Squirts necklace will need a nerf if

There is also the bug where you can lose the buff when you are shielded from attacks :confused:

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Squirt necklace clearly needs a nerf, because is an item that was designed for ranged builds and some melee builds are using it (i saw WW barbs in harcore using squirt necklace…), that shows how broken is squirt necklace in terms of mechanics atm.

Chantodo deserves a nerf too, because if you compare chantodo with the other 2-piece sets you notice that the chantodo numbers are clearly way to OP, and the “buff other 2-piece sets” argument is bad, because if they buff all 2-piece sets something similar to what happened with the set re-balance will happen (things like rolands, firebird, delsere, wastes, uliana are still weaker than other builds, and we will need more buffs and the pointless powercreep will never end). in this case is way easier to nerf chantodo by some margin (i’m not saying nerf chantodo to the ground, but probably -4 GR levels of damage is ok), because the problem is clearly chantodo, not vyr set.

Captain Crimson and Squirt’s Necklace gave me a +10-15 GR boost, to my current build I’m playing (not a meta build), so no effing way…

Squirt necklace is strong but clearly the numbers you posted are wrong… you need 17% more damage to get +1 GR level after you hit the wall, squirt at most gives 6 GR levels, and captain crimson is not that great in terms of damage as people thinks… you have to wear RORG which in most cases means no COE, and you have to drop the witching hour (which in standard cases its about -8,5% damage), considering that most builds tend to have 35-50% CDR (which means 35-50% increased damage AKA 2 GR levels, and in most cases COE it’s better in terms of raw damage). TBH crimson it’s pretty good because of the damage reduction it provides, but in terms of raw damage COE tends to give more damage (considering pushing scenarios).
So at most squirt + captain crimson gives 8 GR levels (and this considering a build that was not using EW or a hellfire amulet with a damage passive, because in that case is even less).

Yeah it’s easy to nerf stuff if you’re LAZY … Sets and legendaries needs to buffed to match vyr’s set power!

They said that in the future they will keep adding legendary powers to legendaries without one, so if they still keep buffing things, balance things like LOD/LON + main sets will be a nightmare (also you need consider that we are getting some new sets soon).

WIZARD SHOULDN’T BE the ONLY ONE that can almost Solo 150 GR .

ALL CLASSES should be on the same level of power, so if Wizard is close to 150, than other classes should too.

Is it so dammn hard to understand?!

There is no point on shouting like a kid.
150 was designed to be the soft cap to grifts, groups of players doing 150 is already bad (but i still think that is not that bad, considering that is not that easy to manage 150 atm), people soloing 150s should never happens.
idk why you love powercreep that much, considering that you said you played d3 since vanilla… i played since vanilla too and i must say that since the creation of greater rifts we are playing exactly the same game but with more numbers…
I saw when doing a 40 was something that only top players were able to do… then powercreep happened and they were doing 60… after 75… 80… 100… and now some clases are pretty close to 140…
powercreep adds nothing to the game, what makes 150 that special? 150 is exactly the same that gr 40 was some years ago, the only difference is with all this pointless powercreep we gain paragon faster, higher gems and more bloodshards (which is useless because as i said we are still playing the same content with just bigger numbers…)
Balance has been a problem with d3 since vanilla… after 7 years the game is still not balanced… what makes you think that somehow they will solve all balance issues now?, sadly nerfs are needed, because atm nerfing some things is way easier than buff all others and not break the balance again.

Players want to reach highier GRs each season without being FORCED to play only meta builds.

Every build should be allowed to be strong, not just meta ones and the fact that there are only 2 builds capable of reaching 120-145 GR unless you have 2000+ paragon is just laughable…

Are you aware that most of the d3 playerbase are casuals players that don’t care about pushing or getting some more damage, most of d3 players just quit after 2 weeks of the start of each season (if you don’t trust me, just check comunities or clans at the very start of season and then check it after 1 month…).

