A master level monster has 512% normal health, a Torment level monster has 819% normal health. That is 1.59x more health for that difference in difficulty. Since the monsters scale to your character level, a level 1 toon versus a level 1 ZK with ZERO gear except a level 1 follower weapon and ZERO skills other than a basic punch is WAY less compared to a level 67 toon against a level 67 ZK with full level 61 rares and a full allottment of 6 skills and 3 passives. The run from level 62 to level 70 is the toughest part of the season progression since your gear stops at level 61 but the monsters continue to scale with you as you rise in levels. But my point still stands that with the right gear (even if you use an “exploit” like taking a follower weapon at level 1 or crafting a level 70 weapon that has reduced level and can be equipped under level 70. It boils down to using the best skills available to your class at the time.
One of these things is not true.
Well spoken brother… this kind of low life anger me too!
You just got him enraged, appears he kept that mechanic. Get a higher min damage weapon to finish him early or get a bleed chance affix one, preferably with lvl req reduced.
Enrage timer? I thought they did away with those. I remember fighting the butcher when there was an enrage timer. The entire floor was in flames. There was no escape.
I killed him pretty quickly, but yeah the floor was mostly on fire by the time I did.
(post deleted by author)
This means you’ve completed Campaign Mode on at least 4 other hero classes. Having completed the Campaign, that means you have immediate access to Adventure Mode for any subsequent hero you create.
As soon as you completed the Campaign Mode on one of your heroes that hero, and every single hero you create in the same game mode (e.g. softcore, non-seasonal) afterwards, has access to Adventure Mode. So, you absolutely could have used this method with your Barbarian.
They’re both true because a level 1 hero has just a basic resource builder attack available to them, compared to a level 67 hero who has six abilities, one of which is likely to be a high multiplier resource spender doing hundreds of percent of your weapon damage.
For example…
Level 1 - Bash - 320% weapon damage
Level 2 - Hammer of the Ancients - 535% weapon damage
Level 12 - Seismic Slam - 620% weapon damage
Level 15 - Hammer of the Ancients + Smash - 640% weapon damage
Level 57 - Seismic Slam + Permafrost - 755% weapon damage
So, at level 1 you’re capable of hitting with 320% damage.
By level 67 you’re capable of hitting with 755% damage.
This is why it’s easier on the level 67 hero than the level 1 hero, as your attacks are doing 2.35 times as much damage.
If you read more of their posts you will see that they want to go through the game with each class in a classic style. “What people normally do in Seasons” is not relevant in this case for a couple of reasons:
- The standard procedure in starting a season is to go straight to Adventure mode with all followers and grab a weapon upgrade and go straight to Kuhl at L1. That works fine even at, say, Master difficulty. It looks like the OP is working story mode on each character so the option to mine the followers for weapons and meet ZK at L1 is not on the board - not because they are “stupid”, but because that’s not what they are looking for from the game at this point in time.
- It’s great you can fight ZK at any level whenever on season, but since they aren’t doing season, that doesn’t apply here. They were L67 when they got to ZK and that’s not a good level to be fighting a boss unless they have a weapon upgrade. They pointed out that they had plenty of legendaries from the other characters they’ve played before Barb, but they didn’t want to use them - i.e. they’re intentionally going through in a classic character-self-found-ish way that doesn’t match the pattern you are suggesting.
- Not everyone plays the game the same way. I usually don’t follow suggested procedures either because they have a dry clinical approach to min/max effective stats and they optimize out most play mechanics for the prospect of getting to an End Game state that I don’t find compelling. But, I’ve been around long enough to understand the differences and know how to interpret the standard wisdom about “how players think we should be doing things” against my own goals. This player is just starting out, doing things their own way, and doesn’t know - or care - how most people do things. Suggestions for this case need to be tailored to what they are looking to get out of the game, otherwise it is just you pushing your expectations on someone - and that’s on you, not them.
I’m not just starting out, I just don’t play D3 very often, but I never bother with min-maxing for the same reason I didn’t learn coding and write a trainer - it’s boring and takes all the fun out of it. All these guys saying “Ya but if you go directly to adventure mode on a new character you can jump immediately to Act 2 and kill the weaker bosses if you steal a weapon from a minion.” miss the entire point.
Getting past Kulle is as easy as opening up the menu, selecting “Easy”, and starting the game at the waypoint. That was never the objective.
What’s even worse is that most of the advice is “You can beat Kulle at level 1 at low difficultly why didn’t you do that?” like the meta is literally the only way to do it and anything else doesn’t make sense.
It’s like, my question is about getting good pizza in DC, and they all keep asking why I didn’t get Thai food in San Francisco 6 months ago.
Edit: Just dropping from Torment 1 to Master takes off 50m health off of him. I wonder how much -66 levels would remove?
I think there might be a bug with his slow time bubble. It use to just slow, but this season I noticed it actually literally freezes or stuns my character and I aren’t able to do anything for a second or two. Not sure about the bounty or act boss because I kill it so quickly, but definately noticed this during High Level GR and sometimes in rifts.
I have to say I didn’t know about this technique at all!
I might have to try it…
But I am curious… I find hard to believe that killing 1 boss, restarting the game, killing that 1 boss again a number of times yield a good number of XP per hour than, say, playing the game normally…
If you’re dying in this game then your gear sucks or your build isn’t synergizing…
If you’re playing an old build from 2 years ago, chances are, that build is trash now… I’d go so far to say that any build over 6 months old is basically useless garbage at this point in the games life.
They just patched the game a few weeks ago and all the old top-end builds are now mid-tier builds and there’s a whole new meta for every class build…
Ether way your best bet is to just farm rifts until you can do a GR and start getting mad legendary drops from that… put together a build that works and just continue to power creep your way up through the torment levels…
Use the website Icy Veins to find a build… they have the 5 or 6 best builds for every class on there.
At T1 you could quickly jump to T4 after you acquire 2 of your set pieces and some decent legendaries to fill other slots.
After you find 4 of your set pieces, maybe improve some legendaries you should be able to conquer T6 or 7… after you obtain your full set you should be able to do T10 - T11 no problem.
Then it’s just a matter of farming T10 until you mop up the rest of your BiS gear or just get existing gear with better rolls to do T13+
T16 requires your build to have all BiS items with good rolls, once you can farm T16 you’re looking for the same gear only ancient versions or primal ancient versions if you’re lucky enough.
And that’s Diablo III… have fun.
@OP take a look here:
Specifically section 2 which is about 1-70 leveling. It is geared towards Seasonal play, but you will find it of use, your skill choices are what is holding you back.
You don’t need min maxing until you’re pushing your gr limit. And you sure as don’t need min maxing when fighting ZK as he’s more the easier boss (Malthael is the only boss that sticks out as his damage is still quite decent compare to other bosses, and some of his skills being harder to dodge). You just set the difficulty level way over your head, and you’re wondering why you’re having trouble? That’s like you setting the difficulty to Torment 6 and wondering what’s going on.
And yes, like it was implied in some of the post here (sorry, didn’t read all). Difficulty jumps at level 61, and your gear starts losing its power faster as you get closer to 70.
Jesus Christ, I had no idea enrage timers were still in the game. FFS, you can thank Jay Wilson for implementing that. Enrage timers do NOT belong in an ARPG.
Why hasn’t this completely unnecessary mechanic been taken out by now? There is no reason you shouldn’t be able to kill a boss on whatever difficulty you choose. If you are skilled enough to do so, you should have that option.
This is one of the things that I can say was in Diablo 2 without worry about being called nostalgic or whatever. If you were good enough to kite the boss and not die, you felt good knowing you could do that. Why is it necessary to force the player to lower the difficulty in order to progress? Shouldn’t you reward skill and hard work rather than GG ez mode?
Blizzard, PLEASE remove enrage timers. Literally WTF?
Edit: Made a new character just to see this. I made it to the Skeleton king, and have been letting him wail on me for 10 minutes now, still no enrage…Only certain bosses enrage?
Or I’m intentionally playing a difficulty at the absolute maximum of what my character can handle.
I set it as high as I could handle. I wasn’t sure if it was the difficulty (since I could whittle at him and get him down to as low as 10 million health from 127) or something like an enrage timer.
Turns out, it was an enrage timer.
If you play a lot of HC you will quickly realise finding the correct difficulty level is trickier than it seems.
Sometimes everything seems fine and dandy for a while, you become over confident, and BAM, double elite with nasty affixes or attacks suddenly appear and you death proc twice in a row very quickly and meet a not so peaceful end…
OP, You made a big deal about playing the story mode on Torment 1 but then sort of insinuated that a level 1 character using adventure mode to get better loot was somehow unbalancing.
Well guess what. Here’s what is going to happen. You are level 67 in the middle of Act 2. Once you hit 70, the level scaling will stop. You have already unbalanced the game.
You will be rewarded with level 70 loot for the rest of the game. The monsters will not get harder but the loot you can craft and get from drops will be far greater than what you’ve been finding currently. Plus you will find better combos and builds that work with end game gear. A lvl 70 Rare axe has 3000+ dps for example.
Once you hit Level 70 you will also be receiving a ton of paragon levels which will continue to advance the power of your character while the monsters stay the same. Paragon is assigning skill points to key stats like Str, Life, Crit chance etc.
By the time you reach Act V the game will feel so freaking pedestrian because you’ll be doing so much insane damage that you are mopping the floor with anything that gets in your way without even thinking about it.
Personally I think you put WAY to much emphasis on the tutorial mode of this game. You may or may not know this but the real game doesn’t actually start till level 70. NRifts and greater rifts and grinding out paragon are constantly challenging your build and gear and providing you with new gear and content for hundreds and hundreds of hours to come after reaching 70.
Trust me dude you haven’t even started playing the game. SO don’t worry about it get to 70, dominate everything in story mode, then come join the rest of the world in the real game.
*Also seasons are the same as regular play except that you are temporarily separated from the normal players. You also get rewards for achievements during the few months you play like the class set of the season and special bonus world events.
Oh well then you’re just not playing Diablo III properly is all… that’s not how you do it… sorry. Blizzard’s already dictated to us how they want us to play the game, you’re just causing yourself problems on purpose…