So do we want more changes or not?

This conversation is actually making me laugh, not because I think you’re wrong per se but still just funny.

I don’t think the idea of a double negative applies here… at least in this context.

The simple fact is only 39% of players chose the option to keep the game FFA only.

Everyone else was unsure or wanted the addition of one of two proposed personal loot options added that differ in their precise implementation.

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You have provided your full post for trying to make a weak excuse for the typical “out of context” bs. You only forget that you was talking from 2 different thing in your post.

If they make personal loot and FFA an option in lobby creation , all can play the way they want and everybody is happy


The only thing it could work with ploot is seperate realm. Mostly amateurs going to take ploot system what means economy there is going to much weaker. What we long time players dont want to be part of it.


I still don’t think you can just clump those people into somehow wanting a personal-loot option just because “yes” is in the sentence. You can reword that many different ways, and a double-negative doesn’t mean the opposite in this case I think it’s more of an exception. For example “Do you want something terrible to happen to you?”, “No, not unless all my family gets a million dollars”, doesn’t equate to “Yes, I want something terrible to happen to me”.

I still see no reason for there to be a tradeoff, especially “less drops”, unless you count personal-loot is an option being a tradeoff. I guess we’ll agree to disagree on this one.

Hm. I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from still… To me you are interpreting that like “Yes, personal-loot should be in the game and yes, there needs to be a tradeoff”. I’m just reading it as “Yes, but only if there is a tradeoff… otherwise no”. Anyway…

AGREED! and a oceanic SERVER!!!

And loot filter serves the basic game goal: it allows me to pick items that I want to pick. It just makes it comfortable. Like shared stash does with muling.

no for me.

ii am happy about the numerous small improvements (most players probably dont even notice) , but bigger things do not have to be.

its not a wish concert. this is not d3. this is not d4.
this is an old classic . you cant deal with it then go. jesus.

Im curious, did you get mad when 1.10 came out? Or 1.12? Or 1.13 Or 1.14? The game will always be improved and thats a good thing.

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Could you somehow make on other way to have loot filter? No. Its a full change how the game works. You could always make mules but you could never do something (legaly) to have an loot filter like outcome. Thats why lootfilter has no place in the game.

Could you somehow make respec in 1.09? No. Thats why respec has no place in the game.
Could you somehow make skill synergy in 1.09? No. Thats why skill synergy has no place in the game.
Could you somehow make an assassin in 1.04? No. Thats why an assassin has no place in the game.

You only forgetting that devs already told the game base is going to be 1.14.

So they had to do 1.15 with QoL and than make Remaster on 1.15. Purists’ logic is fantastic.
When 1.13 with respec arrived purists cried too?
And yes - 1.13 is based on 1.12, and 1.12 has no respec.

  • They ruined Diablo 2!
  • You bastards!

No they dont need to do. What they promised is: 1.14 with smal QoL but staying so close to the original (1.14) as possible.

That is irrelevant what they have done back there. Currently amateurs crying for endless respec like in diablo 3.

I know its hard to understand. D2R was promised as 1.14 with small QoL changes but staying so close to the original (1.14)as possible. Thats what was promised and thats what you get when you bought the game.

Sarcasm wont going to help you to dumb down the game to casual levels.

I’m out. Not only Paladin has Fanaticism apparently.

Not a big loss for me.

I bought the game for what they promised. If you bought the game to change it to your flavor that is not my problem.

i think making a second realm with more QOL would be great.
if they do , quiet a lot of my friends would play as well (they can’t stand the toxicity of what diablo 2 community is now, which i understand)

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Something to note. When they post about offline single player, they did say players will have to login online for updates. While these updates could just be for security or ladder updates to new season, it does seem like if offline might want to update, that they do plan on post launch content patches.

It could be bug fixes or changes to maintain compatibility with operating systems.

Personally, I hope it is more.