so i got muted today again for 2weeks and i cant play diablo 3 at all .Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ Active
Account Status
Nov 23, 2019
Last Played
says its active i am not banned from game then why cant i play it? i understand i am muted for what i said but you cant just take away a whole game from me that i payed over $200 of i own the game and i want to play it NOW !!! you want to ban whole account please do … i will understand and never ever buy S%^& from blizard again
so i got muted today again for 2weeks and i cant play diablo 3 at all .Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ Active
Account Status
Nov 23, 2019
Last Played
says its active i am not banned from game then why cant i play it? i understand i am muted for what i said but you cant just take away a whole game from me that i payed over $200 of i own the game and i want to play it NOW !!! you want to ban whole account please do … i will understand and never ever buy S%^& from blizard again
No you don’t. You bought a license to access the online game server. A server you have to follow the rules to keep access to. The rules that state they can remove you from the server for nearly any reason and that they don’t owe you any money if that happens.
The fact you can’t create a game while silenced is a bug.
Feel free to try to sue though for something you don’t own. You guys really really need to read the EULA. You don’t even own your Battlenet account you are posting on.
You are entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Blizzard by email at
Blizzard reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason, or for no reason, with or without notice to you. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most Account suspensions and terminations are the result of violations of this Agreement. In case of minor violations of these rules, Blizzard may provide you with a prior warning and/or suspend your use of the Account due to your non-compliance prior to terminating the Agreement or modifying or deleting an Account.
In the event of a termination of this Agreement, any right you may have had to any pre-purchased Game access or virtual goods, such as digital cards, currency, weapons, armor, wearable items, skins, sprays, pets, mounts, etc., are forfeit, and you agree and acknowledge that you are not entitled to any refund for any amounts which were pre-paid on your Account prior to any termination of this Agreement. In addition, you will not be able to use the Platform.
For an Forum MVP you sure are trying to get a rise out of people
Obviously he is just triggered. I am pretty sure he knows that what he is typing is nonsense.
But you are just trying to aggravate him more. If you have nothing to say about the Bug / Topic at hand. Just be so polite and keep it to yourself.
@Blizz any update on the situation would be appreciated.
That’s the problem my account is active but I cant play the game all you said above is worthless cause MY ACCOUNT IS ACTIVE “Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ Active -
Account Status” but I cant play maybe you should learn to read before replying trash.
We understand that this is a difficult time and things can get heated, but we don’t want to have to silence forum accounts due to forum code of conduct violations. We are keeping this thread open so we can provide an update (when there is one available), so lets keep it on track and steer away from the flaming and derailing.
We have passed the issue up to the Diablo 3 team and they are aware of it. That’s all we can do at the moment. We do not have an update to provide on the status of the bug or an ETA on when it will be resolved.
I’m pretty sure they know what causes the problem. Fixing it seems to be the hard part. They can’t just unmute all accounts. (If the mute is the actual problem).
I think the Mute/Silence on the accounts has never been confirmed nor denied to be the cause of the problem.
It’s just painful to see all your friends playing Diablo whilst all you can do is suffer. Lol
I wish I could go back time and have all the money I’ve already spent for years back. I guess I’ll just hold on to the idea that it was fun until now and search for another online game to play. It used to be fun.
This community is way too toxic and if you reply to them the way they deserve it, you get muted/silenced.
I’ll try to see where I can spend my money.
Business school: For every unhappy customer, you lose a thousand more. BUT, you only realize it when it’s too late.
You left out the rest of the quote, in your post version. If people can’t bother to follow the code of conduct, yes, they will get forum suspensions too. You are free to post that you can’t create a game. You are not free to use profanity, insult others, instigate fights, etc.
This is a blizzard end issue, Everyone I have been group with has it PLEASE Address it blizz. So a side note, I work as a Network tech, This is NOT a connection issue. Im running a constant ping between my router and your server and there is no drops. So not a network issue, and yes the latency is flat at 40 ms +/- 10 ms
Stop defending shady practises jesus christ. Muted account being unplayable is freaking unheard of. That is why it’s called muted and not suspended, or even worse banned. These blue posts are making me laugh. Your desperate attempts to cover up for your employers are pathetic and we can all see through them
So what if they deserved to be muted? What has that to do with being unable to play? If Blizzard can screw up their customers ability to use their products then they deserve toxic attitude coming their way. This issue has been known way before S19 launch and it’s laughable that you haven’t fixed it yet.
I can tell you right away it is a blizz issue on our account. I made a “exploration” account on my computer, same computer i am able to play usually. Everything work fine on that one. Going back to my main account: “only lead can start a game” So, end of that nonsense. Now waiting that fix.