BTW I am one of those people who think the vyr/chantodo wiz is wrong right now.
Not asking for a nerf though, just a change. The whole wave part of the weapon should not be like it is imo. It’s really passive gameplay. I would love to see it boost the archon beam with similar strenght so you can also look powerful, not just with the wave(s). I think the archon beam looks way way better than the wave or that stupid smash that doesnt fit the whole wiz build at all imo of course.
It’s been reported and endlessly discussed. It clearly has a bug. You can take damage from Thunderstorm and it does NOT fall off. You can be immune to damage and walk over a poison or frozen patch and it falls off. You can avoid ticking damage and it still falls off. It clearly has several bugs.
I noticed that and called it out as well. I thought it was staying on because I still had shields up from Dominance or something, but it’s not consistent. Whether I have shields or not, it will either stay up or go down at random.
When I’m certain I’ve taken damage and expect it to go down, it stays up. When I thought FOR SURE I avoided that Mortar or Blood Star or spear/arrow, boom I take double damage and the damage buff goes away instantly.
Let me reiterate that I am fine with the power it is right now. I am saying that if they fix the bugs it currently has that it might need a MINOR nerf to maintain it at its current power level. I for one am with the balance faction. When power creep becomes power leep it kinda ruins the progression feel. You have a hard time differentiating whether you are getting better or just your gear is. I feel much more satisfied with the former then the latter.
Make a HC character, and tell me how it is overpowered.
With 50% increase in incoming damage, you can get one shoted easily,
and need to hit things miles away. Consider all possibilities
before you post.
And to all the people crying about Wizards being over powered.
Quit looking at the top few players, who are over performing
because of paragons, augments and probably botting.
To the average player the gap is nowhere near.
I play HC only so will only speak from that reference point.
Early is seasons, when finding gear is harder, if I have 6 piece
set of Impale, with no augments or ancients, I can destroy Vyr’s 6
piece set greater rift level easily, including additional necessary build items.
So at end game level, with everything maxed, maybe wizards are
top dog, but for 90% + players that play, there isn’t that difference,
and certainly most of the people that post on these forums, haven’t
experienced this.
I did not say it is overpowered. And quite frankly I would not use it with a hardcore character because you become a glass cannon when using it. I don’t play hardcore because of IP issues. I hate losing to the DC boss.
And for those that keep saying to explain how it is buggy, look it up in the bug report forums. I use it just fine, and I really like it. But it is bugged and needs to be fixed. But once it is fixed it MAY then be a little OP. Until they fix the bugs we will not know.
To those crying for nerf for Squirt’s Necklace, try fighting Agnidox, Cold Snap, Perdition, Raiziel or Vesalius Guardians (or any other guardian with nova like attacks) with this amulet on and you’ll see HOW OP it is when you get ONE SHOTED with almost any attack they make at 82 GRs and above (especially the most annoying Cold Snaps charge attack or the out of nowhere Perditions Teleport Charge).
Same with monsters charging at you OFF screen like chargers, oppressors or from Grotesque mobs explosions.
Instead of being blinded by that 100% extra damage that comes from this amulet why don’t you actually try it and see how it’s like being one shoted, by the extra 50% damage taken you receive that of course missed your attention…
Has anyone that is asking for a nerf for Peddler’s Necklace actually use it? I stuffed it into the cube and to be quite honest I have never been so eager to replace a cube power in my entire Diablo career.
Sure, I was hitting like a freight train going full steam ahead with jet engines attached to it, but I have never died so much in my entire Diablo 3 gaming time, and I was around for the virtual hell that was vanilla Inferno.
Unless you have really good toughness, anything with AoE skills, teleport attacks (Oh dear balls Perdition exists), or has the means to reach you from afar, if not kill you, is going to smack you so hard your screen is going to explode into a shower of red faster than a ketchup bottle getting smoked by a shotgun.
Then, if you do survive getting smacked so hard everyone in a five mile radius’ll flinch, it takes the amulet some time to recharge. So if you are repeatedly smacked you are not only taking more damage depending on the amount of charges you have, but you are not getting that full damage buff, and if you are running around trying not to get murdered that damage buff means jack dirt.
Yeah, you smack things super hard with the amulet, but you’re essentially playing the original Crash Bandicoot in that everything that even remotely looks threatening is going to make you take a dirt nap. The amulet is definitely balanced.
If anything, they need to look at whatever quirky glitch that is plaguing it. I was dying randomly while a generous player, who offered to help me, was paragon leveling me and helping me get gear.
NO, when you post obscure posts about nerfing things, be very clear on what exactly you are talking about.
From your posts above you assume we all know what you are talking about.
But NO, please always provide links and description of what you are aiming to achieve by posting!
Yes, I do use it on my speed build, MS push build and farming build. I’ve gone to GR 107 with it and it is indeed a glass cannon. But it is BUGGED. And if they fix the bugs it may be even more powerful. But at the same time, it could also be more difficult to use since they would also fix the issues where the buff does not drop off even when you do take damage. Until they fix it we will not know. @Chentanji I did just as you posted and others still asked for an explanation. What more are you expecting me to do?
To be fair, as people already purchased D3 and are not expected to spend more, leaving the game only frees up server resources and therefore reduces need for maintenance. Additionally, it runs the risk that whatever game you intend to waste your time on in the future also happens to be a Blizzard game.
People don’t seem to realize that they’re just flippant masses of rodents where the only thing that we can predict about them is that you can’t predict anything about them.
They made an item that double the damage and, surprise, surprise, it doubles the damage.
What’s the problem with that?!
The only bug I heard of (but I didn’t notice but usually fighting takes too much of my attention) is that sometimes it doesn’t count the hit and keeep the 100% damage bonus. Hence it does more damage than it should, perhaps.
Hence if it’s indeed buggy and then later fix, it would need a buff if anything!
I have only just started this season playing Vyrs and im loving it. Anyone asking for nerfs are just idiots or jelous of vyrs power. Its bloody fantastic . I can definitely see myself playing the season through for once
I hvnt play this much d3 in a longtime. Hope more sets are buff to vyrs power so i can play them to