Also if you don’t play meta you are crippling yourself so completing a 100 or a 120 for a non meta player should not matter because the point of non meta builds is just play for fun …

I play at my own pace mostly doing 80-95 GR runs only. All thanks too Captain Crimson and Squirt’s Necklace (best additions for UE Multishot Blizz ever came up aside constant buffs to the set).

Once I get most of my gems to 90-100 rank (for augments) I’ll probably change to arsenal build, so don’t even botter mocking my current DH Multishot build…

Multishot DH has been able to do 80-95 easy since a lot of seasons, if you refuse to play the build as it should be, that is your problem, balance should never be based on the whims of random players.

To those crying for nerf for Squirt’s Necklace, try fighting Agnidox, Cold Snap, Perdition, Raiziel or Vesalius Guardians (or any other guardian with nova like attacks) with this amulet on and you’ll see HOW OP it is when you get ONE SHOTED with almost any attack they make at 82 GRs and above (especially the most annoying Cold Snaps charge attack or the out of nowhere Perditions Teleport Charge).

I use squirt necklace in hardcore and i can take RG attacks good enough to not proc my fake death passive in difficulties way higher than 82, your dh has 300k hp lmao, that is why you explode with any attack, also most of these attacks are super telegraphed if you take them you are just a bad player.

Same with monsters charging at you OFF screen like chargers, oppressors or from Grotesque mobs explosions.

If you take damage from grotesques or mob explosions as a ranged character your clearly don’t know how to position

Instead of being blinded by that 100% extra damage that comes from this amulet why don’t you actually try it and see how it’s like being one shoted, by the extra 50% damage taken you receive that of course missed your attention…

The increased damage thing is just a trivial thing, me and most hardcore players use squirt necklace, because the damage is way to amazing to not use it and the increased damage taken penality is just to low, and in most cases not even enough to proc our fake death passive (you also need consider that after certain point (probably after 120 and considering an average of 2k paragon every single attack you take as a DH will make you proc, so taking 100% more damage means nothing)

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, and this
discussion is above your pay grade.
Squirts is for ranged builds, not for melee builds, and the fact that
you say it’s good for hardcore, show you don’t play higher tier at all.
The only thing needing nerfs, is your comments.
Btw, I can’t believe you’re using a shield on your barb.

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You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, and this
discussion is above your pay grade.

Amazing argument really. Fun thing is your highest clear is GR 94 lmao, i’m a couple of grs higher than you xD

Squirts is for ranged builds, not for melee builds

Seems like you don’t even read my post, i said that squirt is that good that even some melee builds are using it… that was one of the reasons because i was saying that it needs a nerf

and the fact that you say it’s good for hardcore, show you don’t play higher tier at all.

The guy at rank 18 in hardcore DH is UE multishot and guess what… is using squirt necklace… same for rank 23 and 24 (i use these guys as examples because they are the only ones using a ranged build, all others are using shadow (melee build that uses EW), and rapid fire uses flavour of time.
So are you telling me that you know more than the guys that are at the top of laderboards atm lmao.

So I guess in your logic ONLY 2 builds for DHs are allowed on leaderboards (shadow impale and LoN or LoD Rapidfire).

God forbid UE Multishot to get near Top 20 in leaderboards at all and of course if they do they must have used a “broken” item such as Squirt’s Necklace :roll_eyes: or any other “cheats”

The funniest thing though that for someone who hates Squirt’s Necklace so much you have no problem abusing it’s INSANE OverPowered POWER in your season DH or your barb build… :roll_eyes:

All of you weird people obsessed on that so called power creep should take a chill pill.

As long as no one with less than 1000 paragon and no caldesan in their gear can solo 150 GR in less than 3 or 4 minutes THERE’S NO NEED to nerf anything at all.

Seriously if you hate UE Multishot build so much why do you even play it or even use that broken OP Squirt’s Amulet at all? Are you a hypocrite or just jealous that someone got rank 18 in hardcore leaderboards and you can’t, so if you can’t do it or beat him than it’s better to BLAME the amulet right? :roll_eyes:

For your information there’s a lot of builds I don’t like in D3 RoS yet I don’t come to the forum and whine how ridiculous OP they are even if they allow some players to do GR 135-140 solo…

The whole point of arpgs which I already mentioned in this thread is to progress further when you get the most powerful aka endgame gear in game not STAY in the same place.

The fact that only wizard got to 140 GR solo is laughable.

ALL classes with any 6 pieces sets or some LoN, LoD builds should easily run 135-140+ GRs with little effort at atleast 1300-1400 paragon ALREADY with only 100-110 caldesans only in their gear…

This way you could easily grind paragon and the gap between players with no lives who spend more than 6-10h a day playing would be much lower. Even if suddenly some players got 6000-7000 paragon in season while others only arround 3000-4000 it’s still better, cause at 3000 you could do run the same GRs as those who are over 7k paragon…

Right now some 6 pieces sets CAN’T even reach GR 100 which is a joke considering RoS was released over 5 years ago and we still can’t even solo GR 140 with ALL classes at all…

Unfortunately you “moar power creep” obsessed people can’t stand the fact that any build other than the actual meta one can reach leaderboards in top 30 or are just but.t.hurt that someone can do it with a build with a gear worse than you, so you just ask for nerfs, cause it’s the only thing you can do…

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Yes I do know more.
Reason is that I never look at the top, cause those people only
group play, and have high augments and paragon.
I look at things more on the average.
As far a G-rift clears go, I played a few days and I am bored.
Getting on leader boards is easy, even in the top page, remaining there
isn’t important to me, cause I play 100% solo, and don’t bot.
Like I said you have no idea what you’re talking about.
I base my opinions from my experience, not from somebody else
on the leader boards.

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I laughed so hard with your post, at this point idk if you even know how to read…

So I guess in your logic ONLY 2 builds for DHs are allowed on leaderboards (shadow impale and LoN or LoD Rapidfire).

I never said this.

God forbid UE Multishot to get near Top 20 in leaderboards at all and of course if they do they must have used a “broken” item such as Squirt’s Necklace :roll_eyes: or any other “cheats”

There was as guy in hardcore that used multishot some seasons ago and was top10 (that was without squirt necklace lmao)

The funniest thing though that for someone who hates Squirt’s Necklace so much you have no problem abusing it’s INSANE OverPowered POWER in your season DH or your barb build…

Yup, i use it, because is super strong, but it still needs a nerf, because is a generic item that any class can use, so an item like that makes balance harder… (squirt it’s like krysbin, but at least necromancer was created and balanced around krysbin since day 0)

Seriously if you hate UE Multishot build so much why do you even play it or even use that broken OP Squirt’s Amulet at all? Are you a hypocrite or just jealous that someone got rank 18 in hardcore leaderboards and you can’t, so if you can’t do it or beat him than it’s better to BLAME the amulet right?

i don’t hate multishot, i play it since UE6 was released, atm i don’t even know if you have some kind of problem understanding english or just don’t know how to read, i just posted the example of the rank 18 guy because that guy called locknload said that i had no idea about what thing i was talking about, so i picked the highest guy in the laderboards that was using squirt necklace in hardcore to prove that my point is right, squirt is super OP and top hardcore players use it. the part of being jealous is just a thing inside of your mind as i said i just talked about these players because they are the only ones that are using ranged builds, also i don’t even want to beat them in the ladderboards, i’m just a casual player and i’m ok with that, i’m not like the guys that are casual and want to beat players that are working hard so they come to forums to blame group play or the fact they don’t have enough paragon/high augments (to make things even funnier i know some of the guys that are super close to the top in hardcore and i have played with them since like season 4 lmao, some of them are my buddies).

For your information there’s a lot of builds I don’t like in D3 RoS yet I don’t come to the forum and whine how ridiculous OP they are even if they allow some players to do GR 135-140 solo…

The only one whining in the forum are you, because you don’t have high paragon or high level gems… is just a matter of check your posts things like “do X under 1k paragon” or “i only have low augments” are super common

The whole point of arpgs which I already mentioned in this thread is to progress further when you get the most powerful aka endgame gear in game not STAY in the same place.

This thing only shows how little you know about action rpgs, most action rpgs have a difficulty cap and in most of them is not even hard to reach it, so that thing means that stay in the same place is really common (in d1 or d2 this thing was super common)

ALL classes with any 6 pieces sets or some LoN, LoD builds should easily run 135-140+ GRs with little effort at atleast 1300-1400 paragon ALREADY with only 100-110 caldesans only in their gear…

When i read that think i only understand that you are a casual player that don’t play meta and want to do the things that meta players does… let’s be real, if they make 135 easy, top players will be doing 150 solo, and you will be in the same sport saying “every class should be able to do 150 solo with 130-140 augments”…

This way you could easily grind paragon and the gap between players with no lives who spend more than 6-10h a day playing would be much lower. Even if suddenly some players got 6000-7000 paragon in season while others only arround 3000-4000 it’s still better, cause at 3000 you could do run the same GRs as those who are over 7k paragon…

you should really stop insulting people that plays a lot of hours this game, they are not doing anything bad, calling them “players with no lives” is an insult.
Also there is an amazing site called d3planner, in that site you can simulate gear and paragon level and get the exact damage values, maybe you should spend some time in d3planner to finally know that after you have +20k mainstat, mainstat gives less and less damage because has diminishing returns… top players are not top players only because of paragon, they are top players because they know how gear/hoard mobs/have amazing map awareness and most important they have the patience to fish.

Right now some 6 pieces sets CAN’T even reach GR 100 which is a joke considering RoS was released over 5 years ago and we still can’t even solo GR 140 with ALL classes at all…

Every single 6 piece class set can do a GR 100 nowadays, GR 100 is not hard to reach lmao, the thing is most players just don’t play some builds because they lack the power the strongest ones have or they have totally disgusting mechanics (like delsere, firebirds, hammer build, etc).

Unfortunately you “moar power creep” obsessed people can’t stand the fact that any build other than the actual meta one can reach leaderboards in top 30 or are just but.t.hurt that someone can do it with a build with a gear worse than you, so you just ask for nerfs, cause it’s the only thing you can do…

no one is angry with that, is just that if the powercreep do not stop we will be at some point doing speed 150, and they will ask for more GR levels (like they do with torments frequently enough) and because of technical limitations we are close to reach the max number of HP that RGs can have if they add more GR levels, so the powercreep really needs to stop now.



Nothing more to add.

I guess some people live in their own little worlds, believing only what they say is true annd everyone who has a different opinion is wrong :roll_eyes:

Btw. no living is a figure of speach directed at players with almost unlimitted time to play and some even have no problem admitting that they’re no lives, which you’d know about if your read the forum more frequently :roll_eyes:

If all classes can do GR 100 please show how you complete GR 100 on season with, oh and do it without Squirt’S Necklace:

Shouldn’t be hard considering that so many classes did it without Squirt’s Neckalce at all (sure they did it with 2000+ paragon and 110-150 caldesans few seasons ago or even the last one) and no I’m not but.t.hurt that I don’t have over 1500-2000 paragon or over caldesans and perfect primals, but ofc you think I am. I just get BORRED easily and don’t spend whole day on meta groups only :roll_eyes:

I play however the hell I want…

Unfortunately if someone doesn’t plays the way you do than he can’t play at all or knows nothing about the arpgs right? :roll_eyes:

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Nothing more to add.

