Stone of Jordan - Patch 2.6.9

So would this stack with CoE which would give you a permanent CoE boost 100% of the time?

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The first time I read the description, I thought it meant it would double it. Then, I read it again and thought it was bad again.

I think if you have 20% on amulet and bracers with fire damage and want to use a cold damage rune, equipping the Stone of Jordan will convert that fire damage to cold.


Besides, CoE isn’t really an elemental damage multiplier. It’s an independent multiplier only applying in certain cycle (that cycle is separated by elemental tag though).

To elaborate, if it were an elemental damage multiplier, it will suffer from dr just like any other. But it’s not, it gives straight x3 on specific cycle.

There’s surely a mistake, I tried many ways to figure out a benefit and the only way I found is to wear a CoE, this way if the character have Fire 40% then all the elements would be set at 240%

The description is ambiguous :thinking:

They changed the wording of CoE to exclude it working with the new SoJ. CoE is “non-static” elemental % bonus.


my understanding: like the first version of Monk’s passive skill,Harmony.
your all elements resistance = your highest single resistance.
I guess , you can choose fire element , fire necklace , fire chest, fire pants , fire gloves, fire element head , fire wrist. all runes of skills can share your 120% fire element damage.

Pretty weak affix unfortunately, since in large majority of the build, you’re using one single skill as the true damaging source, otherwise you’re probably not playing anywhere near as optimally as you could have. The affix should be changed to:

  • Increases to any elemental damage is added to your highest elemental damage bonus. Now that would actually make it a worthy competitor to CoE.

Edit: Actually now that I think about it, that’s not so great either, just makes rolling affixes on amulet easier, since any element counts towards what your element of choice.

SoJ is true legendary item, this was trade currency in 1.09 online , its best ring in best diablo game for any caster and its overall Diablo most know item (besides Shako ofc).

So its now junk or same low-tier item in d3? Anyway SOJ doesnt deserve it, they just profane it

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I can already see it will be useful for the wizard in several builds, Rasha’s particularly. The Barb build with all the frenzy runes - etc - any build that uses multiple elemental damage. It’s another optional addition of choice to use or not. I do not think it was designed to replace anything, only an addition.

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That’s exactly what I had thought it was but I guess not.

Well this is what PTR is for, we can complain to have this changed or it’s DoA again.

I consider the SOJ a buff, which is okay in my book for that ring.

Anyone else thought of using SoJ with CoE and see what it can lead to? That word changing on CoE description means it can’t work with SoJ? I think SoJ meant to be used with Tal-Rasha or Firebird only.

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for me, it would have been better if SOJ would roll with a guaranteed socket.

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This new SoJ looks pretty weak on the paper. It is not like that there are many classes that actually using multiple elementals in one build.

So far, Tal Rasha is the only build that come to mind.

What is the highest elemental damage that we can get for one character?

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Any amulet = 20%
Any bracers = 20%
Several offhands = 20%
Some weapons = 20-25%
Couple gloves = 20%
Cindercoat = 20% (fire only)
Andariel’s Visage = 20%
Swamp Land Waders = 20%
Stone of Jordan = 20%

Theoretically 185%. Unless I missed some items.


My guess is that SOJ will make any of your skills benefit from a single elemental bonus.

ie, if you stacked 90% Bonus to Lightning Damage and you used a FIRE elemental skill, it will be buffed by 90%…

and since COE is gonna be “Static” as well. You’d get 290% damage regardless of COE’s rotation. my guess is that , SOJ + COE would be the new BIS combo…


This is not true. SoJ does not take into account CoE as CoE is a non-static elemental type buff (i.e. it rotates). They changed the wording of CoE in the patch notes to make this clear.

"Convention of Elements

  • Added “non-static” to the wording of the legendary power’s description. The functionality is unchanged"
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Thanks but it seems there is no way Tal Rasha Wizard can achieve that kind of number because of set item that occupied 6 slots.

True. Only LoD builds could theoretically go that high with elemental damage. Non-channeling Tal Rasha could go maybe up to 100% or so.

So we waited several years for them to finally make this iconic ring useful again and they added a change that basically does nothing?

Maybe add “elemental dmg increase from items and passive skills are doubled” and it might get a bit closer to competing with the strongest jewelry setups?

If you stack 100% elemental dmg increase on gear it would boost your elemental dmg from 200% -> 300%, representing a 50% dmg increase. Which doesn’t seem too big honestly. Along with the added passives it might bump up to 60-70% for depending on which class.