Edit: I’ve now done a second set of numbers, for top 1000s: GR clears in top 1000 by class/era - Google Sheets
Comments on these numbers are in this post.
2nd Edit: And now a 3rd and final set of numbers, for top 10s: GR clears in top 10 by class/era - Google Sheets
And comments on these numbers are in this post.
3rd Edit: And here is a sort of overall evaluation that draws from all three of these leaderboard sets (10, 100, 1000): Final marks for solo class clears, aka “Solo Futility Score” - Google Sheets.
Comments on that are in this post.
Lately I’ve heard quite a few people talking about how their class is always at the bottom of the barrel, while that other class always gets all the love.
Well, I decided to take a look at the top 100 clears worldwide, for every era, 1-14, and see how many of those 100 clears went to each class.
I definitely don’t intend this to be a 100% authoritative look at “overall class value”, since “appearance in the top 100” is not the only thing to consider. We could also look at appearances in the group meta for pushing, or for speeds. Or, for that matter, at solo speeds, or broaden the look at the leaderboard to the top 1000, in which case certain builds + classes perform much better (for instance Wizard- mostly Firebird- which in the current era takes only 20% of the top 100, but 54% of the top 1000).
Still, this look at the top 100 is one significant element in that overall picture.
Spreadsheet here:
Some overall takeaways:
If you are a Witch Doctor, and complain that your class never gets any love… complain louder, because you are absolutely correct!
If you are a Barb, DH, Monk, or Necro, and complain that your class never gets any love… just be glad you aren’t a Witch Doctor!
If you are a Wizard or Crusader and complain that your class never gets any love… SHUT THE HELL UP!
Barbs have had a considerable decline since the early days… they made up about 32% of top 100 clears over the first 5 Eras, but only 2.1% of top 100 clears since then.
DH has the longest run of horrible performance… 5 consecutive Eras with zero clears in the top 100.
WD is the worst overall, by far… This class has amassed just 4.14% of clears in the top 100 over those 14 Eras. The next worst, Monk, is not even close to that bad: 10.29%.
WD is the worst overall, by far (part Deuce)… Every other class has amassed more top 100 clears in a single Era than WD has amassed, total, ever!
WD is the worst overall, by far (Turd time’s the charm)… In more than half of all Eras (8 out of 14), WD does not have a single clear in the top 100.
Wizard and Crusader have had a lot of time being very powerful… In 6 of the 14 Eras, one or the other of these classes has amassed more than 50% of the top 100 clears, including 97% of the top 100 for Wizard in Era 6.
One class rules supreme, more often than not… In 10 of the 14 eras, one class has over 50% of the clears in the top 100.
Time attack became a thing starting in Era 13… this was the first Era where the top 100 was all 150s.