Solution to the crusader 150

One chinese player cleared a 150 GR on PTR with 3 rank 150 legendary gems and 144 hours played with crusader on PTR…

Second crusader on leaderboards only cleared a 141 GR…

Serioulsy just like some forum poster already suggested PTR should have few things capped:

  • Paragon at 1000
  • Legendary Gems at 100

I would also add caping caldesans at 100 on PTR…

This would make balancing much easier as most players can reach paragon 1000, have rank 100 legendary gems or make caldesans rank 100…

This would definately stop all this non sense where a player with 10000+ paragon on non season cleared a 150 GR Solo and suddenly everyone looses their minds or even 3000 paragon in season usually benfiting from season theme and even if not it doesn’t matter, cause there are people that don’t spend over 10-16h a day in front of a game just to brag later how great players they are, cause they’re in TOP5 of leaderboards… :roll_eyes:

Class sets should be balanced based on how strong each build is at 1000 paragon, with max 100 rank legendary gems and 100 rank caldesans…

Honestly I would have nothing against if any build could clear a 110-120 GR with the above requirements only…