Stone gauntlet behavior

i just tried stone gauntlets on my roland-crusader in the cube for sustain, and i get seemingly random attack-freezes.
tooltip attacks per second goes down to ~0.6-0.8 which is pretty slow, but thats at least 1 attack every 1-2 seconds. but sometimes, even with the 5 stacks from the set with +34543% attack speed, i get moments where i can not attack for a few seconds, movement is slow, but not frozen.
i tried getting 5 stacks from the gauntlets and no speedbuffs, and i get the normal slow attack speed that is expected, but on some weird occasions when there are buffs involved as well, it just breaks, making attacks impossible for rather long periods.
with 5 stacks from roland and the 5 stacks from the gauntlets i still have ~180% increased attack speed. after such an attack-freeze, sometimes the speed slowly builds up again as if i had to re-stack roland, and sometimes i start blasting fullspeed as if nothing ever happened.

Working as intended. You’ll lose 20% of your total AS per stack so at max stacks you can’t attack.


They are not bugged.

Searching before posting…
Stone Gauntlets

The stickied threads at the top of the forum…

Repeated advice about how to work around the detrimental effects…


If my tooltip attacks per second is stated as 0.8, i expect 0.8 attacks per second, end why can i sometimes attack normally (with reduced speed) with full stacks, and suddenly attacks stop for a few seconds without cc-immunity getting involved?
then it’s either the gauntlets or the tooltips or the detailed statistics that are broken.
or is this one of the only multiplicative attackspeed modifiers? every other attackspeed modifier is additive, (or multiplicative with the damage mods?)
if i still have 180% increased attackspeed with full roland buff and stone gauntlet debuff, i expect a usable attackspeed. even with only stonegauntlet attackspeed drops to about -40% (indicating additive multiplier), and -40% attackspeed is stil manageable, and not preventing attacks fĂĽr 5 seconds.
the problem is that it is inconsistent even without adding cc-immunity or other cc.

just tested again, i suspect issues with targeting, when you have reduced attackspeed and the targeted enemy runs out of range, since in my test now i had no issues attacking enemies that stayed in range.
i made screenshots displaying my attackspeed with the different buffs, whats the best way to upload those?

As I already said, each stack reduces your total AS by 20%. It should be obvious that it is a multiplicative modifier. One stack 20% reduction and full 5 stacks is 100% reduction, resulting being impossible to attack.

Either equip Ice Climbers or get 100% uptime to Akarat’s Champion.

There’s nothing broken or misleading in the Stone Gauntlets’ description. Only user errors.

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As stated above, they are not bugged. This is all intended behavior.

You are meant to have 100% uptime on Akarats Champion, or use Ice Climbers or Invigorating Gemstone if you want to use Stone Gauntlets.


If it’s not clear :

Getting hit increases your armor by 50%, but reduces your movement speed by 15% and attack speed by 20%. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

After 5 hits:

  • Armor : +250%
  • Movement Speed : -75%
  • Attack Speed : -100%

ps: I’m not a math professor and even less with D3, I perhaps missed something.

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then why am i able to attack most of the time with “correct” (as in detailed stat screen) attackspeed, and it just sometimes breaks to 0? that is what i don’t get. it is not consistent.
the detailed stat screen shows an attackspeed higher than 0 with full gauntlet stack without any other buffs/debuffs.
aps is cut off sadly on the screenshot, but it says 0.89, which is what i get most of the time.

I would have thought something similar. However, I just tested it and it appears the numbers do not match the description on the gloves.

It gives:

+40% more of your base armor per stack
-18.75% flat Movement Speed per stack
-20% of base Attack Speed per stack, capped at a certain amount

Ran the test again on the attack speed with a baseline of 2/sec, and got the following:
1 stack:1.6,
2 stacks:1.2,
3 stacks:0.8,
4 stacks:0.4,
5 stacks:0.15

So it is still -20% of your base attack speed per stack, but there appears to be a cap on the last stack, and it is different depending on your base attack speed.


Thanks for your test.

I’ll try with one of my characters.

i just tested again too, the only value that fits the description is armor (without other modifiers):
attack speed(%) gets reduced by 15,6% per stack (0 down to -78%)
i get from 1.2aps down to 0.26, way above 0.
armor increased by 50% per stack
movement speed reduced by 11.7 per stack (0% down to -58.5)
(reduction is decreased by the amount of cc-reduction i have, which is 22% atm, does it really also reduce the effect, not just the duration?)

usually i have much more attack speed with the roland set, and with this buff i get 3,35 attacks per second with 5 gauntlet stacks

jep, definitely reduced by cc reduction.
without it i get 20% reduction form the first 4 stacks, down to -90% attack speed with 5 stacks
movement speed is -15% per stack, down to -75% at 5 stacks.
with my full equip i have 53% cc reduction, where i get down to -26.58% attack speed or 0.88 attacks per second down from 1.66, and -18.88% movement speed down form 25%. and if you have 25% ms from paragon and ms on your shoes with cc reduction, the first stack wont even reduce your ms below 25%

now it makes even less sense why you sometimes get stuck in an attack animation or can’t attack at all for a few seconds

The negative effects from Stone Gauntlets are supposed to be detrimental to any build that does not negate them.

You are not supposed to “play” with the downsides of the gloves or even just reduce the duration. You are supposed to remove the downsides completely by using Ice Climbers, Invigorating Gemstone, or 100% Akarats Champion uptime.

If you are not using one of those methods, then you should not be using Stone Gauntlets.

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but that still doesn’t explain inconsistent behavior. i probably won’t be using them anyway, i was trying them to see if i can push my sustainability until i find better items, and i ran into those weird moments where i could not attack, while moving did not change.
i only wanted to mention this inconsistency.

In my tests, the attack speed would drop to 0.1-0.15 attack/sec.

This translates to 1 attack every 10 secs on the lowest end. Does this explain what you were seeing?

explains the time frame, but not with the displayed stats where i have 5 stacks of roland for more than 3 attacks per second with 5 stacks from the gauntlets, and without losing roland stacks i sometimes get the attack speed as if i had no buffs at all, but really inconsistent.

It may very well be that the game does not deal well with such slow attack speeds, especially when they slow down from Stone Gauntlets, and then speed up with Rolands.

Could be a bug. Hopefully they will look into it. The workaround is to play with the gloves responsibly, and negate the downsides of the gloves.

The extra armor is only useful if you can kill things. If you can’t move and can’t attack, then what good are the gloves? You have to remove the negative effects, or not use them.

No one in my party is wearing the stone gauntlets, but I am still being slowed/affected by them in the field. Help. I stupidly put them in the kiani’s cube not realizing what they were, just trying to get the seasonal quest done! How to I either get them out or make them stop affecting my character? I don’t want to have to start a new game because of this.

You cannot remove them – you will need to replace the power by another one. Open Kanai’s cube, click on the glove, and then select anything else that you have already extracted the power from. There are 3 or 4 panels for armour… so a lot to chose from.

If you haven’t extracted the power of another armour item… you’re stuck with those gloves until you do. Armour item includes everything except weapons, shields, rings and amulets.

The answer to that part of your post is already in the post you are replying to: