So D4 is going to have a battle pass

I might not buy D4 if the battle pass is part of it.

In Immortal the new season is just a battlepass season.

I thought the talk about seasons in D4, was actual seasons where we start over.

Things are getting pretty weird now for D4.


can you imagine how gaudy and goofy and disgustingly colorful the shop Wings will look after the 2nd month and they have to keep one-upā€™ing the last $20 wings they sold that were hot pink Tyreal wings. Then they pull out some rainbow glittter wings. And eventually at the end of month 2 what can they do but add Strobing colors and circus swirlsā€¦

and eventually after 2 months you canā€™t go anywhere in the game without seeing some naked barbarian in pink hotpants with Diablo Demon horns and a giant butchers axe dripping with blood and guts and heā€™s wearing glitter rainbow butterfly wingsā€¦ Everywhere you go itā€™s just a neon las vegas strip of every crayola colorā€¦


On a second note; where is the blog they promised us to explain the monetization model of Diablo 4? Do we really have to wait 'till september to hear all of this with some filler?

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I think now is the time for them to start pumping out information more.
How about something every month instead of every 3 months.

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When asked Community Manager said either at the oncoming quarterly update blog or before that, they would reveal the monetization model that they hesitate to speak about.

So far, the leak looks fine for me but Iā€™d like an official word. Also offering the most item including pack as the cheapest option didnā€™t really ring a bell for me. Whatā€™s the catch? Short term Battle Pass to replace long ongoing seasons when people keep picking that option or it already did? Perhaps, we wonā€™t see such cosmetic content for cheap and they will include it on a DLC?
Wellā€¦ I know Iā€™m giving them ideas but whatever. I just want some official word about the monetization model.

Why does Blizzard have to paint themselves in a bad light?
Free to play use season passesā€¦ Just looks bad looking extra greedy which less are surprised about after DIā€¦

Yea, that is my main concern. Cosmetics are fine and all, I do not really like having to buy currency and would rather just pay for them. I suppose it depends on how much the premium battle pass would cost as well. Like I said I feel they really need to tone some of this stuff down. A battle pass for a non f2p game just looks bad, but lots of games do it.

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Too many cherries. Whales have to smoke the lard. Though they will support the game for the rest of us so idk.

It would sure be funny if they started selling Fortnite style emotes and dance moves

Canā€™t wait to see what it looks to see your barb dancing to whatever crap is popular on tik tok at the moment

Nice and I hope all (or most) of you guys will buy a D4 battle pass or else you will see D4 and its expansion got canned for not being a profitable title.

Buying D4 Battle Pass will also prove to Blizzard that you guys prefer D4 monetization over DI monetization, thus will affect the monetization of the future Blizzard next game. So this is your chance to tell Blizzard what you guys wanted.

Boycotting D4 and refusing to buy D4 BP is not an option because this will only send a strong message to Blizzard that the Diablo franchise is no longer a thing thus they should shelve it forever.

If monetization means more post-launch content (and more frequently), Iā€™m all for it.

I also enjoy the DI BP, gives you goals to work towards as well as resources to spend.

Spell skins is something I REALLY want to see.

I wonā€™t buy D4 if it is pay for boxed game and pay to play. I DGAF about cosmetics, if others want to buy them great. Having to pay for ā€œseasonalā€ access or whatever they will call it is a hard no from me.

I held off on even installing D:I to see how bad or not the P2W aspect was and it took 1/3rd of the time I thought it would to reveal it for the garbage it is. I now have zero interest in ever playing it.

Is a great disappointment that they are considering what is even more offensive for D4.


I will not buy D4 if you need a battle pass to play similar to D:I as I had uninstall D:I as I cannot play unless I buy a battle pass.


Battlepass shouldnā€™t be behind a paywall, I mean 60$ for the game itself should include the gameā€¦ Blizz has become to greedy, shame they trashed their old good reputation with this BS.


Itā€™s not just Blizz, but the entire industry that is doing this. Some companies, however, are better than others at it. Part of it is from inflation fears, but then, there is this: The pandemic forced people to think of different ways to create and distribute revenue. This seems to be the companyā€™s answer and solution to the problem.

Welcome to the new normal. Some of us may not survive, but in the end, what doesnā€™t kill us, makes us stronger and more successful.

Wow, just wow!

This is the first time I consider NOT buying Diablo IV, since I dont want to feed that predatory company.

To be true, in Immortal i considered buying first battlepass after completing it, so I dont waste money, but when I finished the bp I decided to not buy and therefore stay full freeplayer, since I dont want to give a positive signal to Immortals predatory monetesation behavior.

But ingame battlepass on a full prce title, then even a paid bp and ingame currecy ā€¦ man, maybe I decide skip this game (full of tears). This is the first time, that I am no longer 100% sure, if I would buy D4 or not.

I hope they get enough bad feedback to at least change this detail and delete bp and ingame currency.

I get, they would prefer to let us pay an abo like in wow, but they know they cannot do that. But this is such an ugly move. I want to play D4 so badly, but I dont want to support such a greed.

This is a fu***ng full price title! So it should be enough to pay that price!
If you are greedy, then learn from PoE, sell cosmetics and stash for real money, but dont bother with battlepass and ingame currency!!!

You know, what I like in D3? It dont forces me to play dayli! I can play, when I want and can stop for weeks without having the feeling to miss some goodies. A bp that forces nearly dayli play is some kind of stress and I dont want a game, that stresses me.


If will be better if D4 will follow D3 with seasonal theme update than I will decide to buy D4 without battle pass.

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As long as itā€™s purely cosmetic I donā€™t care so much, just hope that battle pass will have less daily quests and more ā€œlong termā€ ones (e.g. weekly or monthly), more or less as journeys in d3 seasons.

The battlepass in DI brings no value.

Iā€™m not against paid seasons if they bring value and are affordable like a movie: $1-$5 would be appropriate. $5 x 30 millions players x 5% conversion rate = $7,5 millions, which is enough to produce great seasons.


Marketers want to maximize your presence online in order to

  • trigger the payment funnel
  • monopolize your brain
  • avoid competition

But there are other ways.

Stories-On-Demand is one of them.

So what can you do with a battle pass?