You have no decent arguments so you post memes, :man_facepalming:

If all classes can do GR 100 please show how you complete GR 100 on season with, oh and do it without Squirt’S Necklace

Just search old videos of youtube lmao, people was doing 100’s without crazy paragon or squirt necklace some seasons ago.

(sure they did it with 2000+ paragon and 110-150 caldesans few seasons ago or even the last one) and no I’m not but.t.hurt that I don’t have over 1500-2000 paragon or over caldesans and perfect primals, but ofc you think I am. I just get BORRED easily and don’t spend whole day on meta groups only

In almost every single topic you post you always say anything related to paragon or aguments… i read one of your post about set dungeons in which you said to one guy “master all set dungeonss first try under 800 paragon” lmao (this thing is even more funnier, because in a lot of set dungeons you have to actually drop damage because some objectives are hard to complete if you oneshot things).
If that thing is not being angry about players with more paragon or aguments idk what it is lmao.

I play however the hell I want…
Unfortunately if someone doesn’t plays the way you do than he can’t play at all or knows nothing about the arpgs right?

I just pointed that in most action rpgs reaching the cap is not hard at all and i even posted d1 and d2 as examples…
if you think i’m wrong just name 1 action rpg in which reaching the cap is not possible in solo (like in d3).

I reached 98 in less than 3 months level with my bow ama years ago in D2 LoD doing just baal runs on cbnet (multiplayer) and soloed Baal on hell with my army of the dead necro build…

The problem with D3 is that reaching even 8000 or 10000 paragon is impossible unless you play over 8h a day 6 days a week for years…

The problem with D3 RoS is that if you don’t run in meta groups or play with meta builds you have no chance to achieve it…

Most players get borred easily if the progression is too slow for them and if they can’t reach their desired GR with the builds they like to play the most rather than the builds used by everyone else…

A lot of players just finish season journey and quit playing season or even the game, cause they simply get borred of doing the same thing over and over again and never getting the item they desired the most no matter how many times they reforge it or how many Rifts or GRs they completed…

So what if legendaries rain all over the place if most of them are instant forgotten souls anyway and most primals have bad rolls, not too mention some legendary amulets with absolute worst rolls possible.

There is little to none excitement when legendaries drop even primals…

Little things like that really discourage people to play, no mater how much time they invest in the game.

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I reached 98 in less than 3 months level with my bow ama years ago in D2 LoD doing just baal runs on cbnet (multiplayer) and soloed Baal on hell with my army of the dead necro build…

The max difficulty in d2 is hell… and you clearly don’t need level 99 in order to clear hell. during the first day of each season on d2 you can beat hell baal in probably under 6 hours… so you touch the cap the first day and you stay that way (no futher progression). that is the reason because i said that in most action rpg you reach the cap and you stay that way, and d2 still has a big playerbase even considering that you reach the difficult cap the first day, so that need of “keep getting stronger” is not needed in d3 meaning powercreep is not needed.

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Done, with 1010 paragon and gems were in the 80-90 range…

I also had a GR99 solo from something like Season 12 or 13 but obviously that didn’t quite match your criteria


Do the same within that range with delsere, firebirds, hammer oh don’t forget not to use squirt’s necklace and only have 80-90 caldesans on not all items…

Funny thing about many of the “moar powah creep” and nerf band wagon thing is that most have over 3k paragon and 100+ legendary gems and 110+ caldesans, not all (some might have 2 or more accounts and just post on forum using the one with smaller paragons), so even a small or any nerf won’t affect them that much, while for example new players or those who don’t have their chars maxed out with ridiculous high paragons or caldesans, gems suffer from any nerfs the most.

You only judge items from YOUR point of view, because YOU can solo highier GRs than others (usually using the META builds ofc) using specific items or suddenly can advance 10 GRs, YOU call for nerfs, cause YOU think that nerfing ANYTHING will balance the game more than actually buffing under performing sets or legendaries…

You just CAN’T stand the fact that players who might not be as good as you are in the game might suddenly advance playing whatever the hell they want even if using one item only or two items… You just want to force all players to play ONLY meta builds whatever they currently are to get the highiest GRs possible. Just stick with 2 meta builds and that’s what you care about…

Anyone who doesn’t respect YOUR rules, can’t play the game or does it wrong and builds his using are mocked by calling them snowflakes, meme or whatever the crap you come up…

Well let me remind you what YOUR precious nerfs achieve in the game. First major NERF to Wizard was removing critical mass destroying completely the perma freeze build, than the twister build got NERFED, now some of you ask to nerf Archon Vyr’s Chantodo, cause Blizz forgot to BUFF all other (2) pieces sets when they Turbo charged Chantodo…

Barb also got nerfed many times.

Few years ago during a PTR suddenly crusaders (those with 3000 and above paragon) could “easily” hit 150 GR using Fire Walkers boots and St. Archew’s Gage gloves with a specific skill, while players under 1000 paragon could reach GR90 with ease. What did Blizz? NERFED that build to the ground making Fire Walkers and St. Archew’s Gage useless once again, cause the ELITE with 3000+ paragons could breeze through GR150 boohoo… Instead of fixing it, by slightly lowering the damage done by Fire Walkers they decided to completely destroy that build…

Few years ago when RoS was pretty new Followers could actually benefit from legendary gems and the HORROR began, cause once again 2000-3000+ paragon players could suddenly do GR 150 with ANY class just by using ** Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver and Wreath of Lightning gems on their followers (plyers could do max T4-T6, so honestly the nerf was pointless) and of course thanks to your NERF bandwagon now followers CAN’T benefit from legendary gems AT ALL, cause instead of lowering the proc rate on these legendary gems (or any other legendary gems) it was EASIER (aka lazier) just to make all legendary gems NOT WORK on followers at all, making followers CC slaves again.

Players who played solo suddenly had a chance to compete against groups and followers were FINALLY useful, but NAH, too much powah creep band wagon with torches and forks came a long and said this is:



Don’t forget about Shard of Hate nerf too, which btw was a weapon created by the community. That’s how much Blizz cares about it’s playerbase…

People don’t get that the whole power creep BS is the reason of the ridiculous mob HP per rift scalling (17% per rift) and than wonder why we get insane (in their opinion) boosts to sets…

If you LOVE nerfing so much NERF the God dammn mob scalling per rift from 17% to 8 or even 5%. There ya go, no need to nerf any items at all, but you won’t get it anyway, you’e so blinded with your nerfing fixes everything logic that no matter what is said you’ll still stick to your deranged logic…

For your information I’m in favour of ALL classes being balanced arround 120-135 GR with just 1200-1350 paragon and 90-110 caldesans, so you can grind paragons much easier and faster (I know you hate these words) with ANY build (the way you like not being forced to do meta groups or builds only) and 140-150 with META ones, but who am I kidding.

It’s like trying to explain a kid that 2*2=4, yet the kid still won’t agree me with me using the most ridiculous arguments possible…


oh… I thought I was a bit late… but I did good with my GR 101 at only paragon 800 something! :smiley:

Congratz to you too man! :smiley:

BTW didn’t know this cool records screen, should check it out one day, hahah

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As I mentioned, my Monk had 1010 paragon and gems in the 80-90 range when she got the GR101 solo. I think her Caldessan’s at the time were around rank 70 (350DEX) on most of her pieces. It was done in an Uliana / Seven Sided Strike / Exploding Palm build. That’s not a META build. Not even close. I played it because I found it fun. I looked back through all the seasons I’ve taken part in (earliest was S10) and the highest paragon I’ve managed was PL1173 in S15. I’m so far away from the sort of player you’re accusing me of being.

Go ahead and search for a single instance of me ever asking for nerfs.
Hint: you won’t find any, because I’ve never asked for any.

Look at my Career page. How much do you think I’ve played in META groups? My only Necro is in an Inarius / Blood Nova build, so no RGK. I don’t have a Wizard at all, so no Star Pact. I don’t have a support Barb. My support Monk has 71 elite kills to her name. I think the last time I joined a META group was well over a year ago and I’ve never done a rat run.

If I cared about META at all, why have I got 16 level 70 heroes, 15 of which aren’t META, and the one that is has only killed enough elites for half a dozen GR runs.


Only that part of my post:

was directed at you, all the rest of it is to all the NERF lovers out there thinking nerfes ever helped the game at all…

If you are not one them than that’s great and have fun with whatever build you play. If you can reach GR 100 with any build you play than awesome and congrats.

Still playing the forum and game I see. Please make sure to post another ‘why I’m leaving thread’ in a month or so to get some online sympathy.

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Just checked leaderboards on all regions for season SC and HC and here’s how high current UE CC Multishot is after the Captain Crimson change and added power to Squirt’s Necklace based on TOP 30 players only.


SC - Softcore
HC - Hardcore
LB - Leaderboards

North America TOP 30:

Paragon Rank on SC LB Rank on HC LB
1622 9 -
1358 18 -
1530* - 23
1042 - 25
1046 - 27

*Means that the you can’t read the exact paragon, cause of portrait frame (it’s in 1530-1539 range)

Europe TOP 30:

Paragon Rank on SC LB Rank on HC LB
3389 1 -
1512 20 -
1347 28 -
1208 - 11
1211 - 21
1032* - 27
1213 - 29

*Again can’t tell exactly cause of potrait frame… 1030-1039 range

Asia TOP 30:

Paragon Rank on SC LB Rank on HC LB
3337 5 -
2472 - 3
1060* - 22

*Once again portrait frame… 1060-1069 range

You can check by yourself the exact paragon if you want in game (Shift+L for leaderboards).

As you can see there’s only one UE CC Multishot DH (3337 paragon) on Asia season softcore server in Top 30.
Next ranks for multishot on season softocre are 69, 70, 74, 75…

The majority of these DHs have min 90 caldesans on most items with maybe 2 or 3 players with less than 90.

All EU SC players have primal Yangs and all other players have at least min 2 primals.

Every DH either uses the Arsenal rune for Multihshot or Full Broadside and the majority uses 100+ legendary gems in their builds (few have below 100 rank gems).

Meteorblade just destroyed your arguments gasnick, and he did with a proof (an image) (cheers to meteorblade for playing uliana :ok_hand:) .


so even a small or any nerf won’t affect them that much, while for example new players or those who don’t have their chars maxed out with ridiculous high paragons or caldesans, gems suffer from any nerfs the most.

When you nerf or buff things every single player of that build have to deal with the changes no matter which paragon or gear do you have…

If you LOVE nerfing so much NERF the God dammn mob scalling per rift from 17% to 8 or even 5%. There ya go, no need to nerf any items at all, but you won’t get it anyway, you’e so blinded with your nerfing fixes everything logic that no matter what is said you’ll still stick to your deranged logic…

That thing is just dumb, because changes nothing if you nerf mob HP atm the only thing you will add it’s more indirect powercreep, and guess what… meta players will be doing speed 150 while non meta players will still be on something 130 xD, seems like you don’t understand maths at all.

For your information I’m in favour of ALL classes being balanced arround 120-135 GR with just 1200-1350 paragon and 90-110 caldesans, so you can grind paragons much easier and faster (I know you hate these words) with ANY build (the way you like not being forced to do meta groups or builds only) and 140-150 with META ones, but who am I kidding.

They have done this thing countless times in the past, some years ago doing a 75 was a thing that only pro players were able to do, nowadays is anyone can do 75, and nothing has changed, top players are still doing higher grifts than everyone else, and this argument just show how pointless and dumb is powercreep, because solves nothing…

It’s like trying to explain a kid that 2*2=4, yet the kid still won’t agree me with me using the most ridiculous arguments possible…

Fun thing is in the forums you are that kid that don’t understand that 2*2 = 4, because your arguments have been destroyed multiple times with numbers in hand and you still don’t understand that nerfing mob HP solves nothing…
and the most dumb thing is that you take all this as a personal attack, you call people haters, trolls, and things because they don’t agree with your ideas because they are just bad, you want the game balanced based on your whims, if you want to play non meta builds it’s ok, but wanting to base the balance on things like that will not happen, also in some cases your ideas are just terrible, like squirt necklace idea or the seasonal buff one (seasonal buff it’s pretty OP if you don’t know, basically a purple circle is 100% more damage for free , and this stacks with oculus… )

Few years ago during a PTR suddenly crusaders (those with 3000 and above paragon) could “easily” hit 150 GR using Fire Walkers boots and St. Archew’s Gage gloves with a specific skill, while players under 1000 paragon could reach GR90 with ease. What did Blizz? NERFED that build to the ground making Fire Walkers and St. Archew’s Gage useless once again, cause the ELITE with 3000+ paragons could breeze through GR150 boohoo… Instead of fixing it, by slightly lowering the damage done by Fire Walkers they decided to completely destroy that build…

This thing never happened, the problem was some kind of weird BUG that happened with these items, they were not nerfed they were fixed… (and no, GR150 was not a thing years ago, so idk why are you lying).

Few years ago when RoS was pretty new Followers could actually benefit from legendary gems and the HORROR began, cause once again 2000-3000+ paragon players could suddenly do GR 150 with ANY class just by using ** Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver and Wreath of Lightning gems on their followers and of course thanks to your NERF bandwagon now followers CAN’T benefit from legendary gems AT ALL, cause instead of lowering the proc rate on these legendary gems (or any other legendary gems) it was EASIER (aka lazier) just to make all legendary gems NOT WORK on followers at all, making followers CC slaves again.

At this point idk why you are lying, maybe because all your arguments were destroyed with arguments/maths and proofs ?
This thing you said never happened, Devs said that legendary gems were never intended to work with followers and they even said that maybe in the future they would create some legendary gems specific for followers…

This specific part is just a stupid lie:

Few years ago when RoS was pretty new Followers could actually benefit from legendary gems and the HORROR began, cause once again 2000-3000+ paragon players could suddenly do GR 150 with ANY class just by using ** Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver and Wreath of Lightning gems on their followers

First of all because paragon has no effect on followers… so even if you have 200k main stat gems like mirinae or wrath of lightining would use follower stats instead of main character stats… also when legendary gems were introduced (in the same patch that grifts were introduced) people in that ptr was having hard times doing GR 30 lmao (and when the grifts were released in live people was not doing higher than 38 lmao), so all this BS of people doing 150 was a thing that only happened in your mind, and for some reason at this point you are just lying and this lie is that bad at the point that is sad (because you said you played this game since vanilla, and based on this thing you posted i’m not sure anymore lmao)

Barb also got nerfed many times.

Idk what kind of nerfs are you talking about, probably you are talking just random junk, the only real nerf that barbarian ate was the bloodshed nerf, and this one was because bloodshed spam was killing the servers, not because they wanted to nerf the barbs…
All other significant barbarian nerfs were for Zdps specs (like the removal of certain skills that spawned heal gloves)… and guess what… Zdps barb is still meta even after these nerfs…
If you think i’m wrong just post a patch note in which barbarian DPS was nerfed significantly outside of the bloodshed thing (and just in case you post something related to PTR. nope, things like the removal of mortick bracers and IK nerf on PTR never touched the live servers so they are not considered nerfs because at the very end of these PTRs, IK was still stronger than the live version so at the very end were buffs no matter what…)

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At what point is Squirt’s necklace buggy?