There will be lag for overseas players. Also, there will be lag for people where high speed internet is not yet available. As the pandemic has shown, universal access to the internet is a myth.


yeah for the chaos runs i do, its basically “i get first dibs on loot”

if u desperately need it, ( and i don’t also desperately need it) i will either give trade it to you at a rate you can afford,
like you liekly get any set i dont need for free, as well as the vast majority of uniques, you may need to trade me some tiny thing for a viper or tals armor maybe 20-70% market price depending on how much you can afford, but chances are if you need that HR and i dont need that rune directly u will be paying around 80-90% market price to get it from me.

that being said… if they person is a lvl 85 and is helping me clear, i might tell them to make thier own game, but i cant “stop them” from looting if they are actaully helping. the leechers donate the loot for the free exp runs and the safety and me being very nice and freindly and willing to give them or trade them what drops, as well as letting them make the next game if they need quest of give them Wp’s or help with forge ETC. even providing general build advise and tips

its not quite as fast as a “bot” run… maybe 50% longer, but you know in a bot run its not a person, you dont get any chance at any loot, they wont help help you with anything, clear your body, nada…
my games fill up crazy fast, i normally password them by the 3rd one to guarentee each person thier previous spot until someone needs to take off.
then i open up the next.


I think some people on these forums have not really experienced the game in a non-bot environment.

All of their stories and examples all only seem to apply to bot run boss runs.

In user created runs everyone is the same level or rules are established by the guy doing the run in regards to loot. A low level taking all the loot and standing around is noticed and booted.


there is no doubt in my mind that is accurate. playing in 2003 2004 even all the way to 2008 or so was still crazy fun, it wasn’t until the pvp games got so infested with PK bots that i had “quit” d2 for the first time… the spam bots were annoying but they left, and putting a lvl restrict on it cut out the vast majority of them anyways, honestly the baal and chaos bots were at times even convenient.

but the PK bots just killed all the joy. F those who botted.

Again, more trade-offs to consider. If this game were made in a different era, perhaps there would be additional loot bonuses/rewards implemented for encouraging focus on other aspects of the game, such as healing your party VS dealing the most damage, but alas, we are talking about remastering a 20 year old game, full of it’s own quirks, limitations and robust systems already implemented…

With regards to D2, melee characters tank mobs and expectantly, play up close. They place themselves at greater risk to die and therefore also have greater opportunity/access to loot. Casters are more squishy, but also more mobile- They can hang on the fringe of battle, and tele in close to also have access to loot. Granted, it’s not perfect- changes such as the Enigma proposed their own set of drawbacks to the game, but never the less all classes have unique advantages and disadvantages to consider. People make builds specifically to farm, others make builds specifically to slaughter. Don’t act like this is unique to D2- there are plenty of similar exploitations in any game, including D3.

No… it really isn’t. I don’t even have to pay attention with personal drops. I can simply sit in the corner of the map with absolutely zero tension, wait for it to be cleared for me, then casually walk through the map collecting all the reserved, best loot, making several trips back and forth with NO drawbacks. Not. the. same.

Not hyperbolic in the least bit, as demonstrated my previous point. I don’t even have to see a monster die to earn the best items in the game, nor even interact with another player. Zero skill required.

Now you are intentionally mis-representing what I’m saying in an attempt to strengthen your argument. Not compelling. It’s still a lottery yes, but with shared loot you are adding another layer (lottery) of computations to determine whether or not you even get to see what is dropped. If a unique has a certain chance to drop in a game, you are now multiplying the odds of obtaining that item by another factor of 8 to get the item. No thanks

Oh brother…Introducing counter-mechanics to circumvent every single edge-case that is responsible for causing sub-optimal or unintended performance issues is poor development. No offense, but I’m really not that concerned about the disadvantages of European players playing on American servers, or vise versa, and the fractional advantage you are describing between those with adequate connections is mostly negligible. You are talking about fractions of a second that are far more diminutive than a human’s capability to even react. Are we going to start saying that Diablo 2 is ‘ableist’ because it doesn’t adjust for the age discrepancy between players?! :rofl: I’m only concerned with how the game should feel and operate in principle, under ideal conditions- Not with lag, not with cheaters, not with any extraneous factors. You guys just want everything handed to you with instant gratification, no effort required!

Plenty of players have expressed that this is the sole reason they dislike D3. It’s a huge point of contention, and one of the main reasons why several D2 players refuse to play D3. This is a D2Remaster. It is fair for D2 players to expect the game be unabided by the very design philosophy they feel ruined D3. We aren’t re-inventing the wheel here, and your efforts would be better spent on the D4 dev forums.


