So do we want more changes or not?

He is just spam. Now they want each person in ploot to get a unique from a boss.

They never played the game for more than a week where 1000 runs nets you 2 items.

There ploot is an excuse for more drops

They need to makes changes and updates. Game died for a reason. Like so many Character skills, yet we only cast like 2-3 skills. They need to buff most skills because most of skills are useless and does nothing. That way there are more different builds. Tired of seeing same old typical D2 character build.

I would rather it stay one realm, but even with 2 separate realms the community split would still be half of that of current D2! :slight_smile:

As some others have suggested in other threads the best way to have both worlds, and to please everybody is to have separate realms for different playstyles. Current D2 has 32 different splits:
US East
Classic Softcore Ladder
Classic Softcore Non-Ladder
Classic Hardcore Ladder
Classic Hardcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Softcore Ladder
Expansion Softcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Non-Ladder
US West
Classic Softcore Ladder
Classic Softcore Non-Ladder
Classic Hardcore Ladder
Classic Hardcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Softcore Ladder
Expansion Softcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Non-Ladder
Classic Softcore Ladder
Classic Softcore Non-Ladder
Classic Hardcore Ladder
Classic Hardcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Softcore Ladder
Expansion Softcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Non-Ladder
Classic Softcore Ladder
Classic Softcore Non-Ladder
Classic Hardcore Ladder
Classic Hardcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Softcore Ladder
Expansion Softcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Non-Ladder

In D2: R since they are going to have global servers then they could make one realm that is just like current D2 1.14d(Ladder only content on Ladder only, FFA Loot, etc. Same D2, but with the current minor QoL added). Make another realm that goes crazy with changes(Ladder only content on Ladder and Non-Ladder, Personal Loot, Loot filters, etc.). Some people might say, “Well, this will only split the community more!” Actually, it’s less split than current D2. Like I said above, current D2 has 32 different splits. The two realms I suggested only has 16 different splits:
D2: R Purist realm - Keep everything as close to og D2 1.14d as possible
Classic Softcore Ladder
Classic Softcore Non-Ladder
Classic Hardcore Ladder
Classic Hardcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Softcore Ladder
Expansion Softcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Non-Ladder
D2: R Changes realm - Have so many changes that people who want these changes can go crazy with all their optional toggles for Personal Loot, etc.
Classic Softcore Ladder
Classic Softcore Non-Ladder
Classic Hardcore Ladder
Classic Hardcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Softcore Ladder
Expansion Softcore Non-Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Ladder
Expansion Hardcore Non-Ladder

Personally, I don’t see a problem with splitting up 2 realms(Purist realm, Changes realm) because this way everyone can be happy because people will play whatever realm they want to play without one, or the other getting their way, and not the other.

I’d prefer to see the NHAM bug fixed, but other than that I’d be happy with things as they are.

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noone tells u to even buy this game or play it :man_facepalming: