Still not any info from PTR

What kind of drastic changes that you guys are going to do until you guys feel that you need a whole blog for it? I hope that blog is actually live up to the hype and the time you guys spent on writing it.

I got fooled previously by the Heroes of the Storm developer’s hype on their “biggest patch ever” which turned out to be just a mana cost tweak for most of the heroes in the game. :smiley:

I suspect that it will be consistent with the game producers post on game balance in December where he even mentioned that a blog post would be forthcoming. Nevalistis even mentioned it in January that she was working on it pre-holidays.

It’s less about making big, drastic sweeping systems changes and being more clear and specific about why we’ve been making the changes we have been, when we make particular changes, and how our overall approach works. It should lend context not just to what we have been doing, but what we plan on continuing to do.

We’ve not historically been clear or communicative on this in the past, and we want to fix that. Hence a focused, dedicated blog. :slight_smile:

As we’ve said before, you can expect additional content similar in size and scope to 2.6.7.

This is inevitable, and in the blog I linked just above, we called that out very specifically:

These updates won’t arrive all at once, so if you don’t see something for your class right away, don’t worry; there’s something coming for everyone.

There won’t be something for every class in every patch. There’s just too much to cover and not enough time to hit all of it that quickly. However, the rest are coming, and we’re focusing on a couple of classes with each patch.

We did make a slight exception for Barbarians with Whirlwind’s revision last patch arriving prior to their class set, because (a) it fit our schedule and (b) the community did an excellent job providing quality feedback in a constructive manner. We like rewarding that behavior when we’re able, but it does also need to be something we can reasonably fit in without sacrificing our primary goals for each patch.


Is this blog post going to be largely consistent with Matthew’s post from December on game balance or is it just wait and see? :smile_cat:

Haha pretty good @Skelos!

So whos getting the nerf hammer?

Glad You could make WW changes in this patch, it made me and some other people I know return to active playing!


agreed. i always disliked shotgun and wish it was other way around.

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If anything remotely needs to be nerfed, I think it’s “Flavour of Time”.

  1. Every build is using it.
  2. Most OP jewellery either have penalties or are set items so it’s power is somewhat offset or compensated. FoT has no penalty. Only negative thing is it’s hard to find a perfect roll, but this is the case for every item.
  3. It’s power will turn the tide of a rift in every case if pylons are found.

So either a penalty for wearing it needs to be introduced or the duration needs to be nerfed.

You could almost say the same for Captain Crimson’s and for as long as I remember, CoE as well prior to 2.6.6.
Every second build is using Echoing fury nearly too and every Barb WW build uses lamentation and Ambo’s Pride.

So we penalise everyone for them too?
I get your point but it is like a kid in a candy store this season especially. Something else comes along and I think we may see it in the PTR perhaps.
It was made for the solo players and that’s a good start I believe. It’s not like FoT gets consistently good rolls.
More often than not, you accept lesser stats.

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Took how many years to figure that out???

I understand it takes time to dev some stuff but how many patches were there where you guys did absolutely nothing? How many patches did you guys let botters roam free? How many times did you guys do some patching in the background of the game that didnt need to be done only for it to break part of the game because you didnt do any testing and then take weeks to fix what you broke?

So then your basically saying you are only going to do YOUR jobs when the community is good. Right, no wonder so many people left this game. How many times in the past has this community actually agreed on something where the majority got what it wanted? Maybe once or twice while you have a handful of people crying about this or that get their way. I mean heck you changed how kadala works because a few people cried that they had to walk 2 steps to the blacksmith to salvage…


Here’s to hoping that the next season or at least this blog finally addresses the issue of 150 being both the cap of GR’s and way to easy as an end game.

I’m really curious to know what’s going to happen with the original design for GR’s. According to Grimiku’s (blue) post at the time, this game mode was not meant to have an end, but to measure the power of the players. With so much powercreep, this objective was distorted and we reached the maximum level, and in turn it is completely trivialized.

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Sorry for OT, but are you really using Notepad++ for writing the patch notes? And maybe other parts of the website as well?

Not some (kinda) WYSIWYG editor within the CMS, but actually html code in a text editor? :flushed:

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@ TheRugester

Slightly melancholic contribution…But I think there is a lot of truth in it! :+1:

I predict that this coming blog, like the last blog from Nev about the future of DIII, will fill a A4-letter. And in this blog will be 90 % nothing new and the rest will be foggy, nothing specific…and then the reminder of it: 2 months processing! :expressionless:

Sorry, but in companies of your size in comparision, the highest: sufficient!

In the past I also had the feeling that only the positiv thing were passed on to the devs from this forum or maybe a change request. However, since the blizzcon 2018, where everyone (management/devs) has noticed the players dissatisfaction, that could not be ignored, suddenly an increase in communication and greater investments in “content” (new sets) were finally announced.

In this forum, some with elaborate graphics etc, suggestions were given for the new sets, which gave hope…
Then we got some of the new sets…and it felt so to me that the new sets are completely without inspiration, the main thing was something new!..meh
Sorry…but there is still a lot of room for improvement!!!

But now enough of the critical words…let us hope we get some cool stuff and the future of DIII will bring an increase in some areas of the game :v:

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My summary on nerfs/buffs.

If items are performing admirably, and others are just that much better, you nerf.

If items are performing horrible, and others are admirable, you buff.

In almost every instance, the competition for top tier items are performing at a horrible level, like FnR, Travellers, belts and ammulets in general, shoulders…

The list goes on, but in the end, these slots need to be tuned up. If they get tuned up to a fine spot, I am fine with nerfs to things like CoE or Captains so long as the other items are in tune after adjustments.

It rarely goes that way though…

*PS - Food for thought, give Stone of Jordan a flat 75% damage to elites to make it viable!


I am very happy to see you guys using Notepad++

Can I just say that I look forward to the blog post and patch notes later this week.

Also, most of you expect far too much for a game as old as this, being run by a very small team, of a very large company. Be grateful that they are still working on the game, period.


Yeeesus H Schmeist relax brotha. Blizz is being more communicative than they have been in the past like seven years. Give them a break.


The penalty for using it is:

  1. no Hellfire Ammy wearing
  2. no Immunity Ammy wearing
  3. no Rondal’s Locket wearing
  4. you lose what ever ring/ammy in cube you would have used instead of FoT.
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