Adding an option does not change the game experience if you choose global loot. This debate is fruitless. I will not convince you the merits of personal loot nor will you convince me of why global loot is better. PoE handled this well with their option to choose one of 3 loot systems per party.

It is clear to me that D2R will change either pre- or post-release based on feedback from the modern community.


Positioning? All you need to do is to be in the proximity, then you can pickup whatever you click on. No skill involved.

Anything else?

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You just can’t help yourself, can you? Go back through my posts and please highlight where I indicated that I am ‘intolerant of change’. I prefaced this whole discussion by saying certain QoL changes would be beneficial for D2,

but not something as contentious as instanced loot- which is not at odds with what Chris Lena has said either. Changes will be determined by the community as a whole- They’ve already expressed a great deal of care and caution in undertaking this project, and I highly doubt they are going to be rushing to implement things that invoke such a clear divide among players. We can all agree D2 could use some balancing and further TLC, but I suspect you’re the one that’s going to be disappointed if you think that means sliding in D3. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Positioning?! all you need to do is position!

… is literally what you just said. Do you realize that?

lmao this is obviously not true, otherwise you wouldn’t be here whining about how you never receive any loot :kissing_heart: Do you have any argument against shared loot that doesn’t involve cheaters?

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It would be unlikely that Blizzard would replace global loot. I have not advocated for this. However, Blizzard certainly can see what PoE does and add party loot options. Blizzard would benefit by making both sides of the divide happy. It would benefit them.

The original D2 was PC on regional servers. D2R will play on consoles with different movement mechanisms. On PC, D2R will be on global servers where ping/lag would be more likely to affect getting loot.


Quote where I whined about loot? My concern was how two parallel but different loot systems would work at the same time, but we managed to discuss that subject.

Going to position is not skill, your granny could do that, or any noob for that matter. Same story with spamming mouse click, no skill required.

Literally all of Diablo 2 is spamming mouse clicks- but ooOOkay then! So you’d agree? Global loot is a fair system! Glad we cleared that up :v:

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Don’t reduce all aspects of the game to clicking…

With that logic all we do is moving muscles.

I have seen that dumb suggestion too and it sounds worse than personal loot lol

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Reduce the drop rate and make it a game option like Borderlands 3 does. It would make playing with strangers so much fun, I always fantasized about players actually playing together. Think of all the combinations of different heroes, synergizing their abilities with each other! Never happens! People OFTEN play alone because of shared loot, which is ridiculous for a multiplayer game. People play like solo cats, roaming around, never sure when someone might steal from them, hissing when they get too close. You’re lucky if you have a couple friends that you can share with. Otherwise, it may as well be a solo game.


Whoever has the best and fastest hack deserves the loot more.


Personal Loot will change the whole game!
Vicarious Visions said they were going to be careful with this beauty game, please make no Personal Loot cause It sucks! Let it stay challenging. Stop try to ruin the game. LEARN TO BE QUICK! Buy a new mouse If that Is the problem.

Play Solo If you are afraid If someone is gonna steal your Item, or with your friends! You are like a little man who cry If s omeone take It before you.

Let other guys who like the Shared Loot enjoy the game and STOP asking for a change!! You guys have already Auto Gold pickup. You guys are ruining the game. *Don’t worry, be happy we get a Remaster.

One more thing, learn 3Ds Design and design your own game.


Are you suggesting that auto gold pickup is some huge addition to the game?

That is your opinion. What makes you think that the majority of historical D2 players share the same opinion. You ask people who fervently play the original non-modded D2 currently, the majority will say that keep FFA loot. You ask the D2 playerbase at the height of its popularity, (early 2000s), the most common complaints focused on stared stash and FFA loot.

If you were around when the D2 player base has much, much larger in the early 2000s, one of the most common and widespread criticisms of D2 was the lack of shared stash and FFA loot (where people wanted personal loot).

I would make both FFA and personal loot a selectable option that is made per party.


I prefer providing players options. You want FFA you play that way. You want personal loot you play that way. Win-Win

Scratches head, thinks global server and wonders what the ping will be for overseas players…

The classic if you do not share my opinion on video game design just design your own game strawman argument.


cant shake the feeling anyone who objects to personal loot is either a thief or a cheater of some sort lol


My thing is alright how do you accomplish this? If it is personal, then does one player get chosen to receive said item, is it final hit, how is that figured out? … okay if is personal how are drop rates adjusted to compensate between the two types of loot.

I imagine if you keep the drop rates the same but pick a person to get the drop you could randomly have 1 person get all the drops, if you set limits now your really messing with drop rates.

You couldn’t have personal loot and ffa on the same server, you now need to fragment the game.

How do you think this would work?

To me, it is always interesting to see what names people choose for their battlenet account.

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