So no matter what we write, you just do not listen?

Right. Above all, GoD is nothing special either and plays itself modestly.
with 3k para I can only play SOLO 115-120 without outbursts of anger. because if you have played speed runs in a group, you know how brainless and far too difficult that is in comparison.
in s21 I only knew one WD and we mostly looked for people for 30-60 min for 125. and after 3-6 games somebody is usually always left. replacement was also difficult to find. And that was actually pointless, because you get a lot more xp with GoDs in 114s.

and I don’t think much of the nerfs in the PVE game anyway. end-content should also be easy and even possible with “bad” build. in other games there is so much REAL END CONTENT that balance or other nonsense does not play a role. and players also have fun while playing. friend list is filled super quickly there.
that games that are almost as old as d3 have 10-20x or even a lot more active and REAL players online!


Acti Blizz made 6,489 Billion of $ income in 2019, so don’t even start with that argument like they could not afford to put more resource into the Classic Team and even make ONE good patch for D2 LoD that every D2 LoD fan waited for ages (increased screen resolution, auto pick up gold, stacking potions, runes)…


Just shut up man. You clearly have no clue about balance. All you care about is bigger numbers. To me it doesn’t matter whether sets are on 130 or 140, so long as they are consistent with all sets. The problem is that they haven’t been consistent with either the nerfs or the buffs. But for you it’s all about getting closer to 150 because it makes you tick in some sick twisted way.


Right, especially with D4 on the horizon… you would think they’d want to create some hype, because they definitely aren’t riding off the coat tails of the previous title at this point like last time.

I guess you probably say the same thing about players who completed Doom Eternal on Ultra Nightmare…

Being able to clear the END GAME content is Nothing wrong.

That’s the whole Point of every game, just because you and many others don’t get it, doesn’t mean you should not be able to complete the hardest GR in game after you spend enough time playing the game, not be stuck in 100-120 GR range forever, cause unlike probably you some players prefer to play solo instead of looking for hours to find a good 4 Man META group or just doing METAs all day long and faceroling 150 GR…

This game is over 8 years old and you STILL can’t reach the highiest GR SOLO unless you CHEAT your way out ot the top…

As others I want this game to be balanced, but not arround 120-130 GR if there’s clearly a 150 GR cap… :man_facepalming:

If you can’t beat a game on the hardest difficulty no matter how good you are at it and are forbiden to do it than that game is broken especially if it forces you to play one over the other and only awards those who play in groups rather than both SOLO and group play…


Yeah, but they do not get even that one right. I mean for monk any of true monk players would know how to balance it in class. Its not that hard to do.

Since 150 is 1.17^100 over 50 the average is not 75, its more 140ish :wink:

I did give so much feedback, its one year ago I started writing many things about monks situation and got almost only positive feedback on that. All mentioned things are still true and most things were not about pure balance, it was about glitches and rediculus restrictions on items. Even in the last days I opened 2-3 threads (just because I wanted to do one request per thread). I mean at some point they should realize that monks are squisy on almost every build.

Last time where monks got something they halved innas dmg per ally. Compared to TR right now it would still be 8 lvls under tr performance. Now they lift it to 950% (instead of 1500% on the ptr long ago which is still too less)

Der ganze faulty, keine Sorge :wink:

Let us do the changes, no time for them stolen (ok, maybe time to flick numbers somewhere into).

No, but usually they changed something in the patchnotes. E.g. PoJ was adjusted pretty fast when it first came out.

No problem for me - but if builds are 150 solo there is no way to further push. I’d balance it around 130 with some para (they said 5k) but they do not get it. I also could ask for buffs - but when all classes reach 150 solo with 3k para, what then? I mean pushing hard to get hardly one level is the only reason I played lately. I got my 133, I’m done. Right now I play starcraft because my friends do so.

I never played meta. I liked the time where I played with my inna wol (solo 120) together with a thrones crus, an impale DH and another wol monk 122-125 in a group where all people did dmg and all were solo under that level. I refuse playing zDps and one of my most important requests would be to remove any zdps from team games (or that it is not able to play higher lvl with z than if that player would take a dd).


especially modders do it in fewer hours a day in their free time!
if they only hire a REAL dev for $ 2000 salary, he can easily produce MUCH MORE than 100+ items per month. new monsters and skills are also included. they only need more people for new maps. but 3d tools are extremely powerful today. a single dev can do a lot here too!
if you simply compare what modders have done with d2 and remember ridiculous official “updates” … something is wrong from the front and back!


150 is really faceroll. If you can do 120 SOLO, you will be amazed the first time in 150 … because that is extremely easier and you don’t die either and you don’t have to constantly watch out for everything. that is so ridiculed!
I don’t even talk about much more bonus exp and much more damage in a group.


I too enjoy nothing more than to play with others that dps, not zbuilds. I never play meta groups and get tired of 98% of people around me wanting to or saying I should.

Since season is close to the end and I hit past my personal goal on many classes, I geared up a gen monk to dabble with as it’s been years since I’ve played it. Squishy as heck! I usually play more tanky builds and don’t die that much at all but I’m learning how to die with this guy :sunglasses:

Yeah, because we all like to run 150 in 2 minutes in the future, ofc dude. Lets only buff. I mean, everything is getting fixed and balanced by just adding 1 or 2 zeros behind the dmg values.

Balance, i guess, should be something like all builds should be in the same g’rift level like all other builds. i mean that would be best case scenario (not likely). But if there are some builds that are WAY BETTER (like sader atm) it should be balanced and adjusted to other builds strength. if that is what you call crying just because your fanboy build is getting nerfed, how about just sitting in the next corner and just cry for yourself. Balancing doesn’t mean to buff only.


I never said they couldn’t increase the Classic team…I said it was with the Classic team which is currently smaller than the original D3 dev team and with that expectations should be tailored so.

Just cause they don’t respond with anything, does not mean they don’t listen. But this is nothing new. Be it WoW or this game. And since they focus on D4, don’t expect too much from this.
However, I miss, personally, the days, where they would communicate some more than they do now.

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Yeah, but thats the mistake :wink: And yeah, they do not comment but they also do not do anything


you think they’re in the same room as you? They have to give you updates every 5 minutes? Not even going to give them time to work on the ptr? Get outta here.

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Well, there is alot of heat in here, so i’ll try and choose my words carefully.

I agree with the frustrasjon over bad balancing of items. But if i May, the main reason i think for why its hard for the devs to balance items is because they dont make a controlled enviroment for testing.

insted of coping char from live server, they could just:(on ptr)

  • Disable paragon past 1000.
  • lock GEMS at 100
  • give 1 char per class at level 70

That way they would have a base line to work from when trying to balance items.

When someone used 10K paragon they shatter the boundries for most players and its hard to determen how powerfull a set/item is.


did you actually read what i wrote? No, i do not want 5 mins updates, i want some changes of long requested things (year old bugs eg). Nothin happens, thats what im talking about. If you are not able to read or understand its not my fault

i like your approach :wink: i even would find it ok to go massively down with dmg, no problem with that - but pls balanced in a fine way


I agree, but I think it’s not a pure sum but a weighted sum where the weight comes from how much a build is played.

So, I think classes with popular farm builds and popular speed grift builds end up with higher push builds after “balancing”.

No matter HOW they do balance it’s borked.

every damn time i see these post i wait for the only person with some sort of a brain to respond. ALWAYS ask for buffs not nerfs. they will place more set ups in the trash than ones on a shrine. PLEASE always ask for buffs.

im still waiting for sac dogs to come back. :slight_smile:

Not sure how long it would take to make the changes that others are wanting. If they are just a few numbers tweaks then yeah that is a problem. But if it is more than just a few tweaks in numbers. Where you need to make whole changes to how sets work or adding in other items to buff certain skills then that would take longer to do.

I also think that there are those that are on the PTR as well as live that have higher than 5k paragon and have really good gear.

Yes the style of business as usual. You see nothing wrong with that?