@Alecta Beign muted is a thing. Beign temporary ban 24 hours on addition of the muted is something else. And some of us dont have been muted at all and the muted one don’t deserve that 24 hours + temp ban from the game on addition to the muted punition. “This and That”.
My frustration with trying to play with the party and game join issues have resulted in my quitting the D3 season. This happened 2 days ago and am still awaiting a fix if any on this issue. Am considering moving on to other gaming platforms where issues like this don’t exist for months / several seasons.
Been away for 4 days now and still nothing.
Was hoping to be able to play once I got home. But seems like this season won’t be fixed.
Yep, I still cant play, game is broken…
Well the mute ban is fun… Dropped my Coffee on my keyboard this morning and it caused my keyboard to malfunction and it spammed chat i got a mute/ban for 3 days never been ban in the 12 to 13 years of having an account and i don’t use gen i don’t troll or mess with anyone in chat but because i dropped my coffee i now cant play for 3 days. That is overboard for an accident.
sadly mute is coming from automated system that counts how many people reported you and once that number reaches some amount it auto blocks you, look at my name i get poked every second someone wispers and says %@#$ Russians … and I supposed to sit all quite and take it ? $#@$ NO!
Then why is mine a 3 day ban i have never been ban before?
I am sorry Hateful, but MVPs don’t work for Blizz. I can’t see your account history. While the first penalty is usually only 24 hours, depending on severity, it can go all the way up to a full permanent ban, even for a first offense. Just like sentencing guidelines in court. There are a range of penalties a judge can pick from, depending on the individual circumstances of the case.
If you feel your Silence or Suspension was in error, you can appeal. They don’t let you argue your side, but you can get another person to review the game logs/chat logs.
Ok thank you for the information
Tryed dong it, it send me back to this thread and said we are sorry we are aware of this issue please try again later… maybe you dont work but sure affiliated with blizzard you always have something to say and act like you are part of blizzard
blizard doesnt realize that most players got kids and sure my kids are not going to play blizard games
That means the reason for your Silence or Suspension was true. They checked it an it was upheld.
As for your kids, I would hope you teach them that rules have consequences. Sometimes even consequences you did not intend.
as I said before you will never shut up always got something mean and disrespectful to say better learn how to read tired of repeating myself
Gee, and some people wonder why they got Silenced.
i havent been disrespectfull…
While some people here are grossing the line, I hope you can see why others are frustrated. Including me.
Getting a mute/mail about it is one thing. Not able to play is another.
Was hoping they had it fixed by now after over 45 days. While it might be complicated, I sure miss playing. Still hoping it will get solved soon
what consequences are there to a game maker, turning your bought and paid for version, into a brick? no body cares about being muted…they care that they cant even play the game SOLO, let alone group…so continuing to press the point that they shouldn’t have gotten muted in the first place or that their actions have consequences is nonsense? it has no bearing on being BANNED, which is what is happening…most people can accept being muted but not being able to play a game SOLO you paid for? that isn’t a mute, it is a ban and at this point(2 months,4 months? who knows because they remove posts of the people they mute) it looks like it isnt going away…
no one wonders why they got silenced…they wonder why they cant play a game they paid for and being muted isn’t an explanation…gosh if only blizzard made a block function or profanity filter ,in games, so people wouldn’t get so offended
Was so hoping to play in season 19. Seems like it won’t be possible.
Still crossing fingers everyday that a blue posts about this gotten fixed.
Praying and hoping
Excuse me, MissCheetah, do you have anything to say to help people with error 315000? Do you work for Blizz? Have any close friends? Any friends that you can contact at Blizz to help people? Thank you.
No one is worried about been silenced, making friends, talking to people. Some people just won’t take sh** from a bunch of unpolite kids in a toxic community… What’s happening is that people were muted not banned.
I was silenced cause I’m gay and I can’t stand serious homophobic comments in a political context ingame. Well, I can handle those words but I expect them not to act like a cry baby and mass report me when they read mine. My quick response, as a psychoanalyst, is hurting them where brazilian WoW players feel the most: Mounts, and $$$ in real life. So, like I said, I dont think most of people here need online friends, we need to be treated like valuable customers. Muted not Banned.
It’s ironic. I was muted playing WoW. I still can play WoW. I can’t play D3. Yeah, some people call it irony…
Maybe that helps:
10 cls
20 print “We need to fix D3”;
30 goto 20