So D4 is going to have a battle pass

Diablo 4 MUST find a way to get income after games are sold. Otherwise we will end up with another dead game like D3.

You can’t just continue to add new content without a revenue stream. New content is expected these days, so they need a way to continue to fund the game.

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What do you mean you can’t play DI without buying a battle pass? Does the game block you to play certain content or progress? :thinking:

Especially when making modern games are not cheap at all in present. Can’t expect to throw 2 years’ worth of content just for a $60~%70 price tag.

Do a damned subscription model then. Would rather have that and be able too play at my own speed with out the stress of FOMO.


I would be fine with a paid Battle Pass if it had unlimited time too complete and they would never be pulled off the store. 20 seasons in and a friend wants too start playing they can do the season 1 Battle Pass regardless, and all paid Battle Passes should be in the storefront indefinitely. This would at least eliminate the FOMO.

The premium currency bullcrap needs too burn in the deepest recesses of the Burning Hells. Dammit Blizzard if you are intent on selling cosmetic items just sale them for real world currency so people don’t feel exploited by an arbitrary and muddied currency system.

Truly though the best thing would be not too do Battle Passes or premium currencies. Sell cosmetics if you must but have most of it earnable through gameplay. Personally I think paid cosmetics should only be sold when raising money for charities or disaster relief with 100% of profits from those sells going too said charities/relief efforts.

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If the proceeds of the battlepass goes to financially support the devs and their employer then I’ll gladly take two please.

And if any of the anti-profit cult would like to produce their own game where your devs work for free, and the game is given away for free, and any DLCs/battlepasses are given away for free, then I’ll gladly take one game please.


Can BPs contain new content as in DLCs, classes, expansions? Because if so, they will have unlimited time to pruchase.

My personal opinion only but I say, don’t leave season model behind completely. I’d still prefer seasons. I know that battle pass is more profitable and all but I rather have long seasons rather than short living battle pass stuff.

If battle pass gonna be unpreventably part of the game, then it better work with seasons. Think battle pass like a ticket for 2-3 matineé of theater, and disperse its tasks on the season journey equally. It’s a great way to diverse the tasks by advancement or difficulty so you can get better metrics.

Of course they did. Just look at how much money they made off of Micro transactions and battle passes on DI.

IF they can continuously update the game and provide updates and make the game NOT paytowin garbage like DI, then i can live with that for diablo 4.

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thet better make it so you can earn enough “battle pass points” in one full battle pass so you can buy the next one free.

like Cod and battlefield.

best would be to keep it out, but not happening

People here acting over dramatic.

Every live service game has mtx! Most have battlepass.

If you refuse to play a game because it has cosmetic mtx, or/ and battlepass, then you can stop playing any live service games or gaming in general and pick a new hobby like gardening.

Last epoch , PoE, touch light you name them, they all have or will have mtx and probably battlepass.

If they price industrial rate, which is 5-10 bucks , it’s 10 bucks over 3 months. And optional!

The drama over 3bucks per month optional cosmetic? You expect them to give free cosmetic and content every season?

You cannot have your cake and eat it. Mtx cosmetic + battlepass is best middle ground for continuous contents and support and no p2w.

If you buy a car, you will still be expected to play for servicing and navigation updates.

If you ask, why should you pay more for something you already bought!?

Wel you don’t have to. It’s for extra goodies. You can choose not to!

Without continuous revenue source , and that people here claimed Blizzard are greedy, then the reasoning will be that they will pull resources and direct it to DI and other more profitable games. So you guys want it to happens?

Trust me, I wish all the cosmetics are free, and blizzard paid me and assign a baby-sitter/ cook while I play all day.

But we got to be realistic. Without generating enough revenue post sales, we know what will happen….

I guess the days of buying a game, and getting the full game, are over.


Gosh how on earth did the gaming industry ever possibly survive and even massively grow before all this “monetization” crap came into existence?

You do make a good point about blizzard just moving on to trash phone games if they can’t get enough gullible players to fleece over and over again. But that just proves blizzard is indeed being greedy and should fail.

How did we get to the point where now paying for the same game over and over and over again is just the expectation? Gaming doesn’t have to be this way. Stop spending money on games that do this.


Also where does it says we are all asking for a game with regular updates and live service. We are expecting a playable game on launch, with minimal bugs that gives us fun for a few weeks to months and then if extra content, release a one time pay DLC that lets players decide if worth it or a big expansion. Rather not continuous content, as this kind of content that ruins a game.

I am not looking for another game with a buff/nerf cycle to keep the ADHD addicted going at cost to whole game like D3 is and where game never moves forward, since it does not fit the money making philosophy. This was Diablo, not just another online money maker esports endgame meta game. WAS.


Shutdown the franchcise? Yes please, and then wyatt the janitor can turn the lights off when the last abused or abuser leaves. Rotten fish do not suddenly spring to life. They continue rotting from the head down

I will need the option to turn off cosmetics for other players! Characters running around in over the top armour and glowing angel wings puts a real damper on my immersion.

As for the battle pass, like what other people have already stated, if it unlocks cosmetic rewards I don’t mind it. But I am an adult with a live to live, I don’t have time to spend harcore gaming for one season instead my time playing is spread out and so I will not be buying Diablo IV if I have to buy a subscription just to play the game!

Please Blizzard, don’t kill the game I’ve spent a lifetime loving.


D4 best description:
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$

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you quit everyday. if not at least once a week. what else is new. no one cares

Actually if it doesn’t include some playable content they might as well make it a bundle. If it’s like those XXXX of the month clubs and most of what they send you is unwanted what’s the point?

I sincerely doubt that would be an option. If anything I would think they would rather intentionally make sure people with MTX visuals get paired with those without for the added advertisement.

MTX and cosmetic focused seasonal passes is becoming the norm rather than the exception, so seems like an unfair stance towards D4 specifically.

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