So no matter what we write, you just do not listen?

So what info do you got? Or is it just in your head?

I was privy too some of the player-developer Wizard conversations. I cannot say which, of course. Plus I’ve been on several of the Tavern Talks. I was the guy who got UA made functional, and ABB switched from a Ring to a bracer. I also got LOD moved to 2nd gem drop. Other handfuls of changes.

Anyway, long story short, no, they generally do not listen. I’ve been talking to them for 10 long years. As bad as the actual D3 dev team was(although I really liked John Yang, his passion for Diablo shone through), the Classic team is worse. Have had no contact there at all.

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So basically you don’t know anything and just type in something without able to provide any proof.
You even trash talk them, saying they are bad.

I know they guy who did Wizards, Don Vu, made a lot of bad set designs that have been tweaked over and over and still don’t work. His idea of fun was tormented mechanics that would unfun and, in about 50% of cases, physically damaging to player.

As for the over-all, top down view, there was considerable lack of leadership from the top saying “This is what we’re gonna do for itemization.” on many separate occasions. I think D3 had three head develepers. I’m sure You have heard of Jay Wilson. That there was Josh Misquara, who did the ROS launch, and then I think Wyatt Cheng took it over.

And now you don’t stick to your original explanation and make another one. Yet again have no proof of what you were saying.
Neither have I ever seen you on here about the socalled changes you said you were behind. You just ramble cause you want to be right…

I’m sorry, It doesn’t sound like you have the background or experience to have a discussion with me.

Nevermind. BUt here’s what you need to know. They do not listen to the community.

So when I ask you to provide evidence on your claim to know Blizzard and you say you have been in contact with them and the socalled claims of you changing in game items, you back out and say I don’t have the experience to debate with you? Yeah, you were called out and cannot defend yourself. Glad others could get the chance to see this, since all you were doing was bashing on some people you don’t even know.

They got rid of the old forum. He can dig on, but it will be difficult to prove anything from 3+ years ago.

Even this gap is too wide. I like playing Blessed Shield, but no one would drop their 140+ exp runs down to 130+ runs… so it seldom gets played.

Really, all sets and their builds should be within 5GRs. Some sets, like Seekers, only supports a single damaging skill, with little to no shared legendary items, it should be super easy to get it right.

I suggested they double the current 6pc bonus from 15,000% to 30,000%. That thread had a bunch of likes, let’s see if they listen, err… believe their loyal fans’ feedback is worthy for implementation.

With the replies he gave, it indicates he just rambled on to want to be correct in his statement. However, no one knows how much they “listen”, unless you actually spoken to them or work for them.

And the entire “I don’t want to discuss cause of your background/experience”, while he does not even know whom I am… That is a… Mistake

Like I said, I really don’t care what you think, because you a) have not a clue and b) because you didn’t know how to find the proof, when it was clearly find-able.

Suggestion: Make an "Easy" way to acquire Legacy of Dreams quickly

you could even find the tavern talk if you wanted too, that’s around somewhere too. I mean, I could find it quicker, but you’ve wasted enough of my time.

 Good luck to you, friend.

For someone not caring, you spend a lot of time searching and replying. Might not be a good idea to lie so much. Weren’t you done with discussing with me? Cause you know so much about me and my background and my experience…

Ps : making a post on this forum does not automatically means they took your idea…
And your Twitter link shows no indications of you making the bracer YOUR idea. It only shows donvu replying that it will become a bracer next patch…

And for the future = the one stating something is the one in need of providing proof if someone else calls him out for nonsense. Not the other way around.

They definitely listen when they explicitly ask for information. The GoD set came out of a threads Nev posted in gen forum, where someone said Strafe, another guy said Generators, and I said Bolas/Hungering Arrow:

Fun/underrated builds? - #23 by Bovie-1787

For this PTR, they write this:

Class Changes: To ensure that the most significant class changes receive an ample amount of attention, we’d love for you to focus testing and feedback on the Wizard changes around Etched Sigils and Hydras, the Crusader’s Steed Charge build, and the Witch Doctor’s Crazy Chicken build.

No monk, barb or necro feedback requested. That comes with this:

  • When providing feedback, focus less on a solution and more on your experience. How did the changes make you feel? Was there something “off” that you noticed? Did something seem wrong or insufficient? Suggestions are always welcome but identifying the issues themselves is most important.

Avoid solutions, but give suggestions because they are welcomed? Okay.

When dealing with ANYTHING in my life, if you put stuff in front of me, directly ask me about it, and I see there is a problem, I’ll tell you what is wrong, but I’ll also tell you how to make it better because your inquiry signaled that you aren’t sure about it and need help. (Unless of course it is Rhetorical, how about them Yankees?)

The same thing applies in a PTR, I’ve been asked to look and there is doubt caused by incorrectly programmed item power.

I am pragmatic, I am a solutions guy — that’s why I test the stuff myself and write threads with a number comparisons.

I empathize with anyone else who does the same thing. Blizz has prefaced their PTR instructions with language that indemnifies itself from criticism for not implementing common player voiced solutions. So they can listen, but not implement.

I can agree on, that they are not the BEST at listening. Plenty of advice for both WoW and D3 was made, and many of those were even great.
They could do a better job at it. Hopefully in D4, without losing themselves into listening too much.

However, proclaiming you are the one making changes in this game based upon a post, like the guy, is simply odd. On top of that saying you got insider intel on how much they don’t listen based upon some tavern talks and a couple of Twitter posts, says nothing.
And the entire " I don’t wanna discuss with you based upon your background and experience", when the person does not even know me… Rather offputting in a debate like this.

That’s fair, they do sometimes implement feedback from the community on the PTR, but it is very rare and I’d probably argue happenstance.

Shall we make a little bet? Wizard are incredibly pissed off with the changes to ES and WF ->Hydra interaction. That all sucks. We asked for WF to be more simple and streamlined (Really? Frost nova, Blizzard, AND Hydra?) and we told them ES should be reverted and just increase channeling damage instead of all damage.

I bet we will get none of this. Whatcha think? Shall we set the Stakes?

How about I make a thread they DO listen to feedback, and you can admit they don’t listen to feedback. I’d be ridiculously happy to be proven wrong, though. Kinda win-win for me.

Not really considering you never proven any of the claims you made.
Also stating things like :

Indeed a win-win for those reading.

Basing a game mostly around getting lucky with item stats and amount of time grinding your class character is only entertaining for so long. The PTR is used to quantify how theme and tweaks to classes adds to play style diversity. I hope the season with the clones makes for more interesting play style no matters ones class.

i like that point, ok. But then the question is why do they make other changes than those they wanna focus? And why are bugs and glitches still part of the game? I mean some of my feedback is older than a year and simply nothing happened. Its ok to say we only want point x but actually its not tgat hard to do some more, its just adjusting numbers in the first case. Just an exaple: even inna on 1500% each ally os proven to be round 10 grift lvl weaker than current tr spec ( no matter what build). Proven since 1500 was part of a ptr some time ago. I can confirm that with my pushing. So why is there a patch that lifts the dmg to 950% each ally? That really doesnt make any sense. The gungdo buff same way, uliana is way worse than inna gen or wol. Its just 2 examples where it is really easy to say they dont do their job. And btw: defense upgrades for monks are requested since years.

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This will cut a lot braindead clears.
Delete IP and Sanctuary from the game on the beggining (wont happen but id love to see all them 150 “dps” without all this pathetic buffs from barbs and monks.

Cut monk heal abilities to 1/3 current value.
Make IP not spammable with lower dr.
Delete Cyclone from the game. Delete Sanctuary from the game
Never-ever do things like Savage (2).

Force players to use balance between damage and survi in high content.

Let monsters be dangerous creeps instead “dummies waiting for death”.

Or at least redesign skills with whole party mega buffs.

Bring back balls to monks and barbs cuz its not worth to deal any dmg with this two classes. (lol two most iconic warrior classes are just running buffs without ability to kill anything)

Just few ideas to make this game less bad in party play.

sry for my eng

Wanna play GR 150? Deal damage and take care about your (at least basic) survi or go play lower tier if u cant - this will be ideal in bad designed game like D3 where there’s no PvP, just random PvM and one right builid per class each era and without trade.

Its to late for D3 to make PvP content so dont be so much excited also, game’s not worth it anymore.

@ Topic - there’s no reason also to cry about top solo clears balance, its actually only one content i enjoy, when i try compete with bots and cookie-eaters. I dont expect anything and im taking what they give, thats it (currently god dh, in next patch bomba sader, simple as that, at least SOMETHING is change’d and there’s new patch)

lol d3, hope i didnt offtop much and i wasnt very bitter

Go work for Blizzard if think you’re so good.

There is nothing that gives any one of us the right to expect Blizzard to comply with anything we say on these forums. But they do read our suggestions, and will perhaps in time implement them.

But software development isn’t easy, and takes time. Every time a suggestion is made on these forums, someone does read it. One of the community moderator members (“Blues”) perhaps? I do believe if they think those proposed changes are good, then it will be passed on to the developers for internal implementation and testing. And only then if it works internally will it maybe make it’s way into PTR or even final patch release.

Yes, you are correct. Every voice matters.

But if you throw a tantrum and complain about why your ideas “are being ignored”, then they’ll never listen to you.

So get off your entitled high horse and accept that just because your ideas have been read, you do not have the right to expect them to be implemented because you said so.



All they need to do is buff the sets and the associated skills/legendary that go with each set until they balance with the leading sets.
All of the sets, yes all sets buffed, are really not that balanced still. Still underpowered